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  1. Rhaskos

    Need More Info Application crashed because a fatal error occured while checking sound bank files

    same issue. fresh installs multiple times, verified files multiple times, deleted all game related files (steam library, documents, programdata) tried launching from the launcher, from the exes.
  2. Rhaskos

    A question for the TW Staff

    We certainly have some more things planned of course, but I'm not going to talk about them now (because the next question is when, and I don't know the answer to that!); Scenes was very much just an example in my earlier response. For us, it is much better to just keep working on the game and add things over time without trying to make a song or dance out of it. We will talk about what we are working on in more development updates over time, but only when those things are close to being released, or already in the game.
    Thanks for this, I will keep an open mind then.
  3. Rhaskos

    A question for the TW Staff

    I think what you and others are trying to say is that when its finished, you would like it to be more impressive then warband. I agree, but don't judge a unfinished product as if it is finished. That's the whole point im trying to make.
    Don't you think Callum would love to alleviate all our anxieties by telling us about the great features they have planned? I think he would love to, but he isn't going to lie to us, which is why he can only ever tell us about unique scenes and performance.
  4. Rhaskos

    A question for the TW Staff

    Has anyone made a list of the mod mechanics that are generally agreed upon as the most popular? Say, the top 5 or so?
    If I had to guess it would be Diplomacy, Freelancer, Custom Troops, that village investments one (which already has a bannerlord mod equivalent) and maybe PBOD.
    They aren't fresh in my mind, maybe there should be a poll thread.
  5. Rhaskos

    Bannerlord is missing many good features from Warband and VC

    1.43? No, I have only been using the stable branch
  6. Rhaskos

    Bannerlord is missing many good features from Warband and VC

    Maybe you guys aren't using mods but I haven't seen a snowball since the first week of release
  7. Rhaskos

    Beta Patch Notes e1.4.3

  8. Rhaskos

    A question for the TW Staff

    Is it really absurd to expect a game to improve upon previous iterations? This title should have been a lot more impressive than some hacked together warband mods from many years ago made by mostly amateurs. At a bare minimum we should have had the most popular mechanics that were used in nearly every mod like diplomacy, freelancer etc.
  9. Rhaskos

    Ongoing War challenges in Campaign

    When this game was first released npc lords had to follow the same rules (roughly) as the player which caused a kingdom to get taken over very quickly after losing a big battle or two
    Rather than implementing a war exhaustion or some such mechanic (make peace for a while after taking a castle or two) they decided to give us... what we have now.
  10. Rhaskos

    Quality of Life Question: how to improve the killing feat?

    There's a warband feed mod on nexus
    Not sure if it's up to date
  11. Rhaskos

    A question about supply lines, choke points, zone control, etc....all of the dev blogs said once

    Has anyone made a list or post detailing the disconnect between what we have and the game the dev blogs were talking about? Seems like totally different projects
  12. Rhaskos

    Need a boost at getting better at bannerlord? Your wish is my command ?⚔

    Isn't taleworlds subsidized by Turkish government? Don't fly too close to the sun

    Anyway make that the PFLP-GC and we have a deal
  13. Rhaskos

    Need a boost at getting better at bannerlord? Your wish is my command ?⚔

    I mean the whole business is to have people dumb enough to pay for the service. Only dumb people will be willing to pay for that and that's perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong in taking advantage of dumb people, that's how everything works.
    That's a repulsive position to hold but ok
  14. Rhaskos

    Complete lack of Immersion

    Yeah I definitely get this vibe. I don't think anyone making the actual decisions on bannerlord really knows anything about game design.
    This game gives me Elite Dangerous vibes if anyone has played that game, in that it's like a single player MMO. You can grind relations with dozens (hundreds?) of faceless NPCs, you can collect countless auto generated companions, you can grind sieges across the enormous map (which has no character) and so on, and none of it has any payoff.

    Edit: I know ED isn't single player but it might as well be
  15. Rhaskos

    Need a boost at getting better at bannerlord? Your wish is my command ?⚔

    You know perfectly well that you're taking advantage of dumb kids with this "service" but you do you, bro.
  16. Rhaskos

    Something is rotten in Calradia

    That's why im disappointed with TW and BL. WB had feast that you described perfectly accurate lol. BL should have at the very least what you described. My disappointment is that they don't evolve from WB and add games (drinking, culture customs to add lore, duels, etc) to gain or lose relation points within kingdom. Side quest that happen that night like a game of thrones "red wedding" power shift. Attempting or defending lord/kings from assassination attempts. So much to add to such a simple thing WB had.
    Launching a rebellion in your kingdom by assassinating the leaders of a rival clan (or rival faction consisting of several clans) at dinner would be fantastic to be sure. I'm not sure if political assassination is acceptable in bannerlord society but maybe a future mod

    Edit: by "faction" here I mean a political faction within your kingdom. Perhaps some clans support a particular set of policies that another group opposes.
  17. Rhaskos

    Something is rotten in Calradia

    Yeah but that was quite rare and if they cant fix something for their sequel then damn.

    Like I've said above, it was part of world building. A world were nothing happens is a world that no one cares to visit. Just a stupid thing, but lets imagine that you're playing Skyrim, you're wandering in the route and you see a group of thalmors taking a prisioner. Essentialy they are not fun, because what, its just a bunch of npcs walking around, and taking them out of the game for whatever reason doesnt change almost anything, but the thing is, you're taking away a piece of world building that made it look more dynamic. Feasts are the same thing, they're not core to the experience but they are part of the experience essentially, so arguing that they dont matter or that they were not fun is just... well wrong.
    Sure, I agree with you. I'm just saying that warband feasts consisted of a bunch of nobles standing still in a room not doing anything. If they have a great new idea for it then I'm not going to be posting "why would you waste time on this TW!"
  18. Rhaskos

    Something is rotten in Calradia

    Is it better than nothing? Sure, if they were to add feasts that don't cause lords to leave their fiefs undefended during wartime then it wouldn't be a bad thing (nobody claimed it was a bad thing).
    That being said, feasts (as implemented in warband) didn't really add anything to the game, except to make it easier to check all of the potential love interests to see which one is the cutest and to farm some relations.
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