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  1. patch 1.123/1.124 feedback and suggestions

    Rad said:
    What about crashes concerns, for those who have GeForce video cards there were just issued new drivers and they are quite good and stable. I can only recommend to install them.  :wink:

    I get ridiculous stuttering with the latest (and indeed, more recent that 186.xx) geforce drivers.  It's literally like bullet time for 10% of the time.  8800 GTS 512 here...
  2. patch 1.123/1.124 feedback and suggestions

    Baron Conrad said:
    The reason they release a patch is so people will test it and they can find the problems and fix them, stop whining about new bugs, bugs happen, the devs can't get rid of them all before the patch is released.

    I thought that's what QA was for. :smile:

    Unless you're being sarcastic.

    Bah, if SP morale and pathing are broken this badly...  both are game-breaking.  I think I'll hold off on downloading this :smile:
  3. An Advanced Guide to Dueling - More Than Manual Block *Updated 6/16*

    Orion said:
    The only purpose it serves is to slow down their movement speed and annoy me.

    Given how few offensive tools the game gives you, I'll take what I can get.  Seriously, judicious backing up + good manual blocking trumps any offensive tools we have.  Against a good defensive player, you're basically waiting for him to make a physical mistake blocking, and your tools to outwit them are extremely limited.

    Orion said:
    So, I suppose my point is the term "feinting" could only be applied to an attack that is thrown and canceled with the intent of forcing an opponent to defend themselves against a false attack, and should only be applied if said maneuver is successful in forcing the opponent to defend.

    I don't think that's a good set of definitions.  One is a failed feint, the other is a successful feint, but both are feints.  What defines a feint is the intent, not the outcome.  If the feint is horribly bad, it's still a feint if it was intended as such, even if it's so bad the opponent can't tell that's what it was :smile:
  4. An Advanced Guide to Dueling - More Than Manual Block *Updated 6/16*

    EdwardWellcraft said:
    I don't see a point to all of the flourishes before combat even starts.

    So you're saying you never misjudge range by a tiny bit?  If you ever do, then deep feinting has a chance to trip you up.  If you don't (which, honestly, seems unlikely for anyone), then the person doing the feints hasn't lost anything.
  5. An Advanced Guide to Dueling - More Than Manual Block *Updated 6/16*

    King Harkinian said:
    I disagree with the concept of "deep feints" and "shallow feints".

    For one, how can you disagree with concepts?  That aside, it's not 100% clear when someone is or isn't in range.  The opponent's transition from deep feints into shallow feints or simply a real attack is where one gets caught.  Basically, you get them to ignore one move too many by making some initial moves clearly harmless.

    Also, I give your attempt to show off a fail.  :grin:
  6. For those thinking about writing an AAR...

    Peter Ebbesen said:
    <lots of stuff that I generally agree with>

    If someone is a good writer, they certainly don't need *me* to tell them what to write about.

    To your point that AARs are for the writer, while this may be true, if they actually do post them on a forum, we have to assume they are for the reader, too.

    My point was that these are an exercise in creativity.  An unimaginative retread of that mission is anything but.
  7. For those thinking about writing an AAR...

    monnikje said:
    A good example is Wyvern's 'Realm of the Wolf', a completed AAR on the Paradox forum, where he starts just before he forms his own kingdom. That's refreshing :smile:.

    Thanks for the link, starts out very nicely, I'll be reading that one!
  8. For those thinking about writing an AAR...

    ejnomad07 said:
    darkweaver said:
    For the love of god, please don't write about the mission where you rescue the merchant's brother.  We all may have heard that story once or twice before.
    What if they leave him to die?  :lol:

    Well then it's not the mission where they rescue the merchant's brother, now is it?  :grin:
  9. For those thinking about writing an AAR...

    For the love of god, please don't write about the mission where you rescue the merchant's brother.  We all may have heard that story once or twice before.
  10. WTH/F is going on with the shields?

    Ruthven said:
    Yet I've never had this problem, and I average 70-100 ping and get some ****ty lag every so often. Every time this has happened, I've either tried to kick them, or let go of the block button before I see they feinted. Manual block is one thing, but going through shields is quite another, and that I'm sure is not any fault with the game.

