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Gurnisson said:
sotamursu123 said:
last nations 5aside i organized teams for both Norway and Denmark.

Key word.

Actually this one:

sotamursu123 said:
Btw. If I would not have spammed every finnish player in existence to 5h trainings for a year, we would have like 5 players in FIN team.


We might manage a Swedish team - with people that's literally never played battle before, or are like 12-13 years old.

Like Shema said, I'm not going to waste the little time I have to spend on kids instead of having a team of (excluding two special boys :wink:) of mature people.
I'm an example of Scandinavia's lack of players myself. I had literally not played a Warband match since ENL winter tournament 2011, before I joined the Scandinavian team.
Last year I heard they couldn't even get a team together.
Talked to Oli and Bliv on steam and said heck, if you need me in order to get a team going, I'll come.
Oliveran said:
We might manage a Swedish team - with people that's literally never played battle before, or are like 12-13 years old.

Like Shema said, I'm not going to waste the little time I have to spend on kids instead of having a team of (excluding two special boys :wink:) of mature people.
That is the attitude why you don't get an own team. Are Protex, R4D_1cE, Rendul and Slako 12-13 years old kids who haven't played battle before? Those are swedes from WQ and they weren't in your team, I'm sure they would be interested about playing in team Sweden. At least they are in Native clan.

I'm 100% sure that Norway and Denmark don't have only 3 players who want to play competetive Native battles, you must work hard to find players and train them. When I asked axL and m0nkey to play in this year's NC, they didn't want to play. After I spammed them m0nkey joined and played in many matches and axL played in two last matches. They were very important players for us and it just took patience to get them to our team. :smile:

Finland has lost 9 players after Nations Cup 2012, still we can get a team with 20 players though our community isn't very big.

Like I said before, new players don't walk to your team. You never get a team if you ask once from some player and he/she answers "nah, I'm not so interested" and after that you give up.
Have you looked players from Mercenaries mod or cRPG, you could find some decent players and teach them to play Native. I'm sure there are some swedes, norwegians and danish players.

It just feels that you aren't really working to get a team, it's easy option to make Scandinavia team.
Jabbe said:
That is the attitude why you don't get an own team. Are Protex, R4D_1cE, Rendul and Slako 12-13 years old kids who haven't played battle before? Those are swedes from WQ and they weren't in your team, I'm sure they would be interested about playing in team Sweden. At least they are in Native clan.

R4D_1cE is in fact 13 years old and I'm Rendul. I got to know Robin through this years SCA-team and joined his WQ-clan in order to get some training for NC. I hadn't played actively for a long time before that.
R4D_1cE is a good kid though so no shame on him! He's our prospect for next years NC. :wink:
Jabbe said:
Are Protex, R4D_1cE 12-13 years old kids

If I remember correct, yes, at least that's the image they gave me. Protex participated in Scandinavia 2013 if I recall correct and I have my reasons to exclude him from the team.

Jabbe said:
Gubbo and Slako... they weren't in your team

Slako was but showed zero signs of participation or interest and Gubbo IS Rendul. I remove players in order to not give glory to people who don't show up and Nedsat should've been removed from the roster as well.

Jabbe said:
you must work hard to find players and train them.

No thanks, that's your style of leadership but not mine.

Jabbe said:
After I spammed them ... and it just took patience to get them to our team. :smile:

A-ha? I tried that past two years.

Jabbe said:
ou never get a team if you ask once from some player and he/she answers "nah, I'm not so interested" and after that you give up.

Why would I pester them if they aren't interested in participating? That's simply being disrespectful and I'm not wasting my time on them.

Jabbe said:
Have you looked players from Mercenaries mod or cRPG, you could find some decent players and teach them to play Native. I'm sure there are some swedes, norwegians and danish players.

Yes, 2012 and 2013 I went full on attempting to put together a Swedish(2012),Scandinavian(2013) team with that thought in mind, it didn't end up very well since most of the team lacked motivation to show up for practice.

This isn't really the place to discuss it, I'm not sure why you're criticizing our team.
Jabbe said:
... .... .... .... ...

WHY, just why keep this discussing going on and on?

What is there to gain? other than you wish to have more nations involved(as in more teams) but as told by others here in this thread, that wouldn't help, then it would only be a Swedish team(if even possible). And Yes, A lot of credits to you guys for having so many members in your Fin team and active ones(as mentioned throughout every single post you guys have made), Huge credit for that, good job! But it doesn't mean that everyone else can do the same thing or even possible(as mentioned in this thread lots of times as well).. So why keep this discussing going on and on with same points of views but different words for it?

Not to mention that the Admins of NC have allowed this, for this and past Nation cups, so bringing it up after this Nation cup is over is a bit unnecessary, in my opinion. Clearly you won't be satisfy with any reply the SCA members give you, so we might as well just end it here.... Unless of course you wish to really have this discussing but then perhaps this thread isn't the right place for it?
I know alot of people who play warband (Swedes) I counted my friend list for fun, managed to get up to 27 Swedes who know how to play warband. (Basic) but they would not be active at all and such. SCA was a better idea,much much better, the Swedes in sca knew already how a SWE team would went. It would be chaos. We would not manage to get alot of active players,if yes,

It would only be me,bliv,shema,oliveran,Gubbo, who would be active. Making a swedish team would be hard,alot of work, but as Jabbe say,everything is possible

I just wonder why admins let three nations play together though one could get a team on their own.

Example: If you can't form a full football team, you don't play in tournament. Does Sweden have some mission to save Norway and Denmark???
If I want to get football team, am I walking on ground and waiting players show up?

If Finland couldn't make a team, we couldn't play in Nations Cup.

If recruiting new players and training them doesn't belong to your leadership, there must be something wrong in your leadership.
Your competitive community will never grow if you always use the easy way.

And I don't know any other place to discuss about this, I want to hear what people think about this thing.

(so many if-words  :cool:)
Guys maybe i dont even have a right to comment on this SCA-FIN team arguement but i think you guys should not do it. I mean the NC is done. Its over.. Both SCA and FIN teams fought very well. I think you guys should be happy about it. If a player do not want to play its his/her opinion. But if the captain wants his/her presence in the team, it shows the captains will and courage to taking a good risk in my opinion. So both sides are both right and wrong in some aspect. Again i maybe do not have the right to comment about this. But well this arguement is unnecessary imo.

Or maybe just continue this arguement in a different topic. I do not think that this is a good place for that.
M.ArdA said:
Guys maybe i dont even have a right to comment on this SCA-FIN team arguement but i think you guys should not do it. I mean the NC is done. Its over.. Both SCA and FIN teams fought very well. I think you guys should be happy about it. If a player do not want to play its his/her opinion. But if the captain wants his/her presence in the team, it shows the captains will and courage to taking a good risk in my opinion. So both sides are both right and wrong in some aspect. Again i maybe do not have the right to comment about this. But well this arguement is unnecessary imo.

Or maybe just continue this arguement in a different topic. I do not think that this is a good place for that.

Makes sense, maybe next year even Finland won't have as many players and SCA will include FIN aswell, no point in discussing it now :p
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