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  1. Documentation Coding Community Modding Documentation

    Hey I am not sure if this should be include in the community documentation but right now skills are unimplemented for troops.

    You can test this out yourself by:
    *on 1/3 easiest damage settings
    *I removed all equipment sets except for the last one which spawns with stones and a hammer.

    Looters at 10 skill for everything: deal 3-4 damage throwing stones, 7-9 damage with hammers
    Looters at 400 skill for everything : deal 3-4 damage throwing stones, 7-9 damage with hammers
    Looters at 2000 skill for everything: deal 3-4 damage throwing stones, 7-9 damage with hammers

    It can be noted that Athletics did have an effect, 400 skill looters were fast, 2000 skill looters were very fast

    Anyhow, perhaps some "unimplemented" section could be added that details various effects that are unimplemented. this might save some people time. I have already wasted at least 4 hours trying to get my mod (Stats Actually Matter) to work for troops only to find out that is impossible. Any mod that changes troop stats is also a waste of time.
  2. Resolved Skills have no effect on troop performance

    Summary:Skills, aside from athletics, have no effect on how well a troop performs in combat How to Reproduce: *on 1/3 easiest damage settings *I removed all equipment sets except for the last one which spawns with stones and a hammer. Looters at 10 skill for everything: deal 3-4 damage...
  3. An Endless War....

    How did you get relation to 100? Getting anyone past a relation of 10 seems to take forever

    finedwarvenmods said:
    The quest is easy though, if you're friends with the lord on your side then taking the hit to relation should be rather minor, even -25 relation is nothing to me when I have duke alamar at 100. Convincing the lord on the other side will be impossible if he outnumbers you though. He will just try to kill you and there will be no dialogue option, so you'll have to win the fight to finish the quest. I finished, and after 5 days the war was over!
  4. This just got posted on reddt, is this fixed in POP?

    Thank you for the information, I would also like to say this was not posted as a suggestion. I was asking if the fix was already in POP. Apparently it is not.

    I also suspected that I would not be able to put the fix into POP or any other mod text-wise. I was operating off hope.

    Thank you again!
  5. This just got posted on reddt, is this fixed in POP? This is a post detailing the effect of kill order on loot. In essence: if you kill 100 farmers first, all you will loot is their stuff, none of the kickass equipments from the higher level...
  6. Best Early game strategy?

    How does one farm amazons?

    Just wondering. :fruity:
  7. Best Early game strategy?

    Sorry let me clarify:

    By mercenary crossbows i do mean the sharpshooter line of mercenaries.
    I can hire 7 of them for less then 2 thousand and they have such a small wage, they seemed very OP in the early game.
  8. Best Early game strategy?

    Still new to Persino.
    Tuidjy said:
    There are a few things that I will not do:
    - I will not grind the amazons
    - I will not grind the sectarian priests
    - I will not use household troops, except to 'maintain' equipment.
    - I will not buy honor
    - I will only get one relation boost from a joined fight
    - I will not develop land
    what do you mean by
    "Grind amazons or sectarian priests"
    "Household troops"
    "Buy honor"

    While I am asking questions may as well ask the rest of them.
    Are mercenary crossbows really OP for their cost, or am I just crazy?
    On my CHA max character I found no use for persuasion, is there any way to make use of this early on?
    What is the strategy for completing the "get 2 lords to agree to peace" quest, I can't seem get much done even with 9 persuasion.
  9. Best Early game strategy?

    The early game in Persino is fantastic with so many ways to go about it. I was just wondering what is the best out of all of them. This is what i currently do: 1. Go north, wayyyyyy north. To the island with the brown dudes (I forget the names) 2. This island is great because it is void of...
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