ALAN, the Master Knight..... getting "imprisoned"....hehehehe

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Alan De Soison

Master Knight
I'm sorry that could not be involved in making a mod, because I must prepare my engagement day in 21 December ( 4 days again..nervous!!) and my wedding preparation until February 2012.

best regards
alan de soison
Alan De Soison said:
I'm sorry that could not be involved in making a mod, because I must prepare my engagement day in 21 December ( 4 days again..nervous!!) and my wedding preparation until February 2012.

best regards
alan de soison
W O W !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: wishes my friend!!!!!!!!!
You have been a real friend for all one year, and my great loyal Team mate! MY VERY 1st ONE, remember???
THX for all you did and the support you gave me, always!!  :wink:
BEST BEST BEST wishes to you and your future wife!!!
We want pics of her now...c'mon!!!

Your very friend


PS c'mon folks!! Wish my friend best luck!!!  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
I wish both of you all the best, and that you'll get to spend many happy years together.

Now stop being so nervous, it's only going to change the rest of your life... :wink:
thanks everyone  :oops:
I was very nervous because her father was a soldier, and her grandfather was veteran red berets,
I could be shot if I hurt his daughter hahahahaha :mrgreen:
Alan De Soison said:
thanks everyone  :oops:
I was very nervous because her father was a soldier, and her grandfather was veteran red berets,
I could be shot if I hurt his daughter hahahahaha :mrgreen:
Ohh, mamma mia!!! :shock:
How come an Old Pirate like you, ended up dating such a "Military Family" girl???  :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Be careful!!!  :twisted: hahahahahaha
.....and Alan is even a Master Knight, now!!!! :shock:

Best compliments on that as well, Master!!!

You surely served the "Kingdom of M&B" with honor, kindness and ....good spirit!!!

We all owe so much to you, my friend  :wink:

Thank you so much Gab and everyone. :cry: :cry:
I'm glad to get a lot of friends here in every country. :oops:
I'm very honored to know you all and best modder here  :oops:
I just bought a ring and Wednesday I'll meet her parents to get a blessing from them.

best regard
alan de soison
Nice job Alan, congrats on finding a wife I`d tell a joke but she might read it and be offended so i`m sealed, for now... :twisted:

No seriously I wish you all the best and hope your marriage is a happy one.
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