Tailor Foreman /exploration of new world

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I've really got into the crafting features, I have a Blacksmith, Carpenter, Church and Tailor on the go,

I was wondering where the Tailor foreman/overseer is located as I can't seem to find anyone but the apprentice sat in the corner weaving away. I've looked all around the tannery and can't seem to see one there either?

On the Church I had the same issue until I went up the spiral staircase and found him near the door of the "upper church". But I can't seem to find one on the Tailor's scene.

Great work it's really in depth, i'm thoroughly enjoying this mod now i've properly got into it's features, I even went to the New World with a Caraval and 20 men and came back with my inventory full of Aztec treasure.  Are there any mines/forests that can be harvested in the New World?

Also I have been having a lot of trouble running out of resources there, I saved an Aztec village from bandits (Cathars who had somehow managed to cross the sea and menace a tiny village on the end of the earth) and took the supplies they offered me though it was just a fancy ring. There didn't seem to be any way to get any food or water, no one to trade with whatsoever even after helping a village out.

Edit: the master weaver has magically appeared! I'm not sure why he disappeared from the scene for some reason.
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