Bush - Farewell.

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Most people don't seem to understand that the government does not run the economy. It still doesn't, which is why these bailouts and stimulus packages are a joke.
Tibertus said:
Honestly, it was vote for the "American Socialist of the Year" Runner Up, or the guy who eeked through his military career. While I really respect what McCain went through as a POW, and I respect the rank he achieved in the military, I don't believe he did his best, which is something all members of the military are expected of. But when it comes down to it. McCain is just as pushy about his social ideals in the federal government as Obama is. Again, I'm going to say it's not the Federal Government's job to dictate how people are to live their lives. Beyond the basic freedoms defined in the constitution, it's up to the States to come up with what social legislation they want to pass.
Are you military, that you have authority to cast aspersions on the man's military service?  Guy got tortured, retired and went into civil service.  Yeah I think he's a nutjob, but I'd never say he didn't try his best.
As for R. Paul being a polar opposite to my ideals, with a dem majority in congress, a libertarian as pres wouldn't have been so bad.  He would veto anything unconstitutional that they tried to pull, and the congress would block any completely wacko **** he wanted, such as completely privatizing health care or abolishing the FDA.  Conservative republicans would be relegated to the rural areas.
Atlas Shrugged is a work of fiction btw.
First off, I'm from a military family, and I've been in the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps for three years now, with my commission and military flight training only around the corner. I volunteer a huge amount of my time in emergency service flight service and search and rescue. Yeah, I can make a call about his military service. I said I respected his time as a POW. However, before that, he graduated last in his class at the Naval Academy, he never took a direct command position, but was promoted directly to a staff position so that he would be able to make Admiral because there he would be the third in a line of Admirals in the Navy. Even with this position put in his lap, he retired at the rank of Lt. Cmdr. He recieved a lot of medals for his time as a POW at the Hanoi Hilton, but other than that, he really didn't do much. I've met several POWs from the Hanoi Hilton, and I respect everyone of them, but it doesn't mean that they are the greatest people in the military.

Oh well, that got convoluted, I'm just trying to say he should be respected for the sacrifices he made, but not so much for his less then stellar military career.

Oh, and that bingo thing is hilarious, about a good third of those apply to me. Not enough for me to get bingo though. Damn.
Lolz I stirred some **** up without intending to  :lol:

And I don't have hate for him, he's actually pretty funny  :neutral:  Not what you'd seek in a president but uhh... oh well, the more twisted the world gets, the more interesting I find it :twisted:.

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