B Info Scenes Reading SceneObj (.sco) files

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Since Swyter asked on the bugtracker, I might as well post this. Can't really be bothered to convert it to a civil programming language though.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define SCO_MAGIC -717
#define GROUND_PAINT_MAGIC -11873882

typedef struct vector
	float x;
	float y;
	float z;
} vector_t;

typedef struct matrix
	vector_t v0;
	vector_t v1;
	vector_t v2;
	vector_t o;
} matrix_t;

typedef struct ground_paint_layer
	char *ground_spec_id;
	int ground_spec_no;
	float *cells;
} ground_paint_layer_t;

typedef struct ground_paint
	int size_x;
	int size_y;
	int num_layers;
	ground_paint_layer_t *layers;
} ground_paint_t;

typedef struct ai_mesh_vertex
	vector_t position;
} ai_mesh_vertex_t;

typedef struct ai_mesh_edge
	int start_vertex;
	int end_vertex;
} ai_mesh_edge_t;

typedef struct ai_mesh_face
	int num_vertices;
	int vertices[4];
	int edges[4];
	int unknown;
} ai_mesh_face_t;

typedef struct ai_mesh
	int num_vertices;
	int num_edges;
	int num_faces;
	ai_mesh_vertex_t *vertices;
	ai_mesh_edge_t *edges;
	ai_mesh_face_t *faces;
} ai_mesh_t;

typedef struct mission_object
	char *id;
	int meta_type; // 0 = scene prop, 1 = entry point, 2 = scene item, 4 = flora, 5 = passage
	int sub_kind_no;
	int variation_id;
	int variation_id_2;
	matrix_t position;
	vector_t scale;
} mission_object_t;

typedef struct sco_file
	int version;
	int num_mission_objects;
	mission_object_t *mission_objects;
	ai_mesh_t *ai_mesh;
	ground_paint_t *ground_paint;
} sco_file_t;

void read(FILE *file, size_t size, void *dest)
	if (dest)
		fread(dest, size, 1, file);

void read_int(FILE *file, int *dest)
	read(file, 4, dest);

void read_char(FILE *file, char *dest)
	read(file, 1, dest);

void read_float(FILE *file, float *dest)
	read(file, 4, dest);

void read_string(FILE *file, char **dest)
	int length;
	read_int(file, &length);
	*dest = malloc(length + 1);
	read(file, length, *dest);
	(*dest)[length] = '\0';

void read_vector(FILE *file, vector_t *dest)
	read_float(file, &dest->x);
	read_float(file, &dest->y);
	read_float(file, &dest->z);

void read_matrix(FILE *file, matrix_t *dest)
	read_vector(file, &dest->v0);
	read_vector(file, &dest->v1);
	read_vector(file, &dest->v2);
	read_vector(file, &dest->o);