    I've had a few where I'm running up to someone who's clearly new, and chambering a strike, and had the right manual block up, and then had their attack hit me anyway.  It hasn't happened often in such a clear-cut scenario, but does make me wonder how often it actually does happen in the middle of a duel.  Never mind the stuttering I get every time there's a new map (and I've heard other people mention this as well).

    I kind of assumed shields would have the same occasional hiccup (but I don't use them much - mostly play on duel servers), so maybe they don't.  The one time I did see it was on that messed-up server where everyone had 0 ping and the lag was insane, so that was almost certainly to blame.  I mentioned that in case the OP's ping (which he thought was good) was being misreported as well...
  11. WTH/F is going on with the shields?

    Ruthven said:
    If you are having ping issues and a hit goes through your block, you clearly just didn't block at the right time. The game doesn't work on the basis of blocks "mostly" working, if you block you block and if the game says you didn't block, it's right.

    And yet, in the context of unavoidable ping spikes and occasional packet loss there is no way to know what the "right time" is.  So from the player's perspective (the only one that matters), blocks do "mostly" work.

    On top of that, servers get into a laggy state sometimes (exacerbating these problems) and need to be restarted.  Since a restart helps, that would seem to indicate that's not a network problem.

    Also, you're saying "the game is right", but there are two components to it.  The server is saying one thing, the client is saying another, and the server wins.  That approach is a tradeoff between increasing the difficulty of hacking the game and making the code simpler against a smoother experience for the player.  I'm fine with that (after all, games need to actually ship, etc), but it's silly to pretend that issues don't exist or only exist in the minds of players who don't have an appreciation for the correctness of the magical, omniscient server (after all, why should they?)
  12. WTH/F is going on with the shields?

    Ruthven said:
    See, you can't possibly hope to claim that there is a fault in the game with shields when everyone else with a mental capacity greater than that of a pea never seems to have this problem. So the fault must be entirely yours.

    I hope you're being sarcastic.  There are certainly bugs/ping issues.  I've been hit through blocks where I was *sure* I had it correctly - though this is rare, and of course discounting all the cases where the situation was a bit too fast paced to be sure.

    On to the OP:
    - I've had this happen on a server that was reporting ping <10 for everyone, but felt insanely laggy.  I don't know if the ping is being misreported or if the server is cpu-starved or if it's another issue, but shields basically did not work, at all.
    - I also had my mouse break in a peculiar way, where holding right click would very occasionally act like you released it for a split second, when you had not.  Realized it while coding some stuff up for another game and seeing the behavior, then made the connection with some hair-pulling "but I am sure I was blocking that" moments in m&b and warband :smile:  New mouse, problem solved.
  13. More Challenge for New Player? Archery or Polearms?

    excelsias said:
    Both options almost feel like cheating.  What am I doing wrong?  :p  I don't want it to be this easy!

    Going on foot, or using a 1-h on horseback are both very effective in terms of your contributions to the battle (where couch-lancing, while easier in some circumstances, is not as helpful to your army).

    I suspect your version of horse archery isn't, either, just because you're new.  For example, have you learned to shoot under/over shields yet?  Horse archery does get extremely cheesy once you get proficient and the character gains enough skillpoints.

    Bandits aren't a good measuring stick by any stretch, though.
  14. Is it worth getting Warband? NEW M&B Player here!

    excelsias said:
    Anyway - as you can tell, I'm a huge fan.  My question is now -- is Warband worth buying as well?  I can't tell how much value it adds to the single-player experience

    If you have *no* interest in MP, I'm not sure it's worth it.  I'd wait for a compelling SP mod to come out first.

    The kingdom management stuff sounds good on paper but is rudimentary (so are the politics and marriage).  It's less than what you get in terms of that from a good m&b mod. 

    It's the same engine as the original, the faction troops are the same, the companions are the same, the UI is the same, etc.

    You get minor graphics updates, and also get to re-learn the feel of combat (it's different enough so that you'll suck badly at first).

    So only get if for SP if you want to give $30 to support Taleworlds, which isn't a bad idea in and of itself :smile:
  15. Complaint - low budget all time

    Seawied86 said:
    the main problem is that there is no reason to keep fiefs.

