Download not working.

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The download works for me - it just takes an astonishingly long time for the download to begin and least it works at all.

A mirror for this mod might not be amiss, but I've no idea where a mirror could be, I'll just wait and see on the mirror front.
keep trying, someone else had this problem and it eventually resolved itself, its probably due to the large amount of ppl downloading the mod.
Zzz... I kind-a have this problem as well, I download the mod over and over again, but the damn music folder is always empty... Please help...
Same thing happens to me... It says that theres no music folder I use steam, I just downloaded the mirror that u posted, still doesn't work
I had to manually create a mm mod folder inside my module folder and manually choose it when installing
I have a new problem..... I have Steam, and I supposedly have the wrong version. So that means this mod is for an older version. When will it be updated? (I got mine from mbrepository or w/e)
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