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  1. cocojambo

    Resolved 1.4 Beta Crash on launch

    We have released a hotfix for the crash on 1.4.0 beta version and it should be working now. If you did not get an update (9.7mb) try restarting your Steam clients. Have fun playing!

    Thank you for fast response! :grin:
  2. cocojambo

    Resolved 1.4 Beta Crash on launch

    When trying to load any save
  3. cocojambo

    Beta Patch Notes e1.4.0

    Same here. I crash when I try to start new campaign. No mods.

  4. cocojambo

    What hardware components do I need to upgraded to make bannerlord run smoother?

    Not sure you can at this point, SSD helps but even people with them and good builds are having problems. The Reg I played it on last night is i5 9600K at 5.0ghz, 32 gb or ram, RTX 2080 super, and a 2tb 1800mbs ssd. And it crashed and jerked all over the place, there is just things they need to fix right now. Some people with far less powerful rigs then the one I played are having no problems while others cant even play. So we just have to wait on TaleWorlds for some fixes.

    This I was running a GTX 970, I upgraded to a RTX 2070 Super and I could run graphic settings higher but it wasn't as smooth if that makes sense. Jittery etc.
  5. cocojambo

    SP - General Colorblind option for the game (Casualties Log and others)

    It confuses me why most games don't have the option nowadays. Pleasant surprise when they do.
  6. cocojambo

    Resolved Nukes?

    I recently upgraded to the new NVIDIA driver and it always plays havoc with my microphone and sound setttings. In future when you upgrade the driver do a manual installation and untick HD Audio driver part. This should hopefully avoid issues.

  7. cocojambo

    Ehh refunded it.

    I think people need to understand it is early access. Unlike 90% of other companies though I believe TW have a genuine early access and they actually want to finish the game rather than stay in EA for a decade.

    Right on the last day of the beta there was severe bugs so I expected the worse. Whatever just enjoy the 20% off and let it sit in your library till it's done if you care that much. I almost feel bad for them, I wanted to pay the full £40. They've been working on this for 10 years.

    Taleworlds arnt money grabbing naughty Devs just stick by them and Bannerlord and the wait will be worth it. I've waited a decade now, what's a little more time?
    Like count Graham said, they're releasing it so it's not a meme anymore
  8. cocojambo

    Resolved [BUG] Crash/Freeze Leaving Menus | Trading etc.

    I made a new campaign save and I'm not having the issue now. Confusing, is save corruption a thing?
  9. cocojambo

    Resolved [BUG] Crash/Freeze Leaving Menus | Trading etc.

    I was playing the Campaign for a while absolutely fine. I can't say when but it reached a point where exiting out of most menus by pressing "cancel" or "done" just freezes the game and crashes. Not sure if it'll help but heres where I was at when I crashed probably for the 15th time. Each time...
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