Final version improvement checklist.

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I posted this under a mod section but I didn't want to waste a chance to get this seen by others for some suggestions, some might have already been said but just want to make the game better.

Break into Castles to wound/capture Lords (Set this as something of a bandit option where you are the bandit instead with 3 or 4 men vs so many others)
Break into Prisons to 'free' (useful before sieges)

Have a 'bank' of Nobles to step up should some be killed
Set an optional button so that Nobles can be executed while captured
(This was done in Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires, you could be taken prisoner and 'executed' if the party who captured you did not like you enough, it allows folks to not just keep charging at you as you have the option to actually win the war without fighting Lord Blandor 5 times)

Court and Town Interactions
Allow feasts to be called (gives you a small relationship boost with those invited, a small negative boost those without. Allows all nobles that you invite to be at one place so you can ask tasks of them or complete quests. Negative responses would come if 1. They could not make it due to nearby armies, 2. Are away on military campaigns)
Call Fair (in a major town if you own it, gives a boost to the relationship)
Call Festival (in a minor town if you own it, gives a small boost to relationship)
Public Execution (Clean the Jails and provides a small boost to town relationship as loyalty is 'enforced' Gives a 'darker' means instead of playing Hero all the time)
Incite Revolutions by gaining loyalty of foriegn villages
Allow towns/castles to be taken without having a liege, thus building your own faction

Towns, Villages, and Castle Upgrades
Castle: Allow upgrades that slow or hamper sieges, such as moats and spikes.
Castle: Allow for costly objects to decorate with furniture and other decor based on styles (rich, evil, poor, nomadic, standard)
Villages: Allow for the upgrades you do purchase to show up within the town, a mill shows a mill and so forth. (I read one of the admins said this was too much work and some folks don't even go into town, I actually love going into town and having more interactions like this will improve immersions, I played Nords first and going into the Khengit places and seeing their different architecture was wonderul, diversity is better)
Give Money to Towns/Villages to improve prosperity
Set tax rates on them to improve or decrease happiness
Allow the towns, goods, and people within to change according to city worth
Allow cattle to be given to them even when they don't ask

Allow the player to pay large fees to train recruits via 'teachers', thus gaining them XP based on cash cost.

New Stuff of course (realistic, no black armor or samuri stuff)
Noble Clothing and rich style
Allow us to access the 'video options'  just before battle seeing as certain options need a 'new scene' to take effect, also the reason being for it to be offered on the same screen that summarises exactly how many troops are participating, as quite often other parties will join unexpectedly, sometimes in great numbers.

Have 'battle sizer' as a standard fitting (permission pending  :smile:)   
I think I mentioned this in this same thread way back, but it needs to be mentioned again:

Please make the number of defenders not the only variable used when the AI decides what castle to siege.  Conquering a castle on the other side of the world is really illogical, no matter how easy it is to conquer.
would it be too much to ask for different timing and animations for blocking and parrying? you can not "block" a stabbing attack but rather parry it right? and it is harder to do isn't it?  (i m talking about no shield)
Eogan said:
Party Browser (Red River)
I'm tired of clickin' when I need to examine 10+ members in my party and that includes non companion ones... right now the way it works I can examine one member of my party at a time and then I'm kicked back on the map.  I suggest there's to be added back/forward or next/previous party member on the main examine screen after ya click Talk.

Yes!(this has been a big frustration) I'm sure this issue is probably on the "to do" list, but I agree with the above, and would also like to add that when your viewing the party screen and your characters ready to level up(+ symbol), could it be implemented that at that point when clicking on your characters name you are taken straight to your Char stats screen.(instead of having to close party screen and then reopen to your char stats)

I'm gonna go into a bit of detail here at times to put forward some changes(that wouldn't require too much work) that i think are good for M&B. And i know that some are probably already planned to be implemented( and I think I'll just keep adding more suggestions to this post as i go)

I don't reckon we need it
I think that the increased loot ability is not needed at all and it feels a bit gimmicky, good expensive loot is already so easy too get once your going, sea raiders, caravans, lords war parties. I think that if you have to leave the ability in, could you make collecting loot a time lapse thing? I.E, the bigger the battle you've won and your army size affects how much time passes on the map while your fleecing the dead. As in reality, after you an your men are exhausted from a considerable battle and to then go around looking for the more quality serviceable weapons and to collect and then pack, tie & load items to horses,wagons would take a fair amount of time. overall I don't like it and just taking the ability out would be so much easier.

