dev bog

  1. Developer communication request - weekly short dev diaries

    Dear Taleworlds team! I would like to ask you the following: weekly short dev diaries As a gamer and mod developer I'd like to see constant, weekly, small dev diaries about upcoming features with pictures so I can always look forward for things to come, see the game's progression direction and...
  2. In Progress Bounty hunters quest infinite load (Bug report for dev)

    Hi, i cant go in the "hideout" of sea pillards, i am just loading the map non-stop. It's just an information for the devs :xf-wink:
  3. Dev Blog

    Hey noticed there hasn't been a dev blog in a while, and the devs said they talk about the early access and more in depth of some of the game mechanics, I know they are working hard to get it ready as its two months away I was wondering if they would release something soon.
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