Help with changing the music

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        I decided I wanted to change the music to some stuff from my personal library. However, I noticed some files are labeled as .wav and others as WAVE. As far as I know there are no differences, but does it make a difference in game? As in how often a song plays etc...

And that brings me to another question, is there a way to enable music to play continually. At the moment it is kind of sporadic, like Minecraft :razz:
I am a HUGE fan of the music in NW, but i also love the silence between tracks. its a special moment when the only sound you have is explosions and musketfire, and then when the music kicks in it gets crazy. the music is better with the silence in between
In my experience with adding new tracks to my game, I find putting the filenames at the top of the music.txt list makes them play more often, so I think the game's randomizer has some kind of ordinal bias. I don't know how you would shorten the gaps between track changes though.

All of NW's music is in MP3 and OGG format. I would guess that the game can play WAV(E) files from the /music/ folder, but I haven't tried it yet.
Allright thats easy.

The music file has to be an .ogg or a .mp3 file.
Put the file in this folder.

After you did that go to that path:

The Number at the top of the file, in my case 58, is the number of music files you have placed in your music folder.
Just write the correct name of your music piece into this .txt file.
Press "Spacebar" copy and paste this number :"268704768 268704768"
If you want to change the intro music delete the current one an paste this number in afterwards: "272629888 272629888"

Thanks a bunch :grin:. Now I can rock out to Sabaton and Iron Madien while playing NW :grin:.

+Rep if there was reputation on these forums :razz:
Tikov said:
Isn't better reduce in-game music and have some music player running in the background?

why run another application which may slow his computer down depending on specs, where as he can integrate his favorite music directly into the game
Yeah, for some reason whenever I ran Itunes it made me lag worse than normal during the LB's :razz:, and this way I can control the volume much easier.
Feldmarschall_Ben said:
Under the number 26 your forgot to add.

cant_find_this.ogg 0 0

Nice collection of music btw :grin:
Rainermarsch is the march of my regiment.

Ah, okay, thanks. I had taken that one out because I thought it was useless. I'll see what happens.

Edited: Still didn't work. Should I change the number at the top to 27 since I put that extra file in?
Yes, the number corresponds to the number of files.... or lines in the text file, I can't remember, but it's important to increase it by however many files you added.
Still not working. Is there an actual file for the "not found" one or do we just write it in the text document? I didn't see anything named like that when I originally went into the music files.

Edited: Okay I found the problem: I didn't put the underscores_ in when writing the file names. thanks for the help guys.
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