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  1. Amortem

    The Skin Poppet - Suggestions

    And there are few more ideas that i'd like to bring for your judgement.
    As an alternative way to end the Museum storyline, player could mix infinity stone, Green meteorite and 5 nightmare cubes in the Cup of Hebe. Why would you do that? To create a Tesseract Cube.  An artifact that is equally as dangerous as impossible.
    It acts roughly like the infamous Ghost Machine. Except for one thing: instead of giving units to player it... kills you. Well, only in 1% chance. So only the exceptionally misfortunate (posessed) or hardcore players will hesitate using it.
    Usually it will just grant you one of random items from items pool. Usually.
    But beware! After using the cube 10 times, every time you force a prisoner into the Tesseract cube, you will have a 12,5% chance to be dragged into a nightmare-ish realm. And this is where the fun begins. Because the poor souls are being transformed into something else. Imagine a vaguely human-shaped insane mass of flesh, hornes, eyes, screaming mouths and other nice things. Well, you'll encounter plenty of those. More specifically - number of prisoners you pushed there divided by 100. So yes, after some time using this cube becomes a risky thing.

    After reaching certain rank in necromancy monk character could find new recruits by preaching on the streets of towns. Depending on charisma, player can be either ignored, attacked by guards or succesfully recruiting farmers to his/her party.

    Farmers should be upgradable to acolytes. Aside from that, it could be a good idea to make acolytes upgradable using their experience, if necromantic upgrades are unavailible for the player. Of course, such options should be limited to "evil" equivalent of sea raiders or mercenary swordsmen at best. Speaking of necromancers, it'll probably be a neat idea to make them generate troops of their type. I.e. bloodpreservers generate preserved zombies, shadowlords generate brollachan, etc.
    It may be slightly overpowered, so it might be a good thing to limit the spawn, depending on player's party capacity. So when party is 50% or less full, they will generate with the 100% frequency (same one as Hawkers') 52% capacity - 95% speed, 54% - 90%, etc.

    Making 2-3 alternate bodies and enabling random heads/legs/hands would be just fine for them. Otherwise they look like their master deliberately chopped their heads off and sewed exactly same bits together to make his troops identical.
  2. Amortem

    The Legion Drum - Post Screenshots and Gameplay Videos Here

    I took an oportunity to alter great artificer's appearence a little bit.
  3. Amortem

    The Skin Poppet - Suggestions

    Malgus20033 said:
    Amortem said:
    It might be silly and completely breaking the flow and immersion of the game, but N0ught, have you considered different setting? For example, how Calradia would look if the same events took place during something like WW1 in Calradia?
    Just brainstorming, but the concept itself might be something refreshing. For example: a bunch of vaegir soldiers desperately fighting off zombies using bayonets and entrenching tools.
    But then it would not be that supernatural, just some WWZ game, and most of the things like poseidon, zeus, hades, bloodfountain, fairies, headless horsemen, typhon, liches, necromancers, and like 80% of the game wouldnt belong there, and would be like making another mod

    Well, Poseidon, Zeus, Hades and all the others are technically immortal, so there wouldn't be much difference if it would take place 500 years later. Besides, the Green Meteorite seems (IMHO) even more out of the place, since it is almost a direct reference to Heavy Metal, that takes place in the far future and has more of a sci-fi feeling to it.
    Also it would explain why Nicola Tesla, Leonardo Da Vinci, Hippocrates and all other historical characters ended up in Calradia. For example the events of S&S predate Leonardo Da Vinci's birth by roughly 150 years. 200 years in case of Robin Hood.
    Tl;dr - the mod's lore is already messed up timeline-wise.

    Another point: at this moment vanilla factions have zero chances against smaller undead parties, not speaking of a full-scale demon invasion (Necropolis). If player would decide to fight for one of vanilla factions (s)he would end up fighting endless hordes of undead creatures. So basically, it's about giving a chance to human kingdoms.

    Speaking of WWZ - i'll have to disagree with you. There aren't as many Great War games at the moment. Except for Verdun and Battlefield 1. But they are rather shallow, so to say. None of them has the depth of M&B, so this would be an interesting experience. Great War didn't have a side that could be called unambiguous evil. Just a bunch of people that were sent to a certain death. A demon invasion could stir up such set up quite well, leading to interesting consequences.

  4. Amortem

    The Skin Poppet - Suggestions

    It might be silly and completely breaking the flow and immersion of the game, but N0ught, have you considered different setting? For example, how Calradia would look if the same events took place during something like WW1 in Calradia?
    Just brainstorming, but the concept itself might be something refreshing. For example: a bunch of vaegir soldiers desperately fighting off zombies using bayonets and entrenching tools.
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