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Silly gore in Fallout NV

Damn that was a looong run. First a lot of lakelurks, and because they don't use guns I was really low on ammo by the end. Then the cave connected to a cave full of ghouls, again almost ran out of ammo, then it connected with sewers where super mutants and some human gang of baddies where fighting, saved the day with  grenades and some mines. My last shell with the shotgun for the human leader, left the supermutants for another day. Finally on the surface again!

I'm hating the whole ammunition thing, with this lousy interface where you have to select one weapon to know what caliber uses, then go check in your storage if you have that and how much, because there are at least 3 types of each, and it only shows the amount of one. Defintely I'm going for energy weapons.
Energy Weapons also have three different ammos, but you can convert one into each other at workbenches. Also, are you playing hardcore mode? Cause I find the game to lose about a quarter of its fun without it.
That moment when...


Probably the best bow-shooting-heavy-armour animation/stance I've ever seen in a game. I don't know why.

Outdated character stats.
You can, it just takes some time. Also, my advice is to start a game, get halfway through, and then restart a game. It is much easier on a second playthrough once you know what you are doing. Now when I start playing, I can usually get to the forest in just under an hour (I try to save up my souls for Artorius' Crest) which makes leveling up sooo much easier. When I first played the game, the Undead Burg and City must have took me three or four hours to beat at the least.
I never found the forest that great for leveling, and I don't tend to do the forest afore Anor Londo. Early game if I need some souls bridge farming seems quickest, and late game there's PWoA. 'Course, souls are pretty much moot these days, as I tend to limit myself to sub SL50, so I barely need them. :razz:
No way, you get 7000 souls in less than a minute if you do it right (considerably more on New Game+), with the bridge you get what, 1500 in a similar amount of time?

Nevermind, apparently you get just a bit more than 500 on the first play through.

Also, I was finally able to get Rome working with EB, and had a fairly awesome battle. I have a lot of screen shots, but I don't feel like uploading most of them yet, so I'll probably sprinkle a couple here or there when I feel like it.

The beginning.



The end.


Sweet, good to hear.
Enjoy, the first time I did it I was genuinely and utterly unprepared :lol:

Oh look, the same old attack on land...
There we go, army on the way, one more turn and the problem will be de-... what? They're pulling back, why...

I started a new campaign three turns later >.>
And the pulling back was more likely than not simply bad luck, but I still loved that moment to no end.
Speaking of which...
I finally got around to the broadside cannons. Keep in mind, that this is a very early representation of what I'm aiming for, but I'm thinking there should be twice as many as that, for that I'd have to redo the entire rear for the third time though.
What do you guys think?

Oh yeah, guy. F1 disables HUD, F2 takes a screenshot. You're welcome.
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