Cleansing Clarion Call of Eventide's Flight (Story/AAR) Chap 12

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Sergeant Knight at Arms
Cleansing Clarion Call of Eventide's Flight

Chapter 1


(An Alternate Probability = A new campaign)​

You may have seen my much earlier threads about the unification of Pendor under King Fean and the story (unfinished) about the pre-unification events. Well, conquering Pendor was fun and all, but there's ways to do it really efficiently so that the AIs have as little chance as possible.

Pendor loves. abusing. people and really turnabout is fair play. We are not without friends in this endeavor.

Despite the impression given by the story, the events describe multiple playthroughs, of which the last one is continuing, and only one of the earlier ones conquered Pendor. Thus, some of the Kings in the earlier campaigns are retconned to be different. The ones we are fighting now will match.

The heart of man ever leans towards his own destruction. It has only been a few years since the "unification" of Pendor by the Flower Kingdom under the leadership of King Fean. However, one would be hard pressed to see any unity in this land of conflict.


(A springtime purge of the Ravenstern rebels by the Ebony Rangers)​

The rebellions started first in the fiery hearts of the Ravenstern in the frozen lands. King Gregory, still holding his sword, that sacred relic of Ravenstern, rallied his people together to fight. The still fresh memory of painful routs and massacres endured only fed this inferno.


(Kadan returns to his inheritance to find it has been lost to the Flower Kingdom)​

While the response was swift and lethal, it only sparked a more serious series of uprisings in the lands of the D'shar. The last kingdom to be devoured by the Flower Kingdom, it had been a last bolthole for the many lords and refugees fleeing unification and the grave both. With the occupying armies diverted elsewhere, they began to make moves towards freedom.

The original Heritage Bow had by this time been siezed from Kadan's brother (who had usurped the throne before losing it) and was safely locked away in the vaults of the Silver Tower in Ethos. However, this did not prevent the wily new Bhagdur Khan from fabricating a copy of this relic (with, we suspect, Noldor aid), raising men at arms and beginning a great purge.

While they had been crushed first and the longest ago, the memory of the Fierdswain and the Empire remained. Brave heroes would rise to resurrect these fallen kingdoms under their own rule, but...



(Jarl Valdis arrives on Pendor only to be greeted by a campaign army of the Flower Kingdom)​

One of the lords of the former Fierdswain, Jarl Valdis, was determined to bring about a change in the fortunes of his people. As a sign of his authority, he had a replica made of the massive relic axe of the Flower Kingdom, which represented the power of her common people, as expressed in the might of her infantry.

This would have to serve in place of his royal Qualis Gem, which had been used to pay his ransom.


(The last Marcus Imperator of the Empire, first to fall to the Flower Kingdom)​

Meanwhile, a secret meeting of the Empire resistance elected to follow the reformer Gaius Marius as dictator of their movement. As the sudden owner of the highest imperium, he became known as Marius Imperator. While the old Empire had a relic sword symbolising its power in war, this had been seized by King Fean. Non-plussed, Marcus reformed his army from the old style of heavily shielded infantry using shortswords. The weapon of the rising Empire was the same one used to stealthily murder from the forests around Janos, the crossbow.


(A Noldor craftsman, slain while defending his family in the Noldor district of Sarleon)​

However, the greatest blow was to be struck by one Ulric of Pendor, who brought back the Kingdom of Sarleon in a big way...
Some background information. There are two sets of Kings (before and after King Fean) except for the Ravenstern, who had King Gregory through.

However, there are roughly three different stages of military (field and strategic) progression across the multiple player characters:

  • Early Era: Think of this as related to the older versions of PoP. Also partially made up. (Story #1)
  • Transitional Period: A logical progression towards the Modern Era. (Fean's Story)
  • Modern Era: PoP as it is currently. (Even's story)

Even was about 20 or so when she joined Our Lady, she is this 40+ at this point. As you can see, King Fean may have been ~30 years old when he declared the Flower Kingdom.

