C4 Suggestion & Resumal Thread! No progression/nothing happening.

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But have you noticed that they're not fighting each other anymore? Their attentions are turned outwards. HSE holding the LT and Ormelli tide as well as Laurian Incursions, while the Vaegirs have to duke out the rising Duchy, Halmarians, and the b***h Queen of pikes... er Lauria... Not suggesting that swadians and vaegirs are friends now but, all is silent north of Zollern and South of Ivangorod... So unchecked, that mountain bandits run free and an upstart Bohemian Warlord decideds to collect weapons and supplies for an army... Hmmm.....
The Swadians and Vaegirs might hate each others guts but atleast they dont consider the other one to be a real invader unlike the other bastards.
When things calm down they wil be at each others throats again.
Corvid said:
The Swadians and Vaegirs might hate each others guts but atleast they dont consider the other one to be a real invader unlike the other bastards.
When things calm down they wil be at each others throats again.
If HSE survives, that is. :twisted:
You don´t get it do you... =)

The Swadians have stood since ancient time and managed to stay strong while the world burns around them.
It will not help killing the Emperor or any single person as that will only fuel the others ambition and make them fight even harder.

But what would happen if that coldhearted bastard of a Pope goes and dies in manner as violent as I can possibly manage?
Lacking leadership the Lion Throne will go down under it´s own weight and be teared apart by everyone coming to return favours...
To get back to the placement of the Sarranids, they have to be east of the Khergits, but the thing is, in Ormeli lore, you will see that the Ormeli originate from the lands roughly south-east of the Khergits. Their original homeland was there and they actually share the same ethnicity as the people living there, the Gunduz Tribes.(There is a whole section  "On the Gunduz tribes near the Gulf of Duagavirva", Ormeli is only the name of the royal house) In the same piece of lore, there is also a desert faction(Shuri) even further to the east, but those obviously don't matter much because we're not going that far east. My point is, If you are going to expand to the east, there needs to be a place for the original Gunduz too because the Sarranids and the Gunduz would be bordering each other. Sarranids could be made to have access to the Gulf while the Khagan of the Gunduz would be to their south continually fighting them.

I actually don't want the Gunduz to be in because it would be even more work to come up with another new faction.
That's why we can give the lore some progress and make it so that the Sarranids would have conquered part of the Gunduz homeland and
the gunduz would not be needed to be put into the game as a faction but rather as a large rebel group who's parties continually spawn and are aggressive to the Sarranid rule. That should solve the problem of the Gunduz living near the Gulf.
Lore could easily be remade into a better placement for the Sarranids.

For the rest of you... I hate you just so slightly... Nikephoros is ok though...
Firstly; Will the Emperor die and who will take over? With the Emperor dead, Leopold could take control but what's to stop one of the Electors?

Secondly; I'm rather bored of managing my companions, so a version of autoloot would be nice.

Thirdly; How about adding in the battle wagons as props? They would act like both barriers and firing positions when a HSE army camps/entrenches.
Isn't this a remake? So the year is still 1500, and the Emperor is still alive and kicking and hallucinating. Plus, Swadia wouldn't be the same without the tragic, crazy Emperor Sigismund Augustus.
Venitius said:
Well, perhaps a rebellion from one of the electors in late game?

Or a full-blown rebellion from the Bohemians, less work to think up of another elector and who he is, blah blah blah.
Duke Heinrich "Dogfish" von Schanderch; Elector of Böhmenia. (He's the younger brother of the current Baron von Schanderch and became Duke of Böhmenia when it kinda got... integrated into the HSE.

Or we could have Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm, Duke of Upper Lorraine.
Venitius said:
Duke Heinrich "Dogfish" von Schanderch; Elector of Böhmenia. (He's the younger brother of the current Baron von Schanderch and became Duke of Böhmenia when it kinda got... integrated into the HSE.

Or we could have Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm, Duke of Upper Lorraine.

Come to think of it, I'm yet to find some current conflict between the Imperial State and the Holy Swadian Empire. How did that happen? Weren't they like... eternal enemies? Or is it the same way that we didn't put the Laurians and the Lion Throne into conflict?
It was something about the Western States wanting to split apart so they began to dislike each other profusely.. I don't think there really is that much of a conflict between them, with the IS busy with Haelmar & Lauria, and HSE with Ormelis and LT.
Venitius said:
It was something about the Western States wanting to split apart so they began to dislike each other profusely.. I don't think there really is that much of a conflict between them, with the IS busy with Haelmar & Lauria, and HSE with Ormelis and LT.

Well where was I when that happened?!
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