Member 20,000!

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I'm sorry to disappoint you guys, but I only have this one. And I think I'm much happier without that 'prize' anyway.
This thread is ridiculously funny. :grin:

And as for Lulworlds, My Spider Shifty sense tells me that it is someone already on the site having a laugh at us by Making that account when the number came to 19,999.

I mean he/she found this obscure thread straight away.  :???: Thats sounds Dodge Maghee to me!!
That's what you would think. Doesn't appear to be the case based on further information (such as IP address), though.
Nah, I just wanted instant forum fame and to have little fun. I've been reading this forum unregistered for quite a few months and since the previous milestone members didn't seem to feel like being active for long, I though that this forum deserves at least one active milestone member. One day I was reading through this forum and noticed the newest topic at the Website & Community-board, so I decided to choose the right timing for my registering.
I cares!

The point is to have a member who will probably just come in and say in the King's Court:

i thnks mont and balde should hav mulitpliers  :eek:

Or in the Apothercary:

i gt tis thing called asershion faelur :cry:

Or in the Zendar Town Square:

I thnk mount and blade is  rly kole gaym lol and hve bean plying sins 2001 but shood be a vershion in game shops cause mah parants wont let me bye ofer interwebz lol  :mrgreen:

Which ever path they choose I don't think they would stay even to see the answer to their post, let alone check their profile to see if theres any cool things that say "The Chosen One", "20 Grand Member" or even something simple like "Member 20,000".

But still, it's a TWF tradition... or it should be.
Well the member count is quite well past 20k now. So there is no point for this any longer. We might need to start recycling these worthless threads too - next time some 'magic number' comes up, we can just dish an old one out of the trash, and change all the posts to that 'new number'. That would save everybody a lot of time and effort.

I'll try to unlock this if I notice the number go below 20k again. Or use my above mentioned idea to change all the posts to 'member 22222' instead of '20000' - which ever comes first.
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