Other Napoleonic Mods + Games?

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SeanBeansShako said:
Kinda sad really there isn't an open world RPG set between 1790 and 1815. I would play the hell out of that. Fingers crossed the next Assassins Creed sells well enough for marketeering types to give such games in the black powder era more of a pass and let promising developers go nuts.

Fable 2 and Fable 3 have some 18th and 19th century elements to them I may add though they are silly fantasy. Then there is Les Grognards which is a much more extreme version of Napoleon Total War battle map without the campaign map.
i am in fact, a very ba AC fan and am very excited for AC 3. you may think im just a foolish person that plays pop titles but if you ever speak of cod...
Hinkel84 said:
Napoleons Campaigns:


One of the best strategic level napoleon games. Its really deep and atmospheric, way better then NTW for example.
Been thinking about getting it, it looks fantastic, for some reason I hadn't heard of it until NCII was announced by paradox. Which has since become March of the Eagles (another one to look out for! www.paradoxplaza.com/games/march-of-the-eagles :grin: )
A yes, I remember following Histwar a while back, but never got around to purchasing it. Would you recommend it?

If you don't fear a different kind of... control over your army, indeed. Perfect simulation.

I'd recommend you to try the Demo of Gettysburg first to get a taste of it as the command philosophy is similar. ( the Demo is the Tutorial section iirc )
I did dabble with the demo, and I played the  @#!*%  out of Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Battle ages ago, so hopefully I'll do alright. Just wasn't sure how the finished product turned out. :wink: Now I have to find the time to play it however... the battles can last hours on end right?
yes. you may adjust the clock for total realism.
so basically, hours and days.

Related to total wars, DarthMod over NTW, enhances gigantically the base game.
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