Kickass trailer for Warband - Calling all clans to join!

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Einhärjar & Shieldings.

Name: Einhärjar & Shieldings
Tag: Einhärjar_ // Shieldings_
Motto to display: Sigur eða Valhöll! Victory or Valhalla!
Their banners: Will have to dig these out. Black raven and the red raven though...
Achievements: Provided Warband's first duel server during the beta phase, hosted the first duel tournaments. Also gave birth to the long-running realism mod Víkingr which is still heading strong.
Founding date: August 27 2009.
Leifr Eiríksson said:
Einhärjar & Shieldings.

Name: Einhärjar & Shieldings
Tag: Einhärjar_ // Shieldings_
Motto to display: Sigur eða Valhöll! Victory or Valhalla!
Their banners: Will have to dig these out. Black raven and the red raven though...
Achievements: Provided Warband's first duel server during the beta phase, hosted the first duel tournaments. Also gave birth to the long-running realism mod Víkingr which is still heading strong.
Founding date: August 27 2009.

I got the black one.
A small update; well...project is actively being worked on. It will take more time than I imagined, possibly I might change the current plan for the videos. We shall see.

I still need clans to fill the form.
Name: Kingdom of Avalon
Tag: KoA
Motto to display: Fight together or die alone.
Their banners:
Achievements: One of the oldest NA clans still active, 2nd place in UNAC III, Multiple WWC wins, introduced many popular NA players to competitive Warband.
Founding date: August 1st 2010.

It is not about being well known. It is about being permanent or at least, memorable.
Oh, it doesn't matter. This trailer will be showcasing the history of competitive clans after all.
For Deutschritter (DR):

Motto to display: Deus lo vult
Their banners:
Achievements: 1st of DNL1, 1st Div C ENL Winter Cycle 2011/12, unbeaten 1st Div B ENL Summer Cycle 2012
Time active: Beta phase - June 29th 2011; September 2011 - December 2nd 2012

The one for Aquilae Calradiae will come soon, I hope
Just to let you know, this project is still active.

Keep filling the form leaders !
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