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Tworlds Community Tales #2'de şöyle bir açıklama yapmış. Benim merak ettiğim 1.2.4'ü beta olarak mı yayınlayacaklar yoksa release olarak mı?

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we jump into another edition of the Community Tales, we wanted to address some of your questions regarding the 1.2.x version series. To begin with, we made the Beta v1.2.0 publicly available earlier and are keeping the series in beta longer than usual - in order to more effectively collect and respond to a broader range of community feedback. Thanks to your help, many important issues were addressed in the hotfixes v1.2.1, v1.2.2 and v1.2.3.

We are currently working towards v1.2.4, which will be followed by another testing round. Naturally, the preparations for the cross-platform live release are ongoing as well - our priority, however, is to ensure a stable release.
Tworlds Community Tales #2'de şöyle bir açıklama yapmış. Benim merak ettiğim 1.2.4'ü beta olarak mı yayınlayacaklar yoksa release olarak mı?

Greetings warriors of Calradia!

Before we jump into another edition of the Community Tales, we wanted to address some of your questions regarding the 1.2.x version series. To begin with, we made the Beta v1.2.0 publicly available earlier and are keeping the series in beta longer than usual - in order to more effectively collect and respond to a broader range of community feedback. Thanks to your help, many important issues were addressed in the hotfixes v1.2.1, v1.2.2 and v1.2.3.

We are currently working towards v1.2.4, which will be followed by another testing round. Naturally, the preparations for the cross-platform live release are ongoing as well - our priority, however, is to ensure a stable release.
Sanırım hayır bu da beta olarak gelicek.
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