A timeline: If you wish, treat T-01 as being the start date of a new PoP campaign. Thus all the events of King Fean and Our Lady before that are history. The tactics, armies, and even Kings are different in this past.

  • Now (T): 1 year into Even's story. Recapture of Ethos. The Cleansing Arrow is reformed as the Cleansing Flight. Modern Era.
  • T-01yrs: Even's story begins. Even departs the Noldor Woods. Modern Era
  • T-03yrs: Rebel Kingdoms have fully integrated new tactics/weaponry. Modern Era begins.
  • T-05yrs: Rebellions begin. Transitional Period.
  • T-10yrs: Pendor united by Flower Kingdom. Rebels exist but are uncoordinated. Transitional period.
  • T-11yrs: King Fean announced the Flower Kingdom, Second Campaign begins. Transitional Period.
  • T-12yrs: Lord Fean recaptures Ethos, and reforming the Cleansing Arrow as the Ebony Rangers. Transitional Period.
  • T-13yrs: Lord Fean surfaces in the Fierdswain. Transitional Period.
  • T-15yrs: Kingdoms are adapting to one another and adopting new techniques from battles in the First Campaign. Transitional Period begins.
  • T-18yrs: The First Campaign ends (it never officially started) with the death of Our Lady in Singal. Early Era.
  • T-19yrs: Our Lady captures Ethos and forms the Order of the Cleansing Arrow. The First campaign is dated as beginning here, was never declared. Early Era.
  • T-20yrs: Our Lady surfaces in Sarleon. Early Era


We will start the story long ago, two decades in the past. About a year or two before the fall of Empire Ethos to the D'shar.
In the beginning... (the Early Era)

Chapter 2

I am Narya, faithful servant and quartermaster of Lady Even, vassal to King Ulric of Sarleon. Was that convincing? Of course it was, we've had years of practice. But since we're in my actual private quarters, here in the Silver Tower of Ethos, you can see hanging there my Noldor Composite Bow and a Runed Bastard Sword which are definitely the real deal. I knew the craftsmen who made them, though sadly the Noldor one of the pair is dead now and the human is still living in the Noldor Woods.

Let us not talk about such things though. I'm practically retired. Instead, consider an earlier, mythical time. When Our Lady walked this earth as a mortal. It was a time of war between the Kingdom of Sarleon and the Empire. It was the Early Era, a time before the vast manufacturies and production lines of modern times, or the will to devise and carry out full escalations.


Our Lady is first recorded as fighting as a mercenary captain for King Darlion (I) "of Pendor", who while ruling the Kingdom of Sarleon, of course intended to unite all of Pendor under his rule. But we already know of the Prophecy.  She recieved mercenary payments from King Darlion for "scouting missions" which were taken in support of the Knights of the Lion.

Let us discuss the state of the Sarleon Military in the Early Period, under Darlion I. While maintaining a proud continual line from the time of the Old Empire, the Kingdom of Sarleon had not only a martial tradition, but also a constant need to apply it.


(A charge of the Knights of the Lion)​

Early Era Sarleon relied heavily on the capabilities, valor and fearsome reputation of its knights. Hulking juggernaughts on their specially bred warhorses, they could break any formation in the Early Era, in numbers.

Sarleon Early Knight: said:
Training & Experience:
Nobles of the land, trained from a young age. Many of these knights have experienced multiple campaigns.

A Light Lance (really, more a heavy spear), used from horseback. These have a smooth shaft and are not used in the couched manner.
A cavalry axe or sword (short) for fighting enemy horsemen in melee.
Heavy helmets protect the head, and dense mail armor covers their entire body.
Additionally, they protect themselves with a sturdy round Elite Cavalry Shield
A Sarleon warhorse. These are unbarded.

The Sarleon Early Knight is traditionally employed on the charge with their spears.
At this point, they cannot be expected to melee with infantry (on foot, or mounted). Their swords are shorter than infantry versions.
As spears tend to break on a successful charge, they must regroup and rearm behind the safety of a Sarleon infantry formation.

