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  1. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    Hi T I have nothing to do (if you didn't notice by the first post) so I thought that it would be a good idea to spam this thread.
  2. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    give me to do you ****ers.
    Ooh and if you have nothing to do give me something to do that is your job now, wait a minute do you even know who I am? It doesn't matter just help me goddammit!
  3. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    Well I see that a month old and already I can't make a day without alcohol so we will see how this end up...
  4. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    I am so awesome that I will defend my mother already at the age of 5 minutes (have to eat the first 5 minutes)
  5. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    Nice arrow though I was writing that too blead I would gladly be a baby at your fortress to, I will my self try to play this now and see how it goes.
  6. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    yes I would like to be remade as the baby if it's still possible (I will be the only one that has lived in the fortress all my life :smile:)
  7. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    just one question how is it going for me in the milita?
  8. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    Well I will help you Angantyr and build bridges so that we reach the enemy (but you have to motivate me first :smile:)
    EDIT: We're to get this awesome game?
  9. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    the new name is decided by me it's going to be the_terrier's_slaves like it or not.
    on the serious side:
    It's a shame we can't use the name anymore nagl but I respect your opinion in this as our (gues I'll have to say ex) leader, and I hope that everyone will continue fight with me like we've done for some time now the only thing needed is a new name and tell it to the enl leaders after that everything will be as normal except for the new name.
    Ooh and yes nagl please continue talk to us on your spare time we will need your epicness as our first creator.
    Edit: to salut the old ways
  10. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    I have a lesson in CAD but my computer doesn't have it so I look and spam forums (the spamming part is pretty bad right now)
  11. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    heres the link
  12. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    *whispers to harkon' It's you who is drunk and thats why my posts make no sense try again when your sober
  13. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    yes that is your pole arrow (when it looks like that)
  14. Whural

    Einhärjar (Einherjar) Clan

    it's coming out I pre-orderd it today
  15. Whural

    Einherjar {Closed}

    I totaly support agnatyr (de e dumt att säga till folk va de ska göra T)
  16. Whural

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    aah I didn't see the 12th century (and I know it's not a good model) but in other crusades it was used but mainly used of the cav cause of the flat top
    Edit: all sources that I can find says that it was common from 12-13th century in most european armies the type of helmet is called great helm
  17. Whural

    SP Medieval [WB] Crusader-way to expiation

    I don't know if you would have any use of this but take a look
  18. Whural

    Organized Battles!

    semmes like much fun I wan't to join the saxons
  19. Whural

    Steam 5x5 Keys solution

    I've tried to register my 5x5 key but it says invalid serialkcode so what is wrong??
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