Guide for new players

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After little reading i see many players have many questions abaut Europe 1200 so i find time to make a little help for jung ones.
I have been playing this mod from start and now i will try to share my expirience with you. Sorry for bed English.

The best way to become a king by teut  :grin: 
I will write it only cose im a strongest player in this game and no one can defeat me  :roll: , also what to help you mates :grin:  if you need one.


This is very imortant and one thing leads to onother so please follow it;

RELATIONSHIP WHIT LORDS ( very important ) !!!

When  you join a faction for example i will take Hungary;

taking quest only from Hungary lords,  thats how you will rise your relationship whit them and you need to rise it over+24( i will later explain this )
- find  lord like Grgur Šubić ( hungarian vassal ) which have a daughter and rise your relationship whit him over + 24 ( this i will explain later also) 
- you dont need to follow marshal every time , but be at every siege of your fiction, after battle you must speek whit each one of your lords who participate in this battle ( its very easy cose they are all there after you take over castle) this will gain you +1 or +2 whit every lord
-  after every castle or town your faction will take your king will giving fieves to his lords and  every time you must find neerest lord and support his choise , you will get +2 or more  whit lord which you speek and + 2 more  whit lord he support to get it ( this depants of what kind of fievs your king giving to vassals ; castle , town or villiges)
- when you see battles  always help your fiction lords ( this will give you from +1 to + 6 relationship whit that lord depands of battle situation in which he got stuck)


You dont want to have strog relations whit this one mate,cose one day you will be enemys.
Your king and you must have max level of +5, cose when you want to leave fiction you need your fiefs, castels and towns to stay in your possession. Till then you need this +5 so king gives you castels and towns you capture as your fiefs.

How to take them all and leave the king ?

When you are ready to become king  you do this.
First you go to your King and recommend him to go in war whit Holy Roman Empire , you have only +5 thats why your king will not be happy whit this proposition  and you get -1 in relationship .
You do this 10 or 20 times more and now you have relationship whit king on -5 or - 15. You will lose this relationship anyway once you leave his fiction so its really dosenot metter.
Then your next move ( you are still your kings vassal only thing is your king dose not love you any more ) – you attack and capture castle or town and say you want it for yourself. Your king is not a idiot so if you have -10 relationship whit him he will not give this castle or town to you , but he will send you a money for your effort telling he is really sorry but he will give this to some other lord.
Thats what you are waitng for and you will take no money and say you will keep the castle and all your fives as independent ficition in this dialog.
Now you have all your solders , castles , towns , villages as a part of your own fiction. Bad news for you cose half of your neighbors will attaack you, you can prevent this with  i think RIGHT TO RULE ,RENOWN  and relationship whit other kings and fictions.
Whit this your party recrument will not fall and you dont need to take a castle cose your fiefs are staying whit you.
Best way to get relationship with other kings is trough tournaments and feasts. When you see a feast have been holdig you go there speek to king and get +2 relasionship whit him. Also when you win the tournament you can devote tournament win to some lady you will get + 4 or + 6 relationship whit her.


raise your honor :
-mission like saving villige from bandids and refuse to take award will provide  you  honor               
-always relase captured lords - this gave you two advatiges : - you gain honor and relasionship whit that lord + 5 or more. (some times when you meet this lord again you will lose -15 realtionship whit him but its one of twenty times)
Honor is very important once you get it over + 99 you will have + 20 + 30 whit all lords who are honorable ON MAP no matter which fiction they belong, so this way you get much more friends,and now you can convince lord of onother faction to join you.



At first point you need to be fast on map so you can avoid every battle you cant win. Lords and kings with big armies are slow. This will give you big advatinge before you become a king.


