~Help meez pleezz!!!!~

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I have trouble getting my reputation up, capturing towns and nobles... can anyone give me himts on any three of my problems please???
Thank you for helping,
MaddsterOwnz :mrgreen: :grin: :twisted:
1. Getting reputation up as far as I can tell involves battling a bunch.  I've found that when the odds are stacked against you the most, you get the most renown.
2. You can't capture towns, though you can capture castles--you can tell the difference because castles have those little towers on the world map.  You can only loot towns, but if your army is too small the villagers will fight back.
3. You can't, and don't really need to capture nobles--sometimes they die, sometimes they escape to fight you another day.  As far as I know, you can't really use any technique to always kill nobles as opposed to them being knocked unconscious and escaping.
Like a hangnail.  Trying to decipher the sequence of his smileys is like trying to decipher a Mycenaean Linear B tablet.
you can atack capitalls just keep atacking vilages and castles and wen the capital garison drops to 65% of your capital it is possible to atack it talk whi your advisor and send message tp your liege
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