
  1. Farticle

    MP Randomize the Teams When a Server Starts

    Every server defaults to Vlandia versus Sturgia. Balance issues aside this has gotten incredibly stale. With the consistent server crashing every 1-3 games it gets unbearable.
  2. Farticle

    MP Change Empire's alternate color.

    Purple I can easily understand, but why is the alternate color for Empire Brown Mustard? Historical accounts differ but the popular perception of Rome is a brightish crimson red. I realize Empire is based more on the Least Roman Empire, but It's still Rome, and would make more sense than the...
  3. Bxnny

    Liga Argentina competitiva de Warband. [Argentinian Competitive League]

    Nunca había hecho un post en este apartado porque lo considero muerto y sin ningún ápice de competitivo, pero acá voy, ya que me enteré que hay algunos que desconocen el foro apartado que nosotros los Argentinos utilizamos, más que nada Brasileros y gente de otros países. Liga Argentina...
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