Resolved Garrison size limitation is not working

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No, I didn't use any mods.


Summary: Adjusting the garrison expenses is not possible. I set the allowed garrison expenses to the max of 2k gold and pressed done. Afterwards I checked if it is correctly set and the garrison expenses were reverted to unlimited again.
How to Reproduce: Adjust the garrison expenses and press done. Then check if it still is the same or not. I saved the game in between, but that shouldn't matter, hopefully.
Have you used cheats and if so which: Giving myself focus points and jumping around the map.
I think I have found the cause of this bug. Garrison expenses settings reset themselves when number of troops in the garrison goes to zero first and then goes to some other value.
There is also another part of this bug - if there are no troops in the garrison, you cannot change garrison settings, because the garrison is not listed in "Parties" tab in your clan screen.

However, there is one exception to this. If you go to your town and take all the troops from its garrison, at fist it looks like it works just fine - garrison is correctly listed in "Parties" tab and garrison setting do not change yet - but the bug occurs as soon as you leave the keep of the town.
For castles the bug occurs right at the moment when you take all the troops from the garrison and click "Done".

Also, "Auto Recruitment" setting isn't affected by this bug, only expenses settings reset themselves to "Unlimited Wage".

Edit: I have a small suggestion about this mechanic - it would be nice if checking and unchecking "Unlimited Wage" box had not reset the party wage limit bar that the player had set earlier.
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