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	if (argc < 2)
		printf("Usage: %s filename\n", argv[0]);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	FILE *file = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
	if (!file)
		printf("ERROR: file %s not found\n", argv[1]);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;
	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
	long file_size = ftell(file);
	fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
	printf("Reading %s\n", argv[1]);
	sco_file_t sco_file;
	int magic;
	read_int(file, &magic);
	if (magic == SCO_MAGIC)
		read_int(file, &sco_file.version);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.num_mission_objects);
		sco_file.version = 0;
		sco_file.num_mission_objects = magic;
	printf("SCO file version: %d\n", sco_file.version);
	printf("Mission object count: %d\n", sco_file.num_mission_objects);
	sco_file.mission_objects = malloc(sco_file.num_mission_objects * sizeof(mission_object_t));
	for (int i = 0; i < sco_file.num_mission_objects; ++i)
		read_int(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].meta_type);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].sub_kind_no);
		fseek(file, 4, SEEK_CUR); // unused
		read_matrix(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].position);
		read_string(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].id);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].variation_id);
		if (sco_file.version >= 2)
			read_int(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].variation_id_2);
			sco_file.mission_objects[i].variation_id_2 = 0;
		if (sco_file.version >= 3)
			read_vector(file, &sco_file.mission_objects[i].scale);
			sco_file.mission_objects[i].scale.x = 1.0f;
			sco_file.mission_objects[i].scale.y = 1.0f;
			sco_file.mission_objects[i].scale.z = 1.0f;
	if (sco_file.version >= 4)
		int ai_mesh_size;
		read_int(file, &ai_mesh_size);
		long start_pos = ftell(file);
		sco_file.ai_mesh = malloc(sizeof(ai_mesh_t));
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->num_vertices);
		sco_file.ai_mesh->vertices = malloc(sco_file.ai_mesh->num_vertices * sizeof(ai_mesh_vertex_t));
		printf("AI mesh vertex count: %d\n", sco_file.ai_mesh->num_vertices);
		for (int i = 0; i < sco_file.ai_mesh->num_vertices; ++i)
			read_vector(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->vertices[i].position);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->num_edges);
		sco_file.ai_mesh->edges = malloc(sco_file.ai_mesh->num_edges * sizeof(ai_mesh_edge_t));
		printf("AI mesh edge count: %d\n", sco_file.ai_mesh->num_edges);
		for (int i = 0; i < sco_file.ai_mesh->num_edges; ++i)
			fseek(file, 4, SEEK_CUR); // unused
			read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->edges[i].start_vertex);
			read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->edges[i].end_vertex);
			fseek(file, 8, SEEK_CUR); // unused
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->num_faces);
		sco_file.ai_mesh->faces = malloc(sco_file.ai_mesh->num_faces * sizeof(ai_mesh_face_t));
		printf("AI mesh face count: %d\n", sco_file.ai_mesh->num_faces);
		for (int i = 0; i < sco_file.ai_mesh->num_faces; ++i)
			read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].num_vertices);
			for (int j = 0; j < sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].num_vertices; ++j)
				read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].vertices[j]);
			for (int j = 0; j < sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].num_vertices; ++j)
				read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].edges[j]);
			read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].unknown);
			if (sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].unknown > 0)
				read_int(file, &sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].unknown);
				sco_file.ai_mesh->faces[i].unknown = 0;
		long end_pos = ftell(file);
		if (end_pos - start_pos != ai_mesh_size)
			printf("ERROR: failed to read AI mesh\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		sco_file.ai_mesh = NULL;
	if (ftell(file) != file_size)
		read_int(file, &magic);
		if (magic != GROUND_PAINT_MAGIC)
			printf("ERROR: wrong ground paint magic\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		int ground_paint_size;
		read_int(file, &ground_paint_size);
		long start_pos = ftell(file);
		sco_file.ground_paint = malloc(sizeof(ground_paint_t));
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ground_paint->num_layers);
		sco_file.ground_paint->layers = malloc(sco_file.ground_paint->num_layers * sizeof(ground_paint_layer_t));
		printf("Ground paint layer count: %d\n", sco_file.ground_paint->num_layers);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ground_paint->size_x);
		read_int(file, &sco_file.ground_paint->size_y);
		for (int i = 0; i < sco_file.ground_paint->num_layers; ++i)
			read_int(file, &sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].ground_spec_no);
			read_string(file, &sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].ground_spec_id);
			int has_cells;
			read_int(file, &has_cells);
			if (has_cells)
				sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].cells = malloc(sco_file.ground_paint->size_x * sco_file.ground_paint->size_y * sizeof(float));
				int empty = 1;
				int count;
				read_int(file, &count);
				for (int y = 0; y < sco_file.ground_paint->size_y; ++y)
					for (int x = 0; x < sco_file.ground_paint->size_x; ++x)
						if (!count)
							empty = !empty;
							read_int(file, &count);
						float value;
						if (empty)
							if (sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].ground_spec_no == GROUND_PAINT_LEVELING_MAGIC)
								value = -1.0f;
								value = 0.0f;
							if (sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].ground_spec_no < 0)
								read_float(file, &value);
								char cvalue;
								read_char(file, &cvalue);
								value = cvalue / 255.0f;
						sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].cells[x * sco_file.ground_paint->size_y + y] = value;
				sco_file.ground_paint->layers[i].cells = NULL;
		long end_pos = ftell(file);
		if (end_pos - start_pos != ground_paint_size)
			printf("ERROR: failed to read ground paint\n");
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		sco_file.ground_paint = NULL;
Yes, it's full of bad coding practices. Deal with it. :cool:
A matrix is basically the world that all the models are placed in.  Think of it like the boundaries.  Otherwise, you'd have nothing since the space (sizewise) is limitless.  That's probably what the movie draws it's name from. 
cmpxchg8b said:
Since Madoc PMed me, I might as well post this. Can't really be bothered to convert it to a civil programming language though.
Yes, it's full of bad coding practices. Deal with it. :cool:
Fixed  :razz:

Thanks. I'm going to enjoy working on a Scene editor! You wouldn't have any insights on terrain generation would you?
MadocComadrin said:
You wouldn't have any insights on terrain generation would you?
Yeah, I do: don't even bother, the complexity on that thing is off the scale. :???:
If you want to do it anyway, and you still haven't looked at it, here's the terrain keys format:
value			key no.			shift			num bits

seed_1			0			0			31
seed_2			1			0			31
deep_water	 	1			31			1
seed_3			2			0			31
size_x			3			0			10
size_y			3			10			10
shade_occluded 		3			30			1
place_river 		3			31			1
valley			4			0			7
hill_height		4			7			7
ruggedness		4			14			7
vegetation		4			21			7
region_type		4			28			4
region_detail		5			0			2
disable_grass		5			2			2
Thank you, everything documented over here:

Feel free to edit or enhance it.
The hard part is done.

PS: Didn't saw this topic until today. Ty again.
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