-You have to devolp only personal skills
-Party skills leave for companion

-persuasion- you must have this at least at 10 level –this will help you to get what you want from king , lords , ladys – king and lords to support you in getting fiefs or follow you , join your fiction , give you their daughter etc...
Lets get beck at start when i said you need +24 realtionship whit lords, you will easily convice lord to join your kingdom cose at +24 you are friends and most of them will gladly join you if you got strong persuasion.
If you have strong  persuasion + honor + (+24 relationship with lord) you can easily talk in every lord in map to join you no mattere which faction he belongs.
-one of companions must have this skill of persuasion also high cose when you become king you will need skillfull emissary which you will send to other kings to make peace etc...
-trainning- you must have good skill as a trainner once you become a king you will need solders fast. Best way is to get them in your party and when they reach stady of devolpment you want then you leave them in castles or towns and pick new ones. In the same time you speek whit your wife who is also a minister and she will recruit soldiers for you.



They are your ROYAL GUARD. Put them on horses  for God's sake. This way they will have more kills and grow faster in skills. Some of them have strong party skills so you take this ones and put them on top as your finest then each of them take one skill and develop it to a maximum for example Ibn Arabi engineer or Nicollo Polo path-finding. Some of them can use several skills.


Your companions have one more skill , you can send them to spread the word and gain you +3 right to rule for each one of them. This option you can find in dialoge whit each one of your companions but each of them can do it only once.
They are useless as vassals use them as your bodyguards cose you can pick their equipment and they are stronger then regular solders. Also dont use them as minister cose you use your wife for that.
This team give us manpower option so you can get as much vassals you want trough capturing towns and castles.


Once you become a noble you need your castle. Find a castle neer town you also wants so your holdings are neer each other. This why you will easily distribute troops for defence. You must collect solders and fill your walls whit them cose onece you become a king enemy will attack you and that siege is crucial because if you defend yourself you will break the enemy's army  and their marshall which buy you time to renew the garrison and assable the lords.
At first point put yourself as marshal cose this way you can use this trick:
Organize a feast, wait one day , when lords are here go into castle talk to each one and collect +1 or +2 relationship whit each , then call them all as marshall to compain and automaticlly when the feast is over every lord which was at that moment in castle rise +1 relationship whit you. You will be able to organize new feast in 7 days but your feast will never take long time and you will get what you want.

You need your wife and you need her fast. Why? Trough feasts you can rise every 7 days relations whit all lords of your faction which come to your feast.  But you will never married before you got a castle, so find first a castle. After that find a lord who have a daughter and rise a relationship whit him. This will not be enough you must have high renown and few fiefs to be consider for this. Ask that lord to aprove marriage after he aprove you need 6000 coins and its all done. You can have some trouble time to visit a lady ( learn poems in taverns so your relationship whit lady go faster). You need all this cose onece you become a KING put your wife as minister cose she will have more diplomatic options than regular minister like recruting solders ( towns can send 4 recruter for 10-50 soldiers of selected faction, catles 2 recruters) , resolving a dispute ( you get honor) , giving vassal a fiefs etc....



Manpower option works good when you are king but not marshall at same time cose every castle  your marshall takes give you new lord and you dont lose or rise relationship whit new lord cose he gets his holdings automaticlly.
When you are king and marshall you lead the siege and after battle the lord of that castle wait you in your capital to make plage to you. Your wife is a minister and you will talk to her to give fief to your new vassal, and this is resolt.
You will get relationship + 5 whit your new lord but lose -1 whit all others – this is case for village, town or castle you will lose - 5 or -10 whit some.


You can choose to have a marshall if you dont want to lose relationships whit giving a fiefs, in that case manpower option will give castle to lord from which you take it but lord is now on your side.

Relationship whit lords are most importatant thing here cose as king if your relationship goes under 0 your vassal can turn sides and join some other faction taking his castles with him.

Hope i share you usefull info and next relise with Bzyntium  is behind corner , God wills it. I could put in much more things but dont have so much time. 

Regards ,

Your Teut :lol:
Haha, very good, Teut! Also, don't forget to raise the Trainer skill in all your companions, as the Trainer is the only party skill that stacks from all characters in the party.
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