The Major connection between Arms and armor, Inventory and Loot
I know that we currently start M&B with too many inventory spaces, and to me it compromises gameplay longevity in the way it rapidly speeds up how much money you make by increasing how much loot your winning and cashing in.

And you you start with so many spaces that with there being many more capitals i find myself(and am sure many players do) dumping loot all the time before my INV is completely full to free up map movement and for pure uncut Denars, it all means that upgrading and buying quality gear happens all to quick and before you know it your close to max weapon & armor stat benefits. And honestly with so much starting INV room for one man, i don't know if the M&B veterans would spend more than 1 or two extra points on INV management at risk at losing out to getting the ball rolling with all the other more juicier abilities.
This will be a shock to some, but i think that starting with 9 slots(max 12) is what is really needed to balance this game more. And every point should only add 3 more spaces to INV, unless you can balance it by movement penalties with every  INV management point spent to simulate pack horses slowing travel.

I really feel that a bit of a change in this area will have a really, really good effect on the game. As one of the larger aspects of this game that adds alot of fun, draw and appeal but majorly contributes to gameplay longevity is the hunting around for and upgrading your arms and armor and then going into a much more 3D realistic battle with yourself geared up to see how they work. I know the leveling\upgrading is an old RPG tradition and that this game has been made with innovation in mind, but it's a tradition because it still has a strong foundation and it's fun and it works. 
At the moment with way the game is set up and how things relate and play out, if your going to choose be a mounted on horse character(like most of the newcomers and the majority) I find that it's a pretty big factor at how fast things can move and(Once you've got the hang of the game) by already around level 8-10 you can be quite well geared up on a decent mount and with full plate armor.

Full On metal jacket
( I know this been mentioned and plans could already be in place to alter Full plate)
I would really like to see more realistic draw backs to wearing full plate so that it does not too easily become the stand alone staple armor to choose for a mounted character.(that AC rating is hard to resist)
Here's some armor possibilities that i like and wouldn't require big game changes(I think)....Full plate  Str REQuirement needs to have a little higher min at least 11(11 STR takes no time at all) and it seems fair cuz isn't there an axe that has a REQ' of 13? 
also wearing full plate could incur at least 1 deducted point from Power strike (The speed and freedom of movement restrictions would affect damage compared to swinging a weapon without wearing F.P)(and also) possible deduction(s) from Athletics(i know the weight does that but it's another option) and temporary points from weapon proficiencies as they affect swing speed and damage?(except no deductions from polearms?)
And the use of bows could be restricted?(for sure if wearing gauntlets)
Maybe also penalties to AGL and STR?  whilst wearing full plate when fighting in the Rain and cold?
These restrictions then start to free up the desire for and use of other armor types much, more for horseback and full plate is still rocking the medieval world considering the sheer outright protection it gives.
another idea...Heraldic armour(& the ones that display your colors and crest) could add a point to CHA or 1point to Persuasion (maybe even leadership?) As you would definately look to some as a more intimidating and important standout figure , being among and connected with the upper circles of nobility and lords.
Don't know how this could be implemented? but what if wearing khergit armor types(lamallar) when in khergit territory added a bonus to your faction relations(eg:+10) with them? this happens in everyday life around the globe, eg:non westerners wearing native clothing to blend in more comfortably and to attract less unwanted attention by seeming more streetwise and familiar with a foreign culture compared to the stereo typical conspicuous tourist. and this clothing\armour affecting faction relations could be implented to most or all factions. 

