Closed Xbox Captains servers are not working properly

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Summary: We can not get a game on east américa, on west and europe we can only get 2v2 games, please i'm begging you fix the servers again
How to Reproduce
: Just try to get a game in Matchmaking Captains Game mode
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Due to the nature of matchmaking the required number of players to open a captain game reduces after a certain time searching. The minimum amount is 4 players results in 2v2. Those games should be populating after a while. We just checked the server settings and everything looks as it is supposed to. I hope this info can help you.
Due to the nature of matchmaking the required number of players to open a captain game reduces after a certain time searching. The minimum amount is 4 players results in 2v2. Those games should be populating after a while. We just checked the server settings and everything looks as it is supposed to. I hope this info can help you.
Is this a bot responding to us!?! Do you think we are coming here to merely waste MORE of our time to the gods of TaleWorlds? Why would so many of us come to tell you it is not working and you think the correct response is to simply tell us what…that we’re delusional!?! How can you be so naive!?!?!
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