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  • Users: Helfy
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Helfy

    Anyone need a soundtrack?

    Hey there, I'm mainly an ambient musician, but I dabble in other genres. For the past several months I've been getting into sound desgin and soundtracking games. I'm going to post some of my stuff here and if you like it, shoot me a message and we can talk about working on a soundtrack...
  2. Helfy

    Instruments, guitars, rigs

    Post a pic of what you play here! Any instrument is welcomed! I play a 78 Lawsuit era Ibanez PF100 Les Paul, 78 or 79 Hohner HG430 Les Paul Custom, a Stagg Jaguar Copy, two acoustics, an old Aria banjo, and a Hondo Mandolin.  The gray Dearmond SG is an old guitar I had.  I traded it for the...
  3. Helfy

    NW in lego form

    For the past year or so I've been building several lego Napoleonic armies.  I have around 120 French troops, 50 or 60 British, and around 20 or so Nassau troops, among others.  I thought the community might be interested in seeing them.  I have images uploaded of my armies on Flickr.  All the...
  4. Helfy

    Mobile Suit Gundam MMO

    I don't know how many Gundam fans inhabit Taleworlds, but I thought it was worth noting that there is a Gundam MMO in beta right now.  I was an exchange student in Japan and still speak/read a decent amount of the language, but for those of you who have no Japanese experience, there are a few...
  5. Helfy

    Ancient Korean Bronies

    If you all haven't seen this, well here you go.  Apparently North Korean archaeologists found the lair of  King Tongmyong's unicorn.
  6. Helfy

    The Most Interesting Player in NW

    Are you the most interesting player in Napoleonic Wars?  Do cavalry charges stop for you? When you teamkill someone, do they say thank you? Can kill an opponent without any ammo?  Have you made a pistol headshot all the way across the map? So post all of the outrageous things that you have done...
  7. Helfy

    What Grinds your gears: Napoleonic Wars

    After playing a few rounds in the siege server I thought man, sucky sappers really make me mad by using all of the points.  This revelation lead me to the idea of this thread.  So, name something that really pisses you off about this game.  Now I am not talking about the game itself, but...
  8. Helfy

    Laptop for University

    I am starting college soon and I need a laptop for school.  I have been looking for an I7 Processor.  Does anyone have any advice?
  9. Helfy

    Napoleonic Wars in Lego form After decaling nearly 150 soldiers yesterday and after countless beers, I felt that I should make NW in lego form.  I thought you all would enjoy this.  Now who says a 20 year old can't play with legos. 
  10. Helfy

    Maps that you would like to see

    So does anyone have any ideas about maps they would like to see and play on? I would love to see a WW1 style trench battles.  It may not be entirely accurate, but it would be fun!
  11. Helfy

    Connection Error

    My game keeps crashing after a while when playing.  I have looked through the forum quite extensively and found about setting 0....  I tried that and it didn't end up working.  After downloading M&B_Test, I tried joining a server, but all of the units have their ammo containers at...
  12. Helfy

    Engineering fun

    Let's see what you have made while being a sapper! Share your pics This is a trench I made.
  13. Helfy


    I have seen some people on TW post about how their ancestors were soldiers in x regiment or were once nobility, so I decided to start a thread about people's ancestry.  Lets start with; Where you are from Your ancestors (where they were from or random interesting tid-bits about them)...
  14. Helfy

    War Movies

    I've got some time to kill over the next few days.  I have been finishing up the Sharpe and Hornblower series and have had a hunger for more historical war movies.  So now I com here to Taleworlds to ask all of you fine people to indulge me in your favorite war movies.  I can be any era.  I've...
  15. Helfy

    Freelancer and Floris mod pack?

    Forgive me if I am asking a question that has been repeated over a thousand times, but is it possible to install Freelancer in Floris? I like the features of both mods and would like to be able to merge them. Thanks!
  16. Helfy


    So I just started reading Sharpe's Tiger.  From the beginning, I started disliking it.  Sharpe is a Mary Sue in male form.  Does any of the later novels get any better? Are there any other Napoleonic Era novels that are worth reading?  General Sharpe thread.
  17. Helfy

    No Shave-November

    I would like to personally wish everyone on the forums a happy No Shave-November.  Feel free to post beard progress.  No shave-November is like a monthlong Christmas for bearded people!  :lol:
  18. Helfy

    The Battle of Waterloo video For my metalhead comrades.
  19. Helfy

    Conquest based maps

    I posted this on CRPG's forum thinking it would be more relevant to CRPG, but then I realized that it would work in Native also. I had an idea for a conquest based gameplay, much like Battlefield 2 Project Reality's conquest mode. I can imagine a large open castle based map with several key...
  20. Helfy

    Beer from your country

    This thread is pretty simple. Post your favorite beer from your country. It can be any style of beer, from ale to a lager to a stout.  It can be from a micro-brewery or a big name company.  If you want, post a link.  Hoping this gives me a few ideas for something new to drink on the weekends...
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