Silly Question

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I am sorry for this waste of a topic on these forums, but I was just wondering whether or not it was possible to change your own faction color in the Europe 1200 mod in Warband.

As I currently have taken out the Emirate of the Banu Ghaniya, and control those two islands, the fact that I am red, and that Aragon and England are both almost the exact color as I, it get's confusing as if I wish to continue my conquest, there will be three nations with the same color fighting each other.
It's just somewhat bothersome as I have to research each town to know where its allegiances are.
no, if it was possible it would be in a thread, of course you should cheak the threads before you post a thread  :lol:. anyway. as a good player you should already know whats under your control and whats not. simple gameplay.  :roll:
1gameboyc said:
no, if it was possible it would be in a thread, of course you should cheak the threads before you post a thread  :lol:. anyway. as a good player you should already know whats under your control and whats not. simple gameplay.  :roll:
It's not that easy to remember when I'm at war with Aragon, I have like 5 cities that share the SAME color with them.
You culd make this a sugestion in the sugestion thread, I know for a fact that the floris mod has the option to change faction colures in the midle of the game(for any faction not only your own). So it wold not be a bad idea when the colures run out for factions and you have to use the same colures for multiple factions and thus you only change the colure when it is needed(simple and easy).

Not sure what the mod for the change is called but as I said befor it is in the floris mod.

(Make this a sugestion in the sugestion thread)- abbyratsolee
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