From the secret histories of our Order, we know the true connections of Our Lady in the Kingdom of Sarleon. In fact, according to those of us (like myself) who were there, she was a high-ranking member of the Order of the Lion.

We suspect, but have no proof, that her later work for the Empire, after the war, was part of a secret mission. However, when King Ulric took command of the Sarleonese rebellion, he ordered that the Order of the Lion expunge or falsify all records related to Our Lady. However, this left an unexplained gap in the Grandmastership of the Order.

The willingness of Ulric's supported Grandmaster to carry out this request means that the Order of the Lion is under a postponed ban. In time, when we are able, we will strike a blow that will shatter the Order of the Lion. Their main chapter in the town of Sarleon must be reduced to rubble and the unrepentant purged.

Strategy in the Early Era

Chapter 3

Anyway that is about it. King Ulric is also suspected to have slain Darlion I of Pendor, and then usurped the throne from the heir Darlion II of Pendor. But that is inconsequential. Indeed, it did not take long before he became the Grandmaster of the Knights of the Lion himself in order to further legitimize himself.

This is all of small import compared to his order to erase the histories of Our Lady. Fortunately, those of us who were there have ensured these things are not lost.


A rare infantry clash between the two sides.​

Like right now, let us continue with these histories. The Empire-D'shar war. As I said, Our Lady was assisting the Empire in this war.

We suspect that the loss of Ethos to the D'shar prompted Darlion I to attempt deniable interventions. The D'shar were on an upwards trajectory, and Ethos meant that Sarleon (the town) was increasingly under danger. Also, multiple castles around had been taken, allowing the D'shar safe supply lines should they attack.


Providing support to an Empire Medium Infantry formation.​

The Empire, following the old ways relied on their heavy infantry might, while the D'shar had a superb mounted archery tradition.

Unfortunately in the opening stages of the war, the Empire was unable to strike any decisive blows against the D'shar. In fact, the D'shar employed all of their territory, as well as the Empire's, to full advantage. While the Empire consoled themselves with the knowledge that the D'shar were not known for the knightly heavy cavalry of Sarleon's style...


Bringing aid to an Empire caravan​

While the Sarleon knights were not a fast strategic force (having to bring around all their arms, armor, retinue and so on), the D'shar made full use of the strategic mobility of their mounted forces, sending tireless "strategic raids". The Empire switched from a Take and Hold strategy to Hold and Not Lose.

However, the D'shar became fustrated with their inability to take Empire strongholds. Unlike the latter's hope, they did not waste men on a futile assault or a siege. Instead, they began a widespead campaign of destruction... The Empire was becoming desperate for a savior.

Kudos, Alvaria, it's quite interesting.

I'd also like to know the thoughts and feelings of the Lady though, not only what the historian knows.
Yes well you see I'm cheating slightly because among all the "guesses" the POV character is putting forth, at least one of them is real. Also, "the historian" was in fact present for many of these events. So they do remember many details (as one would while fighting for their life). Also being slightly mysterious because yes, it is to be expected... actually Fean and Even are a lot more talkative.

Also, I can't remember what actually I was trying to do back as as game #1 was years back. Indeed, I think I was trying to grab myself a nice town, helping the Empire vs the D'shar, as well as keeping Sarleon alive.
It Must All Burn

Chapter 4


(Defending an Empire village)​

The D'shar began to systematically destroy the powerbase of the Empire - its villages. The strongholds of Salvador Castle and Rela Keep became known as the Hot Gates, as D'shar forces passed through almost unchecked to ravage the villages around Janos. They would leave the same way with loot and captives.

The ruthless Xerxes Bhagdur Khan issued explicit orders to his followers, who began killing Empire citizens and burning their fields. The Bhagdur Khan's chilling orders were: "You may take what you like, as long as you can take it back as quickly as you came to it. The rest you destroy."


