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  1. Stand and Delivah

    tamanho da party 107/63??

    o tamanho máximo da minha party era 130. Do nada, ele diminuiu para 63, mantendo os 107 soldados que eu já possuía, portanto, o tamanho meu exército aparece assim: 107/63. Não consigo recrutar ninguém, e se meu ecército fica abaixo de 63 soldados, também eu não consigo recrutar ninguém além...
  2. Stand and Delivah

    Open Party size 107/63 ??????

    here's the problem: my party size was 124 at some point, and then, all of the sudden, I dropped to 63, but keeping the 107 soldiers I had before, so the party size is being displayed like this: 107/63, can't recruit anyone. My charisma is 13, my renown is 30, my leadership is 4. In the party...
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