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  1. SCV Arius

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    I'm trying to find the rapier but I can't access the other continents of Aroulo Ojibkwan. I think I need to use a boat but can't seem to find where to get one...
    the dueler's in the town. search 'harder'.
  2. SCV Arius

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    I assumed something like this was the case, but mostly am pointing at the bear as making no sense, thus considering it a bug per the choice.
    From what I remember from reading patch notes and replies from the devs (Leonion, I think?), that a Drachen priestess is riding an Aroulo Bear as a replacement for her dragon is a joke on purpose. You could take it off her if you can.
  3. SCV Arius

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    I was looking in the game files on why Temesin Castle (Draharan, owned by Emir Najib) is missing from the current build (1.1.3 steam version), and noticed that it got replaced by the new Cretasan castle (owned by new vassal, Liana) instead. Is this intentional on the devs' part?
  4. SCV Arius

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    Own culture with third Legion? Culture (300k) and Venetoran Faction exists.
    Seems to be a 'bug' of sorts. Third Legion and Ventoran troop trees are separate, and there is no villager-tier third legion unit available, nor is there a Venetoran culture option for players from what I remember. Might have to wait for devs to answer this...

    To your questions on crossbow cavalry, you would have to order a 'weapons at will' & 'fire at will' command every battle, so that horsemen with missiles, usable or not, can contribute to the fight anyways. For the AI... tough luck for them, I guess.
  5. SCV Arius

    Perisno Q&A + FAQ

    Are the suggested enterprises in Eriallen Tofu's Enterprise List the ones guaranteed to always generate a profit regardless of how bad the economy is?
    Based on the products generated by the nearby available villages usually consisting of raw materials for said enterprises (check if Sut villages produce iron for the recommended ironworks in Sut as an example), I would say yes to your assumption.
  6. SCV Arius

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    Hello! Hotfix 1.1.3. Small faction's marshals are getting stuck assembling army. I have seen the Cretas marshal (Kafak), who had both the lady vassal and the king+his escort following him, standing pointlessly. When asked what is the realm doing, he said they were assembling army. But there were no more vassals to assemble.
    I think I also saw this with dwarves, where there was probably just the king missing, but he was imprisoned. I am not 100% sure that the army was otherwise complete though.
    I hope this is helpful info. I love your mod!
    I would assume that there is a check (by the AI). on the total autocalc strength of gathered forces determining if the group will risk an attack or not.

    Recruiter unable to work venetorians, despite having faction with TTL culture.
    Have you created your own kingdom by this point? Does the Venetoran Empire faction exist, with leaders, vassals and fiefs?
  7. SCV Arius

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    Latest build, The Zann just invaded (I set it to day 350), they were taking my castle(Enduin) and i am with Tolrania, I tried to join the battle from outside of the castle but it would not let me, i get the usual options when you own the castle.
    The Zann actually kept looking neutral to me although they have been attacking Tolrania.
    I took all my troops out of the castle and the battle turned Zann vs Zann 51 (the garrison) against many hundreds.
    If it may help, one of the hoards was in the battle.
    If it helps, I noticed the following scenario;

    Player as Tolranian vassal, Zann hordes land, but player relations with them remain neutral even when Zann are hostile to Tolrania and other factions.

    Surely player relations should be synchronized with factions they join? Of course not to the degree of Ankars ignoring an Elintoran mercenary player.
  8. SCV Arius

    Perisno Mod Bug Reports

    Temesin Castle doesn't exist anymore in the current build (v1.1.3). Consequently, its owner, Emir Najib of Drahara, is now fiefless.

    edit: Furthermore, Visavo Hendrus of the Venetorans have switched allegiances to Tolrania despite Venetor not existing nor the Third Legion questline being triggered during my current playthrough.
  9. SCV Arius

    [DISCUSSION] Fan Suggestion Thread

    Klappvisor Bascinet? That's a helmet, isn't it? You'll have to wait for Konrad to reply, then.
  10. SCV Arius

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Just a note;

    All Knighthood order Knights require factional knights, except the Knights of the Falcon that use Maiden Nobles from the female mercenary line.

    Using Leonion's tweaks that change the gender of CKO knights do not change the fact that factional knights are still needed to create CKO knights.
  11. SCV Arius

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    Well, you could consider the pros & cons of using the blunted lance against the range of regular lances available.

    Blunted lance has
    1. Long reach, and
    2. Deals decent damage comparable to regular lances.

    1. You actually need to hit the enemy, since chamber and regular blocking, and shields will negate the damage, and
    2. The weapon is near-useless on foot, unlike some regular lances.

    Regular lances, including the Calradian set and the Pendorian set, has
    1. Multiple lengths for different purposes (Light to Heavy lances can be used as regular spears),
    2. Piercing damage is the norm, only chamber blocking and regular blocking will negate damage, shields will take heavy damage if used, and
    3. Regular lances are easily attainable, with their quality boosts, than blunt lances.

    Of course,
    Killing the enemy is more likely due to momentum while mounted increasing lethality, whereas using blunted lances guarantee nonlethal neutralisation.
  12. SCV Arius

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    As Ralyks18 said, longer lances and better horses (high Speed, possibly Manoeuvrability?) are needed for getting better lancer cavalry.

    However, you wanted heavy cavalry with lances, not shock cavalry with lances.

    To mitigate this problem, you will have to devote at least two weapon slots to melee weapons that are
    [list type=decimal]
    [*]Usable as a footsoldier weapon
    [*]Not a two-handed weapon

    The presence of missile weapons limits your options if you want lances in their load-out.
    [list type=decimal]
    [*]If you want lancer cavalry using shields, and bows or crossbows, you will have to deal with lance-using knights in siege battles.
    [*]If you want lancer cavalry using shields, and javelins, you will have to deal with half your knights using lances in siege battles.


    To answer your initial question, you could use;
    • Long Knight Lance
    • Long Cavalry Lance
    • Jatu Honor Lancer
  13. SCV Arius

    Gekokujo: Submods (Announce, Release, Comment, and Suggest)

    In that case, you're out of luck since the emperor didn't really show any interest in taking back his authority from the shogunate until the Boshin War.
  14. SCV Arius

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers


    The presence of Lady Valkyries in Boadice's party is, most presumably, an old carry-over from earlier PoP versions.
    I suspect that the Valkyries were originally trainable from female mercenaries before being purely Fierdsvain troops.
    The game manual in PoP does mention such a fact.
  15. SCV Arius

    Gekokujo: Submods (Announce, Release, Comment, and Suggest)

    Well, Ashikaga Yo****eru was still alive at the time period of Nobunaga's life until his untimely demise by the hands of Matsunaga Hisahide. Both latter characters have an equivalent NPC in the game.
    And if that isn't valid due to a wrong time period, then why does the Imagawa claimant exist? The downfall of that clan is certainly within the ruling era of Yo****eru.
  16. SCV Arius

    Gekokujo: Submods (Announce, Release, Comment, and Suggest)

    Considering that the theoretical time period of the game is after the Onin War, I would guess a suitable claimant is Ashikaga Yo****eru, the 'Kengo Shogun'. What if in this game, he managed to escape from the Miyoshi and escape his real-life fate?
  17. SCV Arius

    Leaving a Knighthood Order and Joining another

    