(Early Adventurers)​

Janos began to bleed and starve at the same time. Although there was no siege, the villages around were not able to produce. Furthermore, the terrified survivors rushed to Janos for safety, filling the walls. The Imperator created a bold plan to "close the gates" with a line of new fortifications between Salvador Castle and Rela Keep, but these efforts were foiled.

In order to lengthen their reach across the Empire, the D'shar hired Vanskerry raiders, who were given free reign over the area around Ethos and Cez. In response, the Empire began hiring mercenaries from the Sarleon areas. A number of Sarleon forces, disguised as mercenaries joined to assist the Empire. In the constant dance of small armed parties, it was not easy to identify either side.

One of those parties was us. As to how we were organized, that changed over the course of the fighting, creating a new paradigm for fighting forces across Pendor...
Sarleonese Doctrine

Chapter 5


Defending the Empire against a Vanskerry-D'shar raid. Note the light cavalryman's equipment.
D'shar favored the small round shield and highly curved sabre at the time.​

The Sarleon formed the initial basis for Our Lady's force, which evolved over time before reaching heights in the Flower Kingdom under King Fean. Sarleon depended heavily on its knightly cavalry. Let us now consider their foot forces.

Sarleon armies were not known for their foot. Be it in a close melee, or at range, these soldiers could never carry a battle without the knights. Their capabilities were as such:

Sarleon (Trained) Militia
Sarleon Early Footmen
Sarleon Early Men-At-Arms

Sarleon Skirmisher
Sarleon Early Longbowmen


A major Vanskerry attack. These were capable of overwhelming even fortified villages, and were a serious threat around Ethos and Cez.
Employment of such strategies dropped off in frequency due to the interventions of Our Lady's force.​

The Sarleon (Trained) Militia formed a greater part of the foot at home, but were present in much smaller numbers on the front.

Armor: At most they were protected by a Padded Jack and a helmet (not always metal).
Weaponry:For arms they had a small kite shield in the Sarleon style and a short stabbing spear.
Role: Besides simply adding numbers, their main tactical role was to add some mass to infantry formations.

Frontier villages tended to have a lower population from which to draw militia, but they were trained more to compensate, as well as part of living on the frontier. Regardless, militia troops were not particularly helpful on the field, if they were tested by the enemy.


(Early tactics resulted in brutal hand-to-hand fighting.
Losses could be high in some engagements.)​

The Sarleon Early Footmen frequently formed the majority of both the numbers and the combat strength of a Sarleon infantry formation.

Armor: A light metal helmet which was used by the majority of footmen in this period.
Weaponry: At this point in time they were equipped as the Militia (occasionally with a mace instead of a spear).
Role: They filled the same general role of the miltia, but more effectively. This was wholly due to being soldiers trained for war, rather than levies.

Sarleon Early Men-at-Arms formed a strong infantry core, but lacked the numbers.
Armor: Decent mail (or at least metal-reinforced medium armor).
Weaponry: Long thrusting spears, they carried short swords as sidearms for melee. They also carried a sturdy large kite shield.
Role: As a strongpoint, they could make a dense formation that was hard to break. Despite the training and equipment of the Men-at-Arms, they had to rely on the Footmen for mass.


Our Lady's attempts to raise a strong infantry core would fill a Sarleonese role, but with the sturdiness of the Empire infantry formations... however, there was the issue of cost and training to consider. The result was unlike the infantry of both Kingdom or Empire.
Early Empire

Chapter 6


"Training" was one thing, but a real battle...​

The Empire depended heavily on heavy infantry in the Early Era. The confidence with which it employed foot had a good basis; the heavy legionaire provided the mass and killing power of Empire armies, and were provided with competent, if not outstanding, supporting elements.

Empire Levy Militia (& Empire Auxillia)
Empire Medium Infantry
Empire Early Legionary

Empire Levy Hunter
Empire Levy Skirmisher

Empire Horse Scout
Empire Horse Auxillia


Victory for the Neo-Infantry​

The Empire Early Legionary were the elite of the Empire army. It could be said that they might carry the day alone, but thankfully this was never tested in open battle...

