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  1. Iboltax

    is there a way to change horse charge so it kills

    just increase the charge value so that it does enough damage to kill
  2. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    El Guanche : the is included in the file that's on M&B Repository. If you're just adding new face textures than it should be a fairly simple process. You need to put those textures in the module folder and edit the textures and materials brf files to include your new skins and add those skins to the skins.txt or in the list.

    ImThatGuy: You can definately combine those. Its simply a matter of copying and pasting files from those female brf files and then editing the skins.txt. You would just need to cut and paste the female block from those files into mine.
  3. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    Breyean said:
    Iboltax said:
    I believe it's only this one black hood thing that has this issue. It was bothering me too and I actually ended up just opening up that hood model and editing the back part of it to fix it. If you know how to open up and find models using OpenBRF you can also just scale it up enough until it fits the head better. I believe that model is the one in commonres\armors_b.brf called hood_black, so with openbrf you can just right click on it and use the roto-translate-scale and scale it up a bit to quick-fix it.

    It's actually several helmets in my game that do this, the hood & one other i can't remember are just the most extreme examples. The Nordic Helmet you get from sea raiders also has this problem as well as the guard helmet among others.

    I'll try to figure out how to edit them the way you mentioned, thanks. Also, is it possible to make the head mesh smaller instead? Would that be easier?

    I definitely prefer these to the vanilla textures. They look so much better in game it's definitely worth trying to get them working. I hope you make some female textures with the same quality as these.

    I haven't noticed this with other helmets in my game, although, when looking at characters from a distance they all get some head through helmet at some point because the LODs for the helmets don't usually match the heads so well, but this happens just as much with the native heads as it is.

    Are you using a character detail level that's lower than the highest setting perhaps?

    You could scale the heads down using the same method in OpenBRF I mentioned but in the meshes_face_gen.brf file from my mod you would need to scale the male_head model and then you would also need to scale every single beard and hair model the same amount in order for them to fit the scaled head.
  4. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    Breyean said:
    Sibylla said:
    it's not a texture problem, the new head's mesh is bigger than the helmets, so in order to fix it you'll need to scale up the helmets a bit.

    How do you scale the helmets to fix it? Is it difficult to do for someone with no modding experience?

    I believe it's only this one black hood thing that has this issue. It was bothering me too and I actually ended up just opening up that hood model and editing the back part of it to fix it. If you know how to open up and find models using OpenBRF you can also just scale it up enough until it fits the head better. I believe that model is the one in commonres\armors_b.brf called hood_black, so with openbrf you can just right click on it and use the roto-translate-scale and scale it up a bit to quick-fix it.
  5. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    crodio said:
    add moar gangsta

    Yeah, I actually photo referenced some of the skins from mugshots, so some of them are indeed gangstas.

    But, probably not going to do more until i have some time for this again.
  6. Iboltax

    Bug Reports and known issues v2.4

    You can fix those glowing armours pretty easily with openbrf. Open up itm_materials from the floris mod\resource\  , Find ar_sw_costumes01 to ar_sw_costumes03 and change shader to specular_shader_skin_bump_high instead of whatever it was before.

    Not totally sure if thats the right shader for it, but they're not crazy glowing anymore.
  7. Iboltax

    The use of Warband and With Fire and Sword assets

    It seems it is like an engine creator and licensee sort of setup. Where for example, games that use the unreal engine are seperate entities in terms of copyrights and the creators of the unreal engine do not own the content created on the engine but have an agreement on how the engine may be used. The only difference here is that FaS uses M&B name and branding so they probably just have an agreement that Taleworlds still retains all rights to their Mount and Blade name and brand and gets their royalties.
  8. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    Probably because of the beards and hairs. WFaS has a couple of new beard and hairstyles, so even though you can install this just fine and create a character, once you enter a scene with characters that have WFaS beards and hairs assigned to them it crashes because it doesn't find those resources. A cheap and easy way to fix this would be just create corresponding duplicate entries in the BRFs of the beards and hairs and add them into the skins.txt as well. I'd like to make an update to add WFaS support as it wouldn't be too hard to edit the couple of beards and hairs they added to fit the new models, but I haven't had much time to work on any of this stuff lately. So I really can't say I will.
  9. Iboltax

    Mod Rus 13m

    I loved this mod for the original and have played the Warband beta a little. I'm assuming they're working on doing a finished release for warband. I don't understand what you are asking exactly though, that you want to take over a separate development of the mod because you have some disagreements with the Russian team working on it?

