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  1. Do people like Smithing as a concept

    Yes I would like to have a custom made weapon to my liking but why would I want to craft it myself and why do we have a skill tree for that? We should be able to order a specialized weapon from a master smith in certain towns and it should be expensive since you are getting a custom made weapon. Skill tree seems pointless to me.
    Smithing isn't something a lord would do. But of course a lord would have his own blacksmith, who would make custom weapons and armor.
  2. Majority of online users in 2020...

    You don't know what I am and what I am not, and YOU'RE the one sticking your nose in here. The thread started with positive feedback and YOU'RE the ones not accepting it as valid feedback. Sorry dude, seems you just posted in the wrong thread.
    I don't care who you are. I wasn't calling you a child with tiny viewport, I didn't talk about your mental capacities. Although now they are clear to me. This thread is not about feedback, feedback is about what needs to be improved. "I love you, you are the best" - is not a feedback, but an expression of fanboism with zero constructiveness. This thread is about calling majority of users 12 year old kids with poor experience. It will not cause anything but quarrels. Not going to waste my time on you, ignored.
  3. Majority of online users in 2020...

    Seriously, to have the mental capacity to understand that the owner of a company and devs of a game have in some respects a slightly different calculation to make than you furthermore to grasp that programming isn't magic and taken all together this being still a great game which incredible efforts went into isn't a sign of maturity? You cannot understand how complaining from your tiny viewport of an angle is more childish? This really cracks me up every time.
    Childish complaining? Tiny viewport? Dude, I'm 38 and I develop games since 2002. Don't waste my time. To you they are probably gods, to me they are like workers in any other field. You can call it a complaint, I call it a feedback. It works just like that: users say what they don't like. When something users don't like repeats a lot, the developers will notice and correct it. One way or another, other people's complaints are none of your business. You are not developers, you are not moderators, why are you sticking your nose everywhere? This really cracks me up every time.
  4. Influence should be overhauled. Here is how I think it should work

    article starts with "supposedly"... and this is more like anomaly in English monarchs tree than king Henry VIII...
    article says 19 medieval England monarchs were assassinated or executed. I wouldn't call it an anomaly..

    15 were killed in battle, and about 60 died through natural causes.
  5. Influence should be overhauled. Here is how I think it should work

    back than, during medieval times, king could do all things you mentioned, without any consequences :xf-grin:
    yeah, sure :dead:

  6. Influence should be overhauled. Here is how I think it should work

    You cant compare compare a feudal lord system to "someone in management". Ever heard of the Barons Rebellion? If the king asked to much of his lords, there were bound to be lords dragging their feat or openly rebelling. If a king or duke or count, did not listen to his vassals or made new laws or asked for too high taxes all the time, said "boss" were bound to be toppled unless he had major support from stronger factions aka "goodwill"
    This is what relation system is for. If you abuse your influence too much, you quickly lose relation with everyone to the point when they leave your kingdom or even turn against you.
  7. Influence should be overhauled. Here is how I think it should work

    Also there is no such thing as goodwill in a hierarchical power structure. No matter how much your Boss asks you to do, you have to listen to him otherwise you get fired. If someone in management demands something from you, they don't become less influential over time, and you don't have to give them anything in return. Having to spend influence to get stuff done in a feudal hierarchy is ridiculous.
    Exactly this. I was also thinking about the boss example. You may hate him (low relation) but you still follow his orders. And spending influence make no sense, because you don't become less powerful by forcing others to follow you. Quite the contrary, you become more influential.
  8. Influence should be overhauled. Here is how I think it should work

    Agreed, influence shouldn't be spent like dinars. It is an indicator of your dominance. It should rise when you display your power and decrease if you fail or staying passive. Currently it makes no sense, because a lord with 500 influence and a lord with 100 influence have the same effect on the voting result. Whereas the voice of the first should outweigh about 5 times.
  9. Lance couching seems useless right now.

    And what better way is there to clearly portray the difference between the cavalry of 11th century Calradia, and the 13th century Calradia, if not for the arms, armor, and technique?
    What age it is if Vlandia has pavise crossbowmen as a regular unit?

    The pavise has it's first firm reference in the 1260s in Italy
    The pavise appears in English records around 1356-60
  10. Majority of online users in 2020...

    You legit gave a "noobs" tag to your thread.
    Buddy how old are you again?
    He might be an adult, doesn't matter. But on an intellectual level, his post corresponds to a 12-year-old. "Thank you TW, all your critics are idiots." What can I say.. Such threads pop up periodically. This isn't surprising, what I'm surprised with is that moderators are perfectly fine with this.

    @Reus is there a rule that lets you create hate-threads against other users or even majority of users, if at the same time you praise the developers?
  11. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    At least the mods are active here.
    moderators must be using mods ... But the community manager is subject to community management stamina. He is forced to rest 24h after each post. :ohdear:
  12. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    Moderator saved his village from a flood :lol:
  13. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    I don´t really think that it does matter where they come from. They just don´t care. :grin:

    If you don´t care it doesn´t matter if you are turkish, polish, german, italian, chinese or whatever. They made their money with the EA release and thats it. Soon(2-3 months) those "wannabe" updates will stop and they will call it a finished game.
    You miss one very important thing. All they could earn on PC they already earned. And there is a huge console market, which I'm sure is their next goal. But consoles are not like steam, you can't release half-dead game there. You have to pass certification at Sony/Microsoft with their professional QA. If half the perks do nothing, nobody will notice. But if a game will crash every 5 minutes, you can forget about it. And recertification costs money and time! That's why all these poor interns are now working for food to fix these crashes. And we serve as testers for stabilizing the game.

