
  1. In Progress 한국어 - KO missing word

    Translation Error: missing word Corrected Translation: 누 지. → 누볐지 Where did you find this error (which conversation, screen, area,...)?: quest investigate neretzes folly, ingalther Screenshot: Translation Error: missing word Corrected Translation: 시 건 → 시뻘건 대 → 대놓고 But I guess, looking at the...
  2. In Progress Bug/feature cause by changes to 1.80 beta and armies disolving.

    Summary: We where at war, but had a rebelling city. How to Reproduce: Have a rebellion occur, but then get peace wtih all the factions you are at war with, thus all armies is disbanded. Have you used cheats and if so which: no. So the new feature in 1.80 auto disband all npc controlled armies...
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