[BRO] Battle Ready Orphans

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Now we have news!  :grin:

There is a new Bro among us. BRO_Guppy! Experienced and fun player, a good bro.
Now that he has joined our ranks, our clan is gersphfinglish.

Here's a sarranid I painted too, rather sketchy.
Needs more yellow.. ^^ Nah, really nice!!

And nice for Guppy to be accepted into your fine clan (:
Hey BROs

I really enjoy our browork and im looking forward to play some more with you Guys!  :grin:
And its a really awesome kind funny just amazing Clan/Group!!
Thanks for all the love guys :grin:

I think we should probably make more of an effort to maintain this thread, but you know, we're too busy killing and lounging around in the BROshack.

An update to the clan, we now have Foxie as a new member! She'll be added to the main post by Kami

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