Resolved Captains Game mode still failling

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Xbox Series X
Game mode
Graphics mode
Summary:we can not join during warm ups as we use to making only possible to play 2v2 games Even when are more people searching for a game
How to Reproduce:Try searching for a game on any server
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Utterly ridiculous that we would get this type of treatment from a once great gaming community.
Summary:we can not join during warm ups as we use to making only possible to play 2v2 games Even when are more people searching for a game
How to Reproduce:Try searching for a game on any server
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The mode isn't what the game is about or for. Its just a side thing
I never said anything about the other modes. Sorry that your little group is a toxic little racist group on Xbox. Maybe let the mode die and move on, next.
It’s funny bc captins at its peak on console was just as active as battle/skirmish / siege.
And was the only reason custom servers EVER get poppin’ there is an immediate correlation between captains community and player interactions elsewhere. Just imagine how popular the servers would be if they gave us a single NA E custom captains server. People would be frothing at the mouth to get a chance to join.

Gotta give the boot to the old gens though. Their time has passed. Let them have the custom battles but they hold the rest of us back from our true and proper glory.
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