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  1. MP Multi directional shield blocking

    I think this feature sucks honestly... It doesn’t feel fluid at all. Maybe if it was just left and right and center that would make a lot more sense but it’s the up and down directions that I have a problem with. It doesn’t make sense to retoggle your shield to block an overhead attack from an...
  2. What do you want?

    New lords that enter the realm if a lord is executed.
    Usurper armies that target specific factions for various reasons and may eventually form a kingdom.
    Better unit collision (closer to warband's, but still able to move between your troops easily)
    1-2-3 layers of walls and/or units surrounding the inner keep.
    Improved effectiveness of spear walls against cavalry.
    Disease that spreads, decreasing prosperity, and slowly draining troops from settlements.
  3. New patch turned some troops into babies

    I just entered a forest bandit hideout and got wrecked by baby bushwackers. They are so small and hard to hit.

    edit: Here is a gif
  4. Resolved Merchants gold reset to 0 in all towns 1.2.0 (Early Game)

    Recently I noticed while playing that I wasn't getting the full amount when selling stuff. I realized the town had 0 gold so I went to the next town and it also had 0 gold. Note this only about 2 weeks(game time) into a brand new character. I waited in the town for a few days and now they have...
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