    By the way, I really like your videos, I must have watched the horseman of the steppe one like a dozen times.
  10. Iboltax

    What does the Trade Permit do?

    Yeah I didn't notice any difference either, I think you would still make the same amount without it.
  11. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    Shanehere said:
    It gives me can't find material male bla bla bla something if I start Diplomacy mod

    You've most likely missed some step, make sure that in modules.ini you've changed load_resource = materials_face_gen and load_resource = textures_face_gen to load_mod_resource, as long as all the files in resources and textures are in textures in the diplomacy folder it should load correctly.

    Wu-long said:
    Can I use this in With Fire and Sword?
    I haven't tested it, With Fire and Sword has a few new beards and hairs that wouldn't be replaced in this mod, so not sure what effect that could have. At best it wouldn't crash and you'd have the same faces minus those Fire and Sword beards and hairs, but it also might just crash.
  12. Iboltax

    its said before, but i'll say again: the one mod whose lack is inexcusable.

    I do see the point about code, anyone could essentially rewrite the code and claim it their own once they have the open source content of it. I guess that's just the agreement you make when you decide to work within a games SDK and release your code open source. I was applying the same thinking behind editing graphics as to code, which you're right, is different.

    I know the fallout mod you are referring to, but it isn't like Bethesda outright copy pasted the mod code into the game, they just recreated it. Although I guess with code that's about the same thing isn't it.
  13. Iboltax

    B Medieval [WB] Crusader - Way to expiation

    You could probably "bake" a cloth animation cycle into a vertex animation sequence if an item can have a vertex animation loop constantly.
  14. Iboltax

    Caravan = Ungodly Wealth = Boring

    Archonsod said:
    Mavkiel said:
    I don't believe anyone is suggesting that. What is being suggested is that it is to easy to gain enough wealth to trivialize the economy.
    By the same token though it's impossible to prevent the player grinding their wealth value to whatever they want while retaining the trading system. The balancing factor is really time more than anything else; you could in fact grind your wealth up without caravans simply by trading the individual items for however long it takes you to accumulate a given level of wealth. The only thing stopping it is the presumption that doing so would be less fun than the alternative things you could be doing.

    I wouldn't say it's trivialising the economy so much as streamlining it. Economics isn't the focus or appeal of the game, at the moment you can make three or four caravan runs and have enough to pursue the plot and combat, which means there's still an economic factor but it's not an intrusive distraction. One of the more common complaints regarding Warband was that players were too distracted by the need to make money (particularly in the late game).

    This is all true, but I think they should have solved the late game money problem by simply increasing the amount you get from prosperous villages/towns taxes and keeping the balance of wealth you get from trading/looting/raiding/etc. When you get to a point in the game where you actually own enough fiefs that you are getting serious income from them, then you are also at a point where you are playing to conquer land and castles and aren't interested in doing trading, looting, other small time activities.

    In this case, i think they wanted you to get a lot of money early in order to get into the storylines at an earlier time.
  15. Iboltax

    Caravan = Ungodly Wealth = Boring

    Semper_Ducimus said:
    To piggyback on a previous comment about this game not being an MMO, i'd like to reiterate the novel concept that a single player game should NOT be a grind fest or a run on a virtual treadmill.  For for those unfamiliar with that term, single player games should not force you to do repetitive tasks that reward miniscule gain over and over and over again in order to advance progression.  Your not competing against anyone.

    That, unfortunately, is what i'm gathering from this thread. That some people think the game should force you to do repetitive tasks again and again, over and over for small gains.  If that's your idea for fun, go outside, wash your car or truck, and then wax it with Q tips. Come back and exhort how much fun that is, and how using an electric buffer would be cheating.  Its not my intent to jump into a battle that isn't mine, but having played several MMO's, and having grinded XP, cash, and items for hours at a time, the mere THOUGHT of it now, makes me cringe.