Armor: Heavy Metal Band Armor (Segmenta) covered the shoulders and upper torso. Upper arm and thigh protection was provided by additional reinforced leather or mail attachments. A good quality helmet and greaves finishes their protection.
Weaponry: Rectangular Heavy Metal-Reinforced Semi-Cylindrical Wooden Body Shield (Scutum) which was boss-held (not using straps).
..............: Also, they carried two Heavy Broadhead Javelins (Early Empire Pila) and were equipped with an Empire Shortsword (Gladius Pendoria)
Role: The arm of decision of the Empire's armies. They would take the enemy head-on, charging with or after a devastating volley of their heavy missiles.


Swordsmen-At-Arms fighting Vanskerry raiders​

Empire Medium Infantry played the opposite role of the standard Sarleonese infantryman.
Armor: Heavy leather armor, mail with reinforcing bands of leather, or other armors. While generally heavy for the period, the Empire considered it "medium".
Weaponry: Heavy board shield, of flat and rectangular construction. Boss-held, with a center handle.

Role: They provided flank protection and screening to the Legionaries, but on the offense only followed behind. They would exploit any opening created by the Legionary charge, but were not themselves expected to frontally attack or defend.

Empire Levy Militia and Empire Auxillia
Armor: Padded armors of various types dominated. Compared to most militia, they were relatively well-equipped with metal helmets.
Weaponry: A medium-sized round shield, strapped to the arm. A short stabbing/thrusting spear.
Role: Screening and "skirmishing". They don't seem to be trusted to do much...


The excessive and overly dogmatic faith of the Empire in heavy infantry stood in staggering contrast to how increasingly ill-suited such a manner of warfare was to the evolving realities of Pendorian battlefields. While what would be the Flower Kingdom infantry was taking form, Empire lords to varying degrees intended to "armor up" and "shield up" their infantry.

For example, it was suggested that making the largest shields standard would "solve" the problem of D'shar arrows, despite the fact these were usually shot around the shield. In other cases, there was great demand for additional protection due to the D'shar habit of shooting for unarmored limbs. Attempting to actually cover all these vulnerabilities for the general infantry was impossible at the time (and continues to be impractical to the degrees being suggested by Early Empire sources)

***As will be mentioned later, the core of D'shar professional forces (and indeed, raiders) was the mounted archer. Nobles were known to use much more powerful bows from horseback than in the modern era.
Flower Heavy Cavalry

Chapter 7


Casualties could be high, though not with proper battlefield treatments...​

Although Our Lady's innovations in infantry were perhaps the most far-reaching, her model army still relied, in theory, upon a strong and flexible mounted force.

While Kings had their vassal Lords, who themselves had retainers both Noble and Common, and indeed also made use of mercenary units, there existed almost ouside this system a number of lordless (and therefore landless) nobles with few means but much knightly equipment and training. These "Rogue Knights" were feared and hated. In return, they were forced to be as merciless as they were reputed to be.


Money alone is unlikely to buy loyalty, however...​

Throughout her many missions she encountered many such disowned nobles at various stages in their "career" as rogues (and some say, undercover Sarleon knights). In other accounts, they are referred to as "mercenary horsemen", which while technically true (they were paid wages, unlike most Knightly soldiers in the kingdoms) did not match their capabilities on the field. They were fully the equal of vassal knights fielded against them, an inconvenient truth in the feudal socitial-military structure of Pendor at the time.

These rogue knights were also known to fight to the death rather than yield (as they could not expect a ransom or honorable treatment as prisoners). Perhaps more horrifyingly for their opponents, they also thought nothing of treating captured nobles in ways similar to these expectations. After several critical victories in heavy melees with the Bhagdur Khan's noble cavalry, D'shar records begin to identify these forces as "heavy cavalry" rather than "mercenary horsemen".


Observe the mixed cavalry reserves.​

One potential source of confusion was the large number of scout cavalry employed, which followed the doctrine of the Empire Horse Auxillia, which is to say skirmishing-reconnaissance. Operating in small units (referred to as "Spears"), these Maiden Outriders might have been more present in the enemy's minds than one might imagine.