    (before somebody goes mad - I'm joking)
  14. Arrows vs armor

    Maybe they should make arrows do cut damage to reduce their effectiveness against heavy armor. Keep crossbow bolts as piercing so there's actually a reason to choose crossbows over bows?

    Just a thought
    Of course different arrows should do different type of damage. Standard flesh-cutter head is devastating against unarmored and is also good against padded armor. Be it arrows or bolts, doesn't matter. Against chainmail you need bodkin points, which can pierce to some degree. However they do less damage against unarmored/gambeson.

    Against thick plate armor parts all kinds of arrows should just bounce. But anyway there are gaps, we don't have 15th century full plate, so the rain of arrows still would be dangerous.
  15. You took my money, now please hire devs

    You should all remember that Turkey has quarantine too. It is VERY hard to work at a project so large and not be all in the same room.
    But is it really so? Let me quote myself from another thread

    I'm a developer in big gamedev company. We have over 400 people in our office, and there are offices in other countries. Since the beginning of quarantine, everybody have been working remotely. People who don't have suitable hardware at home, were delivered their working PCs. Some people use remote desktop, I prefer to use my home PC. It takes a minute to connect to the server via vpn, run perforce client, get latest version and begin to write your code. You still have your tasks in jira, you have all your colleagues in group chat/discord. I personally find this a more comfortable and productive way of working)
  16. You took my money, now please hire devs

    1. Throwing more developers on a problem doesn't always help. For my studys im currently creating HTML and PHP webpages. If somebody else would constantly work on the same files, that im currently working on, I would be really annoyed. Having to resolve merge conflicts would cause more harm then it would help.

    2. New people need a lot of help at the beginning. For a certain amount of time new people would slow down the development progress instead of speeding it up.

    3. The person who created a mechanic is often best suited to fix it.
    Well, from my practice it usually helps a lot. When they hang a bunch of different systems on one programmer, he simply can't manage to keep them all in working condition. Bugs and crashes become more frequent, hacks and placeholders multiply. This is what we see in bannerlord, the symptoms are exactly like this. Their patches don't even fix what is claimed, but rather produce new bugs. Only two options are possible here:
    - people are so overloaded that they no longer even check the performance of their code.
    - people are so incompetent that they simply aren't able to produce anything of quality.
    In both cases, it is necessary to hire more people.

    And regarding your point 3. Sometimes it happens that a person is simply unable to design and code a reliable system . He suffers himself and slows down everyone else. In this case, he is transferred to another task or even fired, depending on the circumstances. And another guy has to refactor the system from scratch.
  17. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    I´m a team leader for the customer support of a huge online merchant, we were able to get all of our employees (about 110) to work from home. We need VPN, a new whitelisting to access our "stuff" and so on. I´m not a developer, but if I would be...were is the difference to code something in the office or from home? You still use the same programms and so on. Really? Where is the difference if I wrote a code in the office or in my home?
    I'm a developer in big gamedev company. We have over 400 people in our office, and there are offices in other countries. Since the beginning of quarantine, everybody have been working remotely. People who don't have suitable hardware at home, were delivered their working PCs. Some people use remote desktop, I prefer to use my home PC. It takes a minute to connect to the server via vpn, run perforce client, get latest version and begin to write your code. You still have your tasks in jira, you have all your colleagues in group chat/discord. I personally find this a more comfortable and productive way of working)
  18. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    Next patch notes when the next patch releases in 2-3 weeks:

    - Trees now look better
    - Clouds now look better
    - Fian Champions now have 219 bow skill instead of 220 (they were too strong, so we adjusted them a little bit)
    - We turned down the music by 1%
    - We looked at the perks, they still look good for us
    - Added some pigeons on map X
    - We overhauled the butter icon
    - Added a new desktop icon
    - You can now upgrade all troops with one click (we just used the mod on Nexus)
    - Improved the shadow of the banner in the loading screen
    - Fixed a crash when it´s full moon, only occurs on Tuesday
    - We noticed you liked the option to use custom banners, so we removed it
    - Tannery shops now give 221 gold instead of 220 gold
    - Lost daughters are now more likely to have red hair
    - We have added some random pixel
    - The two handed perk now really gives you +3 HP (still testing)
    - reduced the price for javelins from 1 million denars to 989693 denars

    Major improvment:

    - Units now really use their shield (still don´t work)
    - All 3 ladders of a siege tower will be used (still don´t work)
    - Game should not crash when you start a new game without any mods (still testing)
    - Changed the pictures for the culture perks (they still don´t work, but they look nice now)
    - added a trainer skill, now after 50 ingame days, one recruit will level up (still testing)
    - You can now tell your compaion parties to not **** up (still testing)
    - Changed the story of some of the random companions, they now say "This is a good background story"
    LMAO, that's beautifully put :LOL:
  19. Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    Whoever plays this quests just don't do it man.
    Because of you they're wasting their time trying to fix the damn rare crashes that you keep finding.
    Good point :!: :smile:
  20. If you think they're not listening you're just not paying attention

    I am not imposing my views on anyone, I am just trying to speak common sense. If you prefer to scream and kick and waste your blood over something you have absolutely no control over, be my guest, it's your blood pressure :smile:.
    It's unclear on what basis you are making these loud declarations ("absolutely no control"). As if you know the situation better than the developers, although you just got a quote from one of them. But since you allowed us to continue, I see no reason to argue further.
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