The "Name the Reasons You Don't Want to Play this Mod" thread

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I think the lack of players is a good and bad thing. With a lot of players it will turn into PW. With a little bit of players there will not be much action so it balances it out
A cross/mix between "Territory: the Mountain Men" found by googling or  and Warband would be my ideal game in this genre.Love the idea of roaming around and building camps ,hunting, surviving and protecting prime area !!!.  Build menu would just be camps, small bases...general work would be hunting and trapping... trading would be in furs and wars between the natives and rogue mountain men would be rife. Would like to visit local towns to trade between trappers , form companies, protection, just like the old days!!! etc. This mod has made huge progress in the rpg sector of warband but it does need a direction.Right now after the first few times the novelty wears off and I dont see much fun starting from scratch again and again and thats not mentioning someone just shooting at you for the hell off it.If a mod(this game) could save a constantly elvolving area/ situation like the Sims game  does then it  would be brilliant.Dont know enough about servers, coding or any thing else that could make this work though. Do have lots of imagination, knowledge and texturing expeirence though!!!
Thanks for reading
Not trying to sound mean or something, but you should leave some space between your sentences, Its very annoying to have to read a lot of words just pasted together, just keep some space

in between, like this :wink:
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