[Werewolf] [Archive] Werewolf!! We WON!

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Sir. Velmu

Grandmaster Knight
Again, clean and simple. 7 players, all with a vote.
2 wolves, who can PM with eachothers during the night. And also get to eat someone.
1 seer, that get's to check 1 identity from the host per night.

Get the majority of votes, and you're out.


1. Bugman
2. Vilhjalmr
3. Xardob
4. Seff
5. Gculk
6. Locke
7. PurpplePuppy

I guess that's it. Carry on.
Sorry Velmu, but I cant pass this up.

Vilhjalmr said:
That was really fast. :smile:

I'll vote: Lamjoe, just for the hell of it.

Vilhjalmr said:
I'm in for your game. I'm going to try a new strategy this time in which I actually try to find the wolves. :wink: You will all come to fear my massive deductive prowess.

Just so there's no uncertainty, the roles have been handed. If you didn't recieve a PM, that's because no one loves you.
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