More admin needed IMO

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This mod is awesome, but the server needs more admins, there is only a couple that you see on there regularly and for large periods of the day there is none, which seems to be when the TK'ers and grenadiers come out to play.

At the very least the option to vote for kick player should be turned on (just kick player, not change map, change bot number, ban player etc)
Yeh the 22nd.

The only admin I regularly see is Praetorian, then there is a couple of 22nd members who are admins that sometimes come on but not seen them since last weekend tbh.

I'm one of those addicts I spend 3-4 hours a day on that server after work lol.
Yep big + for that.  kids and poeple with mental problems just wait till there is no admin on the server to throw some granades at ur team mates.... cose it is such "FUN"....
Venitius said:
Which server? We can't do anything about 22nd (which is probably the most popular one)

The MM devs, at least me, you, Biteme, and Beaver, are admins on the 22nd Server.

If someone starts going around TKing or grenade spamming, we can take action.
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