The Chaos War V0.7 RELEASED

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Its ok Kinda hard to Work with everyone trying to rip off the others scrotum with there teeth...... But i do like The masked one Nice Detail on the armor i really like it And the shadowed hoods very good :grin:
ambushed the masked one somehow managed to kill all but him.... he single handedly killed me and the rest of my army  :sad: but then I decided to see if the make peace amount was srill in the trillions but it was just 250 Im now a dark legion lord  :grin:
XD I have a Fight with the Masked one  (Cheats on 9999 Strength) Took Forever...T_T But hes my prisoner now....Wonder if there will be ransom 0.0
I spen hours collecting the most powerful companions and a large army of super elite soldiers managed to ambush hialone again and the he still annialates everyone  I MUST HAVE DOOM SOWRD can someone send me a link for its dowload or something its a vendetta now :evil:
If your a cheating person just to see what hapens spam Ctrl+alt F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4 F4  ect....
*Yikes....well then ...Crap what the heck do we get out of this guy jeez
Lol i know right i need some help with implmenting armor and weapons in the game just a simple task i guess but idk were to put them and i need to learn how to create them and change the stats on a few.
got an even larger army to kill him and fortanetly got him  :twisted: thanks to the meat sheild northern spearmen and dead eye archers took forever though and he escapes after defeat :evil:
okoice said:
it dont work.

Care to expand upon that? I tell you what, if you carry on with an attitude like that around the forum, it'll get you nowhere, except flamed and possibly even banned - make peoples lives easier and be pleasent  :smile:
i downloaded the mod and because i liked the look of it and i was given a notebook.rar file, what do i do with it????
extract the contents of the RAR file into your mount and blade Module folder. there is a tutorial in this sub-forum somewhere
idied23 said:
R.I.P The Chaos War MOD, Maybe one day i will mod something of this expertise, but not anytime soon.

If you want to trawl through the records it isn't hard to see that this mod was and has always been about  imporoving our skills. No one on the dev team had any previous modding expirience and look at us now, we get to be a mod in a sub forum haha.

The point is, keep at it and you'll get here :wink:
killop5 said:
idied23 said:
R.I.P The Chaos War MOD, Maybe one day i will mod something of this expertise, but not anytime soon.

If you want to trawl through the records it isn't hard to see that this mod was and has always been about  imporoving our skills. No one on the dev team had any previous modding expirience and look at us now, we get to be a mod in a sub forum haha.

The point is, keep at it and you'll get here :wink:

So what did you do for this mod? code? model? texture?
can you give a few pointers? and link me to were mbfreak got the invasion code if he got it from somewhere, god i hate sounding like a beggar.
Well, the forums search function will solve most of those issues for you. I worked as a moddler and self-proclaimed (i.e. unofficial) community manger. I also helped fix some of the bugs we had from v0.1 -> 0.5.

Really, I advise going to the forge and looking at all the tutorials there are. This is a very active modding community so there are lots of people willing to help.
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