Resolved mercenary influence bug

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: gain influence when sending extra troops on protect caravan quest
How to Reproduce: hired with nation as mercenary accept a protect caravan quest and send one of your men to do it. when moving troops over about half the time you will be given influence as if you were donating the troops to the garrison.
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edit: you also gain influence when releasing prisoners...
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Hello, gaining influence when releasing prisoners is intended as far as i know but i will ask about both and update the devs. Thank you for your time. Can you please send us a save file so we can further inspect the issue? You can upload the file to address. Please paste the link to this thread as description so i can identify it.
Hello, gaining influence when releasing prisoners is intended as far as i know but i will ask about both and update the devs. Thank you for your time. Can you please send us a save file so we can further inspect the issue? You can upload the file to address. Please paste the link to this thread as description so i can identify it.
based on what the mechanic is from an ingame perspective it dosnt make too much sense to gain influence as a mercenary when releasing prisoners. as a mercenary influence is a measure of how much work you have done for the nation you are contracted with. releasing prisoners into the wild as you attempt to speed up to escape an opposing army is clearly an act detrimental to the war effort from an ingame logic standpoint and i fail to see why caladog high king of the battanians would say AH yes here is your 400 denars for the release of those filthy vlandian war captives i so desired to fight myself. rather id expect to LOSE influence for the fact that im effectively giving his opponents more men to fight with.
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