Arms and Armour
At the moment they are so many discrepancies among most and all of the weapons and armour relationships that i feel need definite changing before this game is released so as to find a better balance and bring more buying options, character game style variation and fun to the game.
Many of the armours apart from looks are conflicting in a way that many become nullified compared the standout better few. As you know It basically comes down to finding a workable solution between all their stats(weight, protection, denars, realism but also what is good for gameplay) A deep look into detail is what is really needed.

Too much damage??[/b]
I know in the later versions that many weapons have had damage increases, some fairly sizeable. I'm not sure if this is such a great thing yet. I know that concerning larger scale battles with battle sizer this increased damage will help to unclog & speed things up a bit. BUt as it stands Powerstrike is one of the main abilities that always attracts the skill points. And the extra damage from that with speed bonus (and couched damage) has always been plenty to Amp up the damage well enough. Now it seems to be getting easier, Especially when most that've got the hang of the game already get 1 swing kills when aiming for enemies heads from horseback.
Also much more needs to be taken into account for balancing the weights of many items more for the ground based athletic characters that many people like playing. This is a big issue for me. As the items & weapons are a big focus of M&B. 

Tracking ability Idea
What about adding if it's easy, another intermediate stage for the tracking skill. Which is now being able to read the tracks and differentiate between numbers of cavalry and infantry. Eg: (22 mounted, 7 on foot ( party size 29)

Market vendors menu screen
I think It would be great to add beside the text list of different vendors a small picture\symbol of their trade(something simple & authentic looking like you see on the wooden hanging shop signs of olde, (ie: A pic of a fine horse prancing for the horse merchant) This would add nice touch and give the player something more standout and visual to go on instead of just reading it.

Different Locations to meet new party members
Are there plans to move and relocate some of the hero party members outside of just taverns? It would be more fun and mysterious that way to come accross a new hero in more unpredictable areas. How about finding some within castle grounds, towns, villages and even some in more obscure areas like lurking close to forests as a single person on the world map screen?

Please could you make it so that when your shield breaks..that's it gone & no more magic shield returning to your inventory. It takes the fun out of the game for me, cuz it's actually fun to have to go hunting around for a new weapon or shield if you need a replacement. And anything to keep the game cycling and turning over, like having to find new items for your character i feel adds to gamplay.

I think that it would be good if when your horse died, it was actually killed and wouldn't reappear in your inventory as lamed. And that a horse could be lamed instantly in real-time battle if it's heath was reduced to something like 10hp or less
I like this idea as it adds a bit more of realism and challenge to the game, but you would need to also give the player the option of having the "reduce damage to horse" option. that would work in the same way as damage to player being adjustable in increments on the option screen. But "damage to horse" needs to be an option that can be adjusted as your skills progress in m&B, then, the realism of horse death and real-time laming becomes much more viable

Companion- Quick weapons & armour viewing
I know for me it does become quite confusing and frustrating when trying to remember what a certain companion is kitted out with(esp if you have quite a few companions) and the weapons/armour and damage/protection stats of those items.
i don't know if this is all that easy to include, but this would save allot of time opening and closing menus.
When you click the party screen and then select talk for a specific companion, the options are listed as to what you want to say (or inspect)  to that person. At the same time you can also see a viewable pic of them and what their wearing from the torso and above. what if when you put the cursor over what they were wearing and carrying, the stats of that item became visable and were displayed? This would save a great deal of time. but a few things would need to be changed because you cannot often see what weapon they are holding, boots and so forth.


Just a few more suggestions for castles-
having the option to build add ons like a village to enhance your castle. And what if when the game started, some random castles were already upgraded to some degree, so that some castles, when conquered were a bit different to others.
what if ransom brokers could only or also be found at castles instead of major cities? and it could be written in game as something like:
The residents and high lords major cities do not want their towns just to become overrun by slaves & slave drivers because of the: Conjestion,fighting,noise,smell etc. and they can be designated to castles to be pressed into military and household service  for the resident lords.

I personnally have a ton of improvements ideas, especially about RPG parts but at the moment, the small fastly (i suppose) feasible improvement that i think about is to park horses somewhere.

