Shogun - Sengoku Jidai (OLD DISCUSSION TOPIC)

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ok i don't know what happend there but the ...file doesn't exist anymore  :lol: thanks though
so far its fun but the ninjas are glitched a bit.their masks are placed improperly and they all spawn inside a fence.also it says i've won the battle before i've killed any of them.
Good work, keep it up  :grin:
Hmmm are there planned female characters? I think Ymira/Klethi/Deshavi already provide excellent templates which can be used with some cosmetic modification in any reality/age/whatever.

Understand it is quite early development, though. Sometimes experienced crash, something messed up with Microsoft Visual C++, would provide more info if that's happen again.
all of those characters have been remade and polished up.their men now.
EDIT:how come i'm the only one who seems to have played this mod?
I hope its ok to post some screenshots here,i just started to play this mod and its really amazing. Thank you op,i  am very grateful to you  :wink:

My name is Miyamoto and I serve the Oda clan. :oops:

Humble beginnings...







On my visit to tokyo there were many new things i encountered.First of all the town seemed a little bit empty than normal because all the inhabitants spawned out in a field.Then i decided i would rescue a few lords and as i searched for the nonexistent prison i discovered some of the houses were floating. (must be those paper-walls).So i decided to go into the tavern for cool off and i had a few words with the manager as he had planted some trees under the floor and they were now shooting up through the floor.

please fix this.
Is the new map in yet? And if not any eta? Looks like a great mod but I truly despise this new native map we got with warband, just can't enjoy any mod set on it tbh.
Those ninja attacks when you camp are broken,it happened about six times and always same ****,my people are stuck,ninja's are stuck.

I'll show you with pics


hey anybody can try to help me i got problem the warhorse_new.brf cant be opened and the game wont launch
and its freaking anoying me i wanna this mod it's so hot
ok i fixed my problem but i got another problem
anybody can go in he's texture folder and copy and paste every
skybox named file
and upload it somewhere?
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