
  1. Laliloluhla

    Some ideas for adding flavor and balance to Sturgia's Troop Tree

    So I've been brainstorming a few ideas with the purpose of buffing Sturgia's place in the current faction singleplayer meta, since most agree they're at the bottom, as well as giving them some more historical flavor and uniqueness from the other factions. I also include a few ideas that have...
  2. wow. Now loose with Strugia every time .. and PS in 10 Round 1 Strugia wow(2) & all killHunter use 2HandWeapons & finsih .. game destroy

    thx how long i must wait for the next Update ? & is Strugia than more Pussyism If you made Aserai so weak it would be racism
  3. The Union of Calradia [Community Clan Union]

    The Union of Calradia [Community Clan Union]

    About The Union of Calradia Union, is a Community of Bannerlord , international and country focused clans to be part of the community. The idea has created by old Mount&Blade player Lucon , and with the supports of the Brunwick and Farts community became a reality. Establishment date...
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