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  1. [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    My suggestion is that there are longer spears/pikes that are over 240 in weapon reach. I find that the AI actually works very well with pikes/spears when they are in a formation like with this mod. I have used Black Iron Spear (32 thrust dmg, 85 speed rating, 230 weapon reach) for my CKO sergeants to great effect in open field battles, it works amazing against enemy cavalry, and it is pretty decent vs infantry if in a formation and not too spread. In sieges it is pretty bad but that is just how it is. So back to my request, I wish there were longer spears or pikes (up to 400 weapon reach), I have tried this long range pike in another mod and the combat felt very realistic and amazingly fresh to have it used by your troops, so I am sure it would work well here. 1v1 spears/pikes are horrible, but in formation they shine. Whether the polearm with 400 range allows a shield or not is up to you, Macedonian pikemen used to wear a lighter/smaller shield and a pike that measured 4-6m. I would advise to not increase damage though, perhaps even lower it a bit, cause the thing is enemies will die very quickly because you got a lot of units hitting the same enemy at the same time due to the huge range, so the enemies die quickly.

    Please give me the option to have a pike wall, also would be such an interesting battle if an enemy faction had pikes as their main choice of weapon for one of their more common units, so that you get to fight vs a larger amount of pikes too, but that's just me.

    I am not sure what unit would use it in the game right now, but I know that it would make a fun addition and give the opportunity to fight in another way for people.

    PS: Please if this gets added, make it obtainable by CKO units.
  2. PBOD or not PBOD

    After I finished my Perisno campaign a few weeks ago, I went to try out another mod, and it's a lot of fun playing with PBOD, really wish Perisno had it (at least as an option for the player!) - I love formation fighting with hundreds of soldiers. I don't enjoy it that much when I know the enemy will just go "F1 > F3" and have all their troops charge straight away with no thinking about any formation. Isn't it cooler if enemy cavalry comes attacking tighter instead of trickling in? I often barely have my soldiers in formation ready by the time the first enemy light cavalry reach my frontlines, they die quickly and are just annoying if there isn't any PBOD.

    I played Perisno a lot before with the PBOD. And I used to give a lot of feedback on the dwarves about a year ago I think it was, before they got updated. And I hope now that the feedback to at least make PBOD an option resonates with the lead of this mod. It's understandable that some people don't like PBOD, but apparently most people do prefer it. I really hope the lead changes their stance on this issue.
  3. Perisno 0.9 - The Main Thread (HF6 - February 04, 2019, 08:10:15 PM)

    Leonion said:
    Alecian said:
    it loses the advanced tactics
    The only thing Perisno loses is Artificial Idiot a.k.a. Dance Simulator that makes enemy soldiers extremely passive and gives a huge advantage to the player.

    Beating enemies with PBOD enabled is like beating a baby.

    I actually think its a lot easier to beat enemies that have all their cavalry suicidecharge first, then followed by their infantry scattered and archers who are running too. Compared to with PBOD when they stick together, and cav + infantry charges at same time very close, so you get hit by everything at same time. I understand the passivity thing and what you mean, it is very easy to just ride around them on my mount and shoot them from behind, which is stupid, without me getting attacked. But still, I think the positives heavily outweigh the negatives, but yea it is a matter of how you want the battles. I like formation fighting a lot, so to me it is a stronger positive, but I understand your viewpoint too which is valid. Shame that we disagree!
  4. Perisno 0.9 - The Main Thread (HF6 - February 04, 2019, 08:10:15 PM)

    Dago Wolfrider said:
    Alecian said:
    I feel like the fights are less fun in 0.9, they always feel the same and less interesting. I don't like how the enemy cavalry always yolo-charges at the start and there are no tactics with the enemy. Was it always like this with this mod and I am imagining things or what changed?

    No. It's because of the absence of PBOD. Join our crusade, sister or brother, to restore it:,380095.0.html.

    Has there been any word why? Incompatability with 0.9? That is a real shame. I don't see the fun in fighting battles where enemies are all "F3-ing", just charging randomly towards designated enemy. Instead of keeping one formation. I am trying out a hilarious long-pike version of my own mercenary army now which I use as frontline, and I really wish enemies were coming towards me in a formation for a more fun battle. It also looks a lot more epic. Not to mention so many things the mod gives that makes it harder to "game" the enemy.