When you own some fiefs like a town or a castle you should logically be able to park a dozen of horses. Especially in castles where there should be (by default) a squire who could act like a merchant but there would be no cost in the exchanges. (Must i say that your horses should appear in the courtyard ?  :mrgreen:)

I think this point has been already discussed and i don't know if it's already in the final release projects. Anyway, it's a logical thing that certainly miss to many people for my opinion. It miss to me at least !  :lol:

Just a little thing who's maybe easily feasible...

When you cross the way of a peasant group of your faction you should be able to ask them if they have seen or crossed the way of an ennemy/bandit. And eventually where they was/are.

ATM they seems just being feared when you come to meet them even if they come from your own village... A little bit strange for my opinion...
I've noticed that some of the troops on the world map appear with a horse but these troops are finally not mounted. Some deserters like Nord Footman, warriors or Vaegirs Skirmishers, footmans for example. reversely, some of the mountain bandits are mounted and don't appear with a horse on the world map.

Hope this help...
Sometimes, when you come in one of your own village who's attacked by some bandits you have these options.

- Attack the bandits
- Wait here for some times
- Leave

Could you reasonably rest here while the village is looted ?
I've noticed that after a couple of minuts in a village (Also in towns) villagers are running everywhere without any particular reason. This affect badly the reality impact for my opinion.
I don't know if this has been posted before, but I couldn't be bothered to read 11+ pages in order to ensure that a very simple suggestion is made, so...

Item capitalization needs to be fixed!

For example, there's a certain sword that is spelled "sword" rather than "Sword" like all the others. Also, the "fur-covered shield" should be spelled "Fur-Covered Shield" or "Fur-covered Shield".

It's not that it significantly affects the gameplay, and some might even accuse me of being a pedant. It's just that these little things take the polish off of a game, and make it look a lot less professional.
Something very important.

Take more things OUT of hardcoding, and into a python managable item. (more choices for modders!...especially to prelong the life of M&B)
Struggling to find bands of crooks or caravans for the morale I thought it would be good to have a healthy morale bonus for killing the last man on the battle field, and your party should also get one if you win a tournament, for improving their confidence in you as a leader.  Perhaps also something very expensive for if things get desperate, like throw a feast or give the troops a fat bonus, once your army is over a hundred it seems a bit of a nightmare having to chase down every tiny group of bandits you see for a few crumbs, and whilst you're doing that the lords you asked to follow you get bored and wander off!

'persuade' should have more influence/opportunities. If you have a lord in your captivity who is relevant to a quest it would be nice to be able to actually talk and try to persuade him of your cause (Also in place of some gnarly unnecessary torture option, some times 'persuasion' can have a dark side! :twisted:)
It would also be good to stand a chance of luring out enemy lords whom are hiding in their castles, surely if you're good at persuading you'd know how to press someones buttons! A few well placed insults should do it  :smile:

When gathering for a campaign for it to have an option to ask your forces to gather at that spot on the map, so whilst they are coalescing you can see to your own business, plus you may wish to make it a strategic position, like by a bridge or enemy town.

Edit: It would also seem a good idea to me that if you personally take out an enemy lord on the battle Field he should always be captured, and that some of his strongest men surround him and act as his guard, even more so a king. This way the tactic of seeking him out on the battle Field is more of an enticing choice and adds a little extra strategic decision to the game.
I would unhard-code character animations for weapons, that one could more effectively customize them. Add some new keyframes such as down-up slash, or an underhanded toss (for slings), or a side toss (for shurikens/etc). Maybe even make it possible to attack in more than 4 ways (e.g. diagonal slashes/trip attacks), as it would be cool to be able to use a spear to trip up an opponent.
Fix the Captivity Bug.

The bug is as follows: Suppose you get captured by a party but that party is then defeated. A sanity check assertion failure occurs.
A Sell All option would be helpful

If your talking about selling prisoners, hold down control and then click on a group of prisoners (e.g. five rhodok recruits). They'll all be sold together. The same applies with garrisoning troops.
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