France 9-10 Italy (Group Stage 1, Group 3) Deadline: 13/04/2011

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Group Stage 1, Group 3
France vs Italy

Map 1: Ruined Fort - Sarranids vs Nords
Map 2: Port Assault - Swadia vs Sarranids

The deadline for this match is 13/04/2011.

You can discuss anything related to the match in this topic. Referees can also post their availability in here. The result of the match should also be posted in this thread, preferably accompanied by screenshots, if possible.

We are available each day after 21H GMT+2 and the  week end
Our servers are : EDT_Battlegrounds and FR_RDB_Clanserver.
This match will be played on Monday 11/04 at 21 GMT + 2  .
Sorry for misunderstanding over day to play, forgot to check the deadline before leaving for the trip.
Wow ,  matches like this remind me how awesome this game is!  .

GG France , Very intense and awesome match !
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