    I don't want to sound like a negativist. I love this mod the most by far of any M&B mod, but that is a big negative with it, that it loses the advanced tactics
  5. Perisno 0.9 - The Main Thread (HF6 - February 04, 2019, 08:10:15 PM)

    I feel like the fights are less fun in 0.9, they always feel the same and less interesting. I don't like how the enemy cavalry always yolo-charges at the start and there are no tactics with the enemy. Was it always like this with this mod and I am imagining things or what changed?
  6. Perisno 0.9 - The Main Thread (HF6 - February 04, 2019, 08:10:15 PM)

    Haven't played M&B for over a year, but I just thought I'd reinstall it, which I do every 2 years or so, and play a campaign. I discovered this mod last time I played a campaign, over a year ago. And this time when reinstalling this is the mod I will play my campaign through again. Had a lot of lovely memories from it. I love the world and factions you can create, and customizable troops. I love the mix of Romans, Gondor, Dwarves and Wood Elves/High Elves etc

    Much appreciation for the update! Glad to see more content got added since last time I played.
  7. Cheat menu... and boats. How do I get rid of them?

    For those in the future who have this problem, and this is the first thread they see, the SOLUTION is to "make camp", that way it started working as normal for me again and my boat became my party again.

    Sorry for posting in such an old thread, but I wanted to due to how this is the first thread that pops up on google if people search for this bug, that is still in the game.
  8. Mount & Blade: Warband version 1.172 patch - HD Textures (released!)

    Well this is what I get when I try to join my fav server..

  9. Mount & Blade: Warband version 1.172 patch - HD Textures (released!)

    The servers I play Multiplayer on won't allow me to join using 1.172, I need 1.170. And because I have Steam it automatically updated to this patch (didn't know this patch existed until I just got the error just now trying to play MP). Is there a way to reverse or get 1.170 back somehow on Steam?
  10. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    T.L.S. said:
    3. Throwing weapon damage seems too high. I have 89 head armor. My enemy is kaikoth Iron guard. He has Throwing Hammers and 9 Power Throw. Makes 85.5 Damage. So effectivly I'm above the damage threshhold. Maybe if they near they do double or tripple damage but it got 93(!) from maybe 250 reach.
    Blunt damage ignores part of the armor

    My whole life has been a lie. How did I not know this. I thought all the weapons some classes had were useless lol
  11. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    T.L.S. said:
    Having a bit of problems with making my player mercenary knights wielding a Sword AND a lance.
    Put several lances into the inventory (3-4 is enough), same with spears and throwing weapons.

    That means they are guaranteed to have one of each weapons then or?

    I seemed to have gotten all using the sword and half using the spear somehow... No clue what happened but that'll do lol
  12. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    Don't think so, but you can marry the daughter of the queen of the Elintor.
  13. Perisno 0.8 soldiers in 40 screenshots

    Thanks for the answer! Have been in there but never saw there were some stairs up, so I was confused with what the place did lol

    Here are the troops I just finished customizing (this mod just stepped on to a whole new level now that I know you can customize like this lol)


    I wanted a LoTR theme, with the obvious Gondorian Fountain Guard inspirations on the dismounted/mounted knight lines. With the High Elves inspiring the archers

    The archers use of the 2h weapon was inspired by this (at 2:43):

    Might redo the dismounted knights later and make them into High Elves too. Now all I need is Rohan skins and a single-handed axe that got a nice weapon range for once :grin:
  14. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    Having a bit of problems with making my player mercenary knights wielding a Sword AND a lance. If I put in a sword + a shield + a lance the lance always gets removed and put in the inventory on the right side of the screen after I come back to check. If I take away the sword and use only a shield + a lance then it works. But I want the unit to be able to have both a sword and a lance.. Is this impossible? I tried using 2 sets of shields as well to have one go along with the sword and one with the lance, but to no avail either.

    Seems to be the exact same issue when trying to have my foot soldier mercenaries use a sword + a spear too. :sad: I guess with my foot soldiers I could just put a spear and a sword in their "inventory" instead of their item slots. But I was hoping to have all soldiers have both a spear AND a sword. For the cavalry I can't solve it by puttig it in their inventory I guess? Cause I don't want some soldiers to 'only' have a lance, without a sword.
  15. Perisno 0.8 soldiers in 40 screenshots

    I've only been customizing the household guard etc, how do I even get player mercenaries? And how do I reequip them (is it the same as I do with my household guard?)

    And how do I change the race of them even?
  16. crossbows vs bows units

    Hmm that's a shame..

    But to get back to the topic of damage.. I got 4 headshots in a row on a Tolranian Hacker with my Dwarven Crossbow + Dwarven Bolts until he died. How can the damage vary so much? He was solo running towards me in an aisle, so it was easy to hit him.

  17. crossbows vs bows units

    zerogodlike said:
    Bankoleva said:
    zerogodlike said:
    Alecian said:
    Bankoleva said:
    What is your crossbow proficiency?