And that is where Lady Even and I enter the story...
Intelligence-Based Strategy

Chapter 8


Foot elements of the Defense Force​

In order to intercept Vanskerry parties raiding the Empire's villages, much scouting was necessary. While the lords of the Empire fought a slow loss against the D'shar proper around Janos, Our Lady's successes caused many villagers to hail her as a great defender of the people.

While we were renowned for the depth and width of our scouting capabilities, it would be unfair to hide that, in fact, a quiet early warning system was set up thoughout the various villages being aided by our growing band.


The modern "Heavy Crossbow" was very enthusiastically adopted.​

With the help of some of Ansen's architectural contacts, and some gains from our victories, the villagers began to build up small defensive fortifications; low stone walls (but with traps) and watch towers.

Additionally, Maiden Warders with good eyesight were employed as watchers. When it seemed that raiders approached, they would warn the villagers and word would be sent out by Maiden Outrider. Before long, this news would reach a village that might be visited by Our Lady...


With luck, before the raiders could properly attack the village in question, we would arrive on the scene and end them. These victories were frequently hard fought, but rarely in question.

On our side, we also had scouting and pathfinding groups that operated in a "cloud" around the main force. This allowed us to strike fast and hard, while still maintaining superior positioning and maneuvering advantages in engagements.


Matchup: Empire vs D'shar

Chapter 9


Up until now, the Empire had not fought a single direct action against the D'shar, as the latter were constantly moving back and forth in Empire lands precisely to avoid such a scenario. After a long period of time, the lords of the Empire decided on a daring plan. They would move against the nearest D'shar castle in order to force a confrontation.

The plan was a failure from the very start. The Empire massed troops but was constantly stymied in efforts to deploy its might. The D'shar meanwhile deployed behind the Empire, leaving a garrison to tie up the Imperator's forces.


The Empire's siege force slowly made it's way towards their first target on the "border" (long since crossed repeatedly by D'shar raiders and other, more serious, forces.)  Suddenly, Ethos fell to the D'shars new covert operations unit, the "Scorpion Assassins" who stealthily assassinated the garrison's officers and opened the gates for a joint D'shar-Vanskerry force. The rest of the garrison quickly capitulated or were killed.

The Empire immediately turned around and began a forced march to Ethos. At this point, everything was according to Xerxes' plan. But the Bhagdur Khan had miscalculated in two matters, which was their downfall.


First, the Empire was moving towards Ethos via lands that had for a long time been Our Lady's "turf". With the assistance of her Adventuring Party, they moved much faster than calculated. Furthermore, the various raiders and other irregulars who would have slowed down the Imperator's campaign group were much weaker than before, due to fighting with Our Lady on numerous occasions.


(The future King Fean is the one with the heraldry.)​

And then there was the "Quiet Whisper", officially a mercenary group of Sarleon and Ravenstern archers who had been hired to help in the defense of Ethos. However, they were only the tip of Our Lady's growing powerbase in Ethos itself.

As the garrison was surrendering, they melted away into the population fully armed and began to murder enemy soldiers from around corners and from windows. Unable to easily pacify Ethos, the D'shar could not set up themselves to defend effectively against the coming Empire forces.


Xerxes decided to abandon Ethos and instead meet the (he thought) tired and weakened Imperator on the field instead. This was a critical error.

Nice story, thanks for posting it.

With all that creativity and detail for writing lore, it would have been nice to have played with you on our PoP RPG.
Drafting up the battle for Ethos.

It will be illustrated with Paint drawings of the battlefield (and screenshots). I need a better way to do this...
Imperator vs Bhagdur Khan

Chapter 10



The top-right is where Ethos is. The bottom-left is in the direction of Sarleon.
The blue river is a small tributary that can be crossed by troops.
The main waterway that flows past Ethos is some distance to the bottom-right, and flows nearly perpendicularly to the river shown.

The green circle with yellow stripes is a small walled village.

