
  1. Resolved Creating parties/caravans with companions that are assigned party roles deletes the role permanently?!

    Ok so I assigned my brother Nogrand as a quatermaster. Later I created a party for Nogrand to command and he took the role of quartermaster completely out of the party screen?! I didnt realize what happened until I later made Soandso The Golden my scout and then made him a caravan and the Scout...
  2. Resolved Cannot Reassign Roles of Dead Companions

    Summary: After my surgeon companion died in battle, I cannot assign his role (so, surgeon) to another companion anymore. How to Reproduce: Probably, by letting a companion with an assigned role die. Media (Screenshots & Video):
  3. chrifer

    Resolved Clan Role lost forever after companion death

    I had a doctor companion assigned as clan surgeon. He was slain in battle, and since then, when attempting to assign a different companion to the surgeon role as a replacement, the option is no longer available. (basically stuck assigned to the dead character, and inaccessible to set for any...
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