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  1. Relation with Vassal

    Ive had that happen but you should be able to keep most of them, as long as you are throwing influence at them and at war with something, they should be occupied enough to not leave. Ive only had people leave when above 20 influence if they are a merc clan
  2. Relation with Vassal

    don't give them gold. give them influence.
  3. Crafting

    So with the help of smithing mods I got really high smithing after about 10 years in game, in between wars. I enjoy the weapon crafting a lot tbh. What I am wondering is if there is plans to have armor crafting in game? And if not maybe a modder is working on something. There are already lots of...
  4. Camel Armor?

    Does anyone know if there are better saddles for camels in the game rather than just weight based ones? or perhaps a mod?
  5. Bugs regarding adult children

    I found out that many of the above bugs also happen to a spouse. Those and others being listed below.
    -Won't join tournament unless is a lord of the town the tournament takes place.
    -Sometimes your spouse will not level skills and thus not ascend levels. (First playthrough Fenagan would gain levels in his party but I never put him back in my group to apply points gained, second playthrough Silvand doesn't seem to gain levels at all, not sure if it has to do with her being female. Even though she is a warrior)
    -My second playthrough my main character is male. The children are similar with a few differences in the bugs I first posted. First, the males are the only ones to get actual bumps in stats that they are born with. Their level being my level at the time of conception. The females once again got no stats even though their mother is a warrior and has a lot of over 100 skills. I didn't notice if either had traits such as devious etc, I will have to check.
  6. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Player and lord Death from aging mod request

    I have heard that there is supposed to be player aging ingame although I am not sure. My oldest character is like 55 or something, but one thing I noticed is npc lords don't seem to "age" in appearance. However that isn't as much an issue as the pictures online of lord being of 130 in age lol In...
  7. Does it feel like you HAVE to execute people?

    its manageable even with everyone hating you if you got a spouse early on. just level up charm. Beat people in battle and then let them go, or spend influence. You can bring lords to your faction for long enough you can get a foothold. Even if most of them are -100 relation, at a point with policies and clan rank you will be making so much influence that you can make them all your friends. Even if you executed all of their family and friends. That is how it is now, but I'm sure it is subject to change
  8. Does it feel like you HAVE to execute people?

    there is a chance for the vassal to defect with anything below 20 relation
    im in the earlyish stages in a playthrough, where 5 of my 6 vassals straight up hate me. One of them confuses me though, he gets pissed when I execute anyone, weird thing is none of the people I've put to the block are friends of his
  9. Does it feel like you HAVE to execute people?

    What do relation scores do?
    I charmed a dude with -99 hate on me to join my faction and that left me scratching my head.
    there is a chance for the vassal to defect with anything below 20 relation
  10. Has anyone cleared one of these?

    I got a Steepes Hideout with about 50 in it. The first area you try to take out just one, and run back to a bottle neck and you still have 20 swarming a group of 9 no matter how trained and armored your guys are. nope not happening, just stupid to be limited to 9 dudes taking on 50 steepes bandits including their top their raiders.
    And I been wiping out Steepes hideouts to farm horses for days before I ran into this one. Usually its like 30 enemies total. okay that's fine, that's like 15 on 9 in the entrance, then 10 on 9 in the cave and 5 at the end, then a boss and 2 escorts to finish. fair tough challenge even using tactics developed after raiding my 20th steepes hideout. but even 25 tier 1 and 2 steepe bandits on 9 troops all at once is stupid.
    sea raider is much easier I noticed. I tried a steepes and got my ass handed to me lol
  11. Vassals Keep Leaving my Kingdom

    so the mercs? They only stay for so long
  12. Vassals Keep Leaving my Kingdom

    Support their clan using your influence. It'll raise by 1-2 every time you do it, and it only cost 50 influence each time you do it.
    this is exactly how currently the easiest way
  13. Does it feel like you HAVE to execute people?

    You should be able to torture captured lords and break their mind.
  14. Has anyone cleared one of these?

    I cleared a similar one vanilla of sea bandits with like 4 level 28 sons of my character and the rest, geared out companions.
  15. Cooldown of re-persuading lords to my side?

    Not exactly sure but check every like 2 week in game time
  16. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Ranged AI is too accurate

    I agree or perhaps ranged Npc needs to do less damage in addition or by itself. I remember my first time riding up a keep to siege and like 30 MPH getting instantly 1 tapped head shot off my horse lol was really early on but was painful either way
  17. SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Deafeted lords and their armys

    I think a worse thing is when a faction loses all fiefs and can never recover, and yet they still have all these clans volunteering to be homeless and get rekt by looters lol
  18. Children are clones

    I started compiling bugs regarding the offspring Ill link it if you want to add on
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