    Like 180 I think. I had 40 household guards (with 400 proficiency I think) in a battle, all using the dwarven crossbow + dwarven bolts and they killed 0 out of 8 knights during 2 minutes of free firing against 8 Realm of the Falcon knights. I charged along with 13 of my elite cavalry against the 8 Realm of the Falcon deserter knights, and they didn't lose a single one and made all my cav dead or unconscious, meanwhile I had 40 units shooting from a hill 40-50 metres away, great vantage point, and they lost 0 units in a 2 minute fight, lol. That was the battle when I did 0 damage when I shot at them from behind.

    yea i noticed that the damage on crossbows can barely kill anyone must be because of ironflesh since everyone has such high levels of it.

    So I just ran a simple test with crossbows against giants. Their not as sexy or damaging but was still hitting +30 damage on body. Using the Dwarven bow and bolts. In creased the proficiency and at around 400 was getting 50ish damage on giants. The only time I saw a single digit damage was when I shot a giant archer with a shield on his back... basically the shield blunted the damage.

    This seems situational. Obviously against the super heavy armored troops its not that effective, but it's still doing good damage against the right targets.  A screen shot maybe helpful in pinpointing how you damage is failing.

    nah i do damage fine with crossbows its mostly the ai for some odd reason they are super inaccurate. probloy the profs tho i am probably to used to comparing  them to elin rangers who tend to be super accurate killing machines no biggie tho i use mostly archers anyways. that said i was using hired sharpshooters with dwarven crossbows and bolts.

    I have the same feeling, when I play as Elintor the enemies drop like flies to my archers, but when I got a bunch of Household guards with 400 prof (I think it is) and dwarven crossbow + bolts then barely anyone dies.
  18. Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    zerogodlike said:
    Elario said:
    Well you could go different paths on this. Personally I equipped them with the Best Bow in game with plenty arrows for sieges and general faceroll. Also I noticed that particular fast Onehand/Bastard Swords like 115 speed + a fast but resistant shield like Steel Heater Shield or optimaly the Black Demon Shield. But thats more kinda defensive end for sieges.
    In open field it happens to be most effective to have fast two hand weapons. Personaly I didn't make that good of expiriences in Perisno cuz it's kinda weird when they dont switch to a side weapon like a sword. For long time I used the Highelf Sword which also has crush through which is always strong and it worked quite well.
    Although when you fight vs heavy cavlery I would suggest the fast melee weapon + shield. As for spears I only tried the Elintorian Guard spear which wasn't that well f a pick in my perception but you may try it anyways. Theoretically it should be very strong with a shield. I'm super successful with a Elven war sword + Steal Heater Shield with a Darkforest Ranger bow and Falconian Arrows. With that you zip the castle walls in no time and have a solid push force :grin:

    You try adding pilas that the red immortal use to your household guards their preety effective against stronger Calvary and i was looking at the axe that the divine aetherlings use since they seem to slaughter Calvary and medium armor troops easily. also dont they bug out if you give them a bow to use? where they tend to swap weapons to often lead to them taking a lot of open hits due to them having a bow.

    The units don't swap often between bow and melee weapons. I have never ever seen them do it in the middle of a brawl. Sometimes they do it at medium range and are then exposed to cavalry because they dont have a shield, but you can just press F3 > F1 I think it is, to give them the order to stop firing so they only use melee weapons if you worry about this.
  19. Perisno Version 0.81 - The Main Thread (HF0.811 - March 11, 2017, 10:37:18 AM)

    Loving these constant hotfixes man :grin:
  20. Poll: What would you be most excited to see in the future?

    I like the upgrade stuff but I the most would probably like to see an expansion in the desert with another faction, and maybe some fleshing out of Realm of the Falcon or the Kaikoth. I'm a sucker for dwarves (and the Kaikoth hehe) :grin: Imo they should have the best shields + armor but do only mediocre damage with their one handed axes (who also got low range). They should be slow and have 0 athletics, same as their crossbowmen who have good but slow hitting crossbows. Maybe there could even be some cool Axethrower unit? Give them like 12-16 axes to throw each before they engage in battle where they are not that heavy, as they are in leather gear mostly but with a skull cap too.

    I could talk about possible Dwarf units all day and even make a roster for it for what I'd like to see. The current noble troops feel amazing from a RP perspective by the way.

    Edit: @Reus Just saw your reply to another of my comments in another thread "We've actually been discussing making spear/polearm units for dwarves due to this." (this being that big cavalry charges are very effective against the dwarves too)

    And that would be great. Personally I would prefer if that unit would replace the mountain keeper (or update the mountain keepers armor so it looks more dwarfy at least hehe). Something like this would look amazing weapon/armor-wise:


    Some armor inspiration hehe


    Hmm what would they be called though.. Dragonslayers? Shield of the Mountain? Drakebeards? So many good options :grin:

    Edit: If you ever want a discussion on it feel free to make a thread about dwarves discussion
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