    I agree about the grinding thing, which is what happens in regular Warband trading, it becomes a slight grind but its somewhat alleviated by having other options to gain money that are almost just as profitable. So when you get bored of trading, you can fight bandits, you can loot, tournaments, etc, and all those tasks are interesting challenges in themselves. In this way Warband avoids turning trading into a terrible grind, but it does cross over into it if you choose to just trade as a primary source of money making.

    The caravans have great potential to actually be a fun game in themselves if they were balanced and if there were more spontaneous forces that didn't make each caravan run a sure success.

    Although it almost seems like the developers intended design was to have the player get a lot of money quickly in the game so that they could start playing the main storylines while the factions were still in their early stages. Considering that the storylines are approached in a very linear way I wouldn't be surprised if this was their intention. But who knows since the storylines are so poorly executed. If this is the case they should have just given the player a wage from whichever party they decided to join and outright make money a non-factor. Fact of the matter is, I don't think they had much of an idea how they were going to balance any of this.

    My hope is once the module system is released someone makes a mod that turns caravan trading into something challenging and fun.
  16. Iboltax

    Caravan = Ungodly Wealth = Boring

    The trading in this game is like Drug Wars with no time limit. Anyone know what I'm saying ?  :lol:
  17. Iboltax

    its said before, but i'll say again: the one mod whose lack is inexcusable.

    reallybigjohnson said:
    Iboltax said:
    Obviously adding any sort of mod to a commercial game, even if the mod is open source, means working out a legal agreement with the person who authored the mod. And, that's probably just one of the reasons why a mod like that wouldn't get added by Fire and Sword officially.

    Although, I agree, it would be nice to have.

    no........... the game developers can use mod ideas from mod authors all they want.  mod makers dont own the mod the mods they make.  the only things they would "own" would be textures or meshes created from scratch from a third party program.  even in that case if some other modder uses their textures for example without permission there is no recourse for the original modder outside of getting the community to put pressure on the offendor.  if they use an SDK provided by the developer they dont have any rights over anything they do with it.    fallout new vegas is a good example of this since it borrowed tons of features from popular mods like weapon mod kits, sleep/hunger/thirst mods and ironsights mods just to name a few.

    this game and all its flaws are simply a result of pure and simple laziness and incompetence.  the fact that they are releasing additional language packs at this point in time along with the unforgivable mistake with the troop upgrades show me that this developer (must emphasize that it was not taleworlds that made this game) are a bunch of amateur mod makers.  im really really trying to like this game since it has some very good ideas especially concerning preventing you from getting all hussars easily but its downsides are so numerous that they overshadow any good things.

    Just to clarify what I was saying, I meant using the actual mod itself, not the idea. Which is what I got the impression the OP meant.

    Although you are wrong about not having any rights over the work you do with the games sdk, copyright laws aren't clear cut on that sort of thing. The developers could take your mod and sell it, but any smart developer would do so with a contractual agreement with whoever made the mod. Because that mod maker could very well have a good lawyer and take them to court over it. Whether they would win or not, I don't know, but any smart developer would forego the possibility and either pay the person for their contribution or just get them to sign an agreement about it.

    I wouldn't be happy at all if someone used my OSP content and sold it for profit, I would most definitely sue if I could.

    Although, I've never heard of a case of a developer selling actual mod content unless it was outright marketed as a new game expansion or pack, in which case the mod makers were compensated.

    Just clarifying my point, obviously its within their right to use the actual idea and reproduce it.
  18. Iboltax

    its said before, but i'll say again: the one mod whose lack is inexcusable.

    Obviously adding any sort of mod to a commercial game, even if the mod is open source, means working out a legal agreement with the person who authored the mod. And, that's probably just one of the reasons why a mod like that wouldn't get added by Fire and Sword officially.

    Although, I agree, it would be nice to have.
  19. Iboltax

    Native LSP 2D Art Face Improvement Project

    KillerMongoose said:
    Hey can anyone instruct me on how to install this? I'm not quite as tech savy as I'd like to be but I'm learning so bear with me lol

    Well there are instructions in the text file included. If you tell me which steps you are having trouble with I can explain further.
  20. Iboltax

    Why the **** cant i get in to my castle?

    lol, this is what happens when the guards are extra cautious about impersonators. 
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