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  • Users: Sange
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  1. Muted in chat, why? And for how long?

    first time?
    I understood that reference heheh, also yes first time just bought the game 2 weeks ago ?
  2. Private Servers?

    Don't think I have heard any plans for South Africa...
    South América ?
  3. We want South American servers

    NA servers have low population. The servers we have now crash and 6 months in siege is still unstable. This is primary reason there are few players. They’ve done the math and know how many SA copies were sold and how many would be active in MP based on statistics in other countries.

    What doesn’t it cost to host a 3 skirmish servers per month? Your value to TW and whatever value they would gain is less that.
    We are more than the NA playerbase in multi for sure more than 30 people I know would be active almost all day if they made SA servers, and thats only the people I know SA also includes Brasil one of the biggest countries in the World... So why Oceania wich has 0 players online almost 24/7 have their servers but we SA player dont? When we have a really active player base, and if they dont want to spend their money for SA servers atleast gives us the option to do private/dedicated servers like warband did ?
  4. Statement Regarding Plans For MP Vol.4

    nice balance changes, but I was still expecting some server news, such as custom servers, server mod downloads and for the love of god one SA server

    voicechat is cool though, I bet a lot of people have their soundboard ready and I'll be pumping some hardcore beats for their teammates to enjoy when it releases (not complaining)
    I second this please add atleast one SA server or option to create private servers its really frustrating to fight people with 1-50 ping with my 160 ping T_T

    Yes cptcodeine makes it his hobby to shut down the game for hours. Ban him. Contage as well, theyre probably the same guy, hours and weeks of naught but tking and harassing their team in order to ruin the game.
    Contage is a must BAN for sure... Im pretty sure I got muted in chat just for replying to him with the same words he used... ?
  6. Private Servers?

    Hope we get this soon, mostly to stop playing with 150 ping Since im from SA ?
  7. Muted in chat, why? And for how long?

    So as the tittle says im muted for some reason, I know im not a Saint but if I said a profanity at some time it would be to some1 who insulted me first ? also I dont know if this is happening for the muted issue but today everytime I open bannerlord multiplayer battleye pops UP a message saying...

    Solo usan ts3 o también discord???
  9. Liga Argentina competitiva de Warband. [Argentinian Competitive League]

    Es solo de warband o también estarán jugando al bannerlord???
  10. We want South American servers

    There are several threads asking for SA servers back from February that got replied with basically denial, wether it was the server provider fault or the lack of players, the devs never gave a clear answer on why they couldn't get the south american community servers, the thing is we wont get servers during the early access and I bet my ass we won't get them in release either, and at this point were the NA servers are struggling with players we can just forget about it and look for another game to play. That is one of the reasons I left the game but whatever, I don't even care about multiplayer at all now
    if you really want to play MP wait for the dedicated seevers

    Oh well that really makes me sad... I hope they change their mind or atleast gives us the option to do dedicated servers like warband I really love this game more than any other rpg or rts ?
  11. We want South American servers

    The dream is dead my friend
    But why, what happened to say that the dream is dead? D:
  12. We want South American servers

    Here I just created an account to reply on this, and second the motion please make SA servers a thing... Hell even if we have to pay for them to exist like dome sort of kickstarter it would be the first time I ever donate to something because I love this game a lot but playing with 150 ping online makes me really sad :sad:
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