The yellow triangle is Empire cavalry.
The yellow rectangle is Empire foot.

The orange double-circle is D'shar reserves.
The orange triangle is D'shar cavalry.
The orange rectangle is D'shar infantry.

The light green rectangle is allied Fierdswain and hired Vanskerry mercenaries.


As the Imperial troops began forming up, the D'shar sent across light mounted archers in order to harass them. However, even these new lighter Legionaries were quite capable of defending themselves from the missiles.

The Empire's infantry set themselves in place to front the small river,


The D'shar settled down and prepared for the Empire to make the first move. Whichever side attempted to force a river crossing against the other would be at a disadvantage.

The Bhagdur Khan in particular was hoping to use this terrain against the Imperator. Although he had prepared by hiring some Fierdswain (heavy) infantry, it would probably not hold up well in a direct brawl.


As noon arrived, the Empire infantry began to reform into deeper ranks. They began to move towards the river, directly into the face of the D'shar forces.


Xerxes was delighted. Immediately he ordered a contingent of this medium cavalry to begin a harassing action and ordered his infantry to be ready.


However, he had underestimated the Empire cavalry. Immediately the Imperator sent them in to oppose the D'shar, and a fierce cavalry melee began.


With the help of mercenaries and various western knights, the D'shar were forced to retreat, unable to prevent the Empire's orderly formup for the assault.


Xerxes immediately sent new orders to his D'shar infantry; being lighter, they could be used to tie down the Empire horse and threaten the Empire infantry flanks. This would free his own horse. Although he had been unpleasantly surprised by the strength of the Imperator's horse, it could be compensated for.

The Fierdswain were ordered closer to the river. The Empire could not easily leave their own position, but hopefully if they did force a confrontation, the Fierdswain could hold...
Imperator vs Bhagdur Khan (pt 2)

Chapter 11


While the D'shar were reeling from the sudden defeat of their light horse, on their left flank, suddenly new forces appeared to reinforce the Empire. On the D'shar side of the river...

Light and heavy crossbows began shooting at the D'shar's mixed infantry force. Abruptly the Bhagdur Khan's plans were falling apart.


Taking their cue, the Empire's lords could not wait to order an attack. The infantry approached the river under the missile cover of their attached crossbow support.

Pinned by crossbows from their left as well as the threat of the Queen's Adventurers' cavalry force, the D'shar infantry were unlikely to be able to resist the determined Empire attack now... it was time to leave.


Sending his heavy cavalry to slow down the Empire's main force, the Bhagdur Khan and his elite guards made a break for the north. In doing so, of course he would have to abandon the infantry...

However, the rearguard action failed. When they tried to move into position, the D'shar were attacked from extreme range buy the Rangers of Ethos, a group of local militia with some additional archers from Ravenstern (who made use of longbow technology).


Reactions among the infantry differed. The Fierdswain-Vanskerries were determined not to go down without a fight. They decided the best course of action was to break though the Empire's reinforcements rather than directly fleeing.

However, our men were not only trained to accept a melee battle, better yet was our position on a hill. And the Empire's main force was still shooting while advancing!


The D'shar infantry tried to make a run for it along with the Bhagdur Khan. Reports differ, some say they tried to surrender first but were rebuffed by the Fierdswain. In any case, in the pursuit they slowed down the Queen's Adventurers by giving them plenty of targets - their backs.


The infantry fought or fled. Either way they were killed in great numbers. Though some prisoners were taken, it is said that the D'shar ones were executed.

Both for not being ransomable, but also in revenge.


Any survivors of the D'shar were swiftly engaged in a race of desperation. The slow were shot in the back while the fast (probably on horses) lived to fight another day?


As the Bhagdur Khan fled north with his life, bodyguards and hardly anything else, the Adventurers stopped to secure the D'shar's baggage instead of giving chase.

Although pleased by the victory, some of the Empire lords were unhappy that the enemy commander had not been taken down. However what they didn't know was that a surprise waited in the north...

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