    Hmm?  In my game, the fiefs pay for the garrisoned armies quite nicely, and there's usually a little left over.  I've got Wercheg, Ismirala Castle, and several villages not attached to those (so maybe 6-7 villages total).  I have about 800 troops garrisoned...

    Having the fiefs is great - extra troops for when you need reinforcements, and it's all free/makes you a bit of money.  Yeah if you garrison 400 swadian knights you'll have some money problems but really if you do that, you deserve it...
  16. Swadian Sergeant, WTF

    Upkeep is based purely on level (and whether a troop is cavalry or not, plus a merc multiplier...), so the difference isn't much if any.

    The rhodok crossbow line has 1 less tier, so they're a lot faster to train into sharpshooters.  The spearman line has a normal number of tiers, and every tier below sergeant is pretty bad, making them actually somewhat hard to train up.
  17. Swadian Sergeant, WTF

    tashim72 said:
    How come Swadia, the Knightly faction, has Sergeants with PS (power strike) on 6?

    Well, Swadian sergeants are pretty good, but it's mostly due to armor.  Keep in mind that a lot of the time, they'll get stuck with bastard sword/morning star + shield, which makes them suck badly at attacking (-35% damage AND speed for wielding those 1-handed).  The other weapon choices they get aren't all that hot either.  So you can't just look at the PS value and have a complete picture of how effective the unit is.  Weapon skill also comes into play (and I don't remember which unit has higher skill).
  18. Video

    darkweaver said:
    since Warband melee is so simple and you totally understand it (core fundamental, elements of combat, strategy, etc) :lol:

    It's certainly simpler than most people make it out to be.  There's not a lot of deep strategy, mostly it's good execution combined with a feel for the weapons and timing (and, again, limited mindgames).  Yeah when two people of a high skill level duel it gets deeper, but the "execution proficiency tax" is high enough that the true, more interesting game doesn't emerge often.  So it's simple, yes, but it's not easy.

    MadocComadrin said:
    You just contradicted yourself--the fact that you yourself went into that analysis lays the ground for further analysis. For example, if a person missed a block because they thought they were out of range, why did they think that? Was it a positioning error? Was it a unfamiliarity with the weapon? Does the duelist need glasses?

    What my analysis leads up to is, "since fixing all those errors is a matter of feel, looking at a vid just isn't going to help you" :smile:

    Edit: I wish there were more tools for distance control in the game.  For a game that's in very large part about range, there's very little you can do to manipulate it in more interesting ways than walking.

    P.S. All of the above is my opinion only, so don't start flaming and stuff.
  19. Beta patch 1.121

    Ringwraith #5 said:
    Wouldn't it be better to dress up as somebody with a weapon, like a soldier of that faction? It'd be even better if in order to do that you had to actually buy the appropriate equipment and wear it. Then when sneaking into a city, the game would check your equipment and base your chance of being discovered on how closely it matches the predefined template of that faction.

    I love that idea!  Might be too much of a hassle in gameplay terms, but still sounds very cool. 

    Another option might be something related to the persuasion skill (if it's higher, you have a better chance to get in).  What would be nice, actually, is if you have an alternate loadout for sneaking in, and its weight is limited (with limit going up with more points in persuasion, say).  So you could maybe only carry 10 units worth of gear, but you actually got to pick it.

  20. An Advanced Guide to Dueling - More Than Manual Block *Updated 6/16*

    LordHasek said:
    It's the kind of thing one learns by playing, I think, and not through a guide.  I think most people already understand that you need to be aware of weapon ranges, it's actually *instinctively knowing* those ranges that's the problem.  Perhaps I am mistaken, however.

    That's a valid criticism, and just as you cannot learn to play baseball by just watching a game on TV, or to dance by reading a book about dancing, this guide can only help you by giving you information on how to duel. However, I wrote the guide partially as a demonstration of the nuances and skill that goes into a duel and to cultivate an appreciation for that skill. If nothing else, I hope it can inspire people to pick up the game and provide everyone with some more competition.  :smile:

    Fair enough.  And I do hope we get more people.  I've kind of stopped playing MP mainly because of that :sad:

    Love your guys' duel server btw.  The battle one always seems to be empty whenever I check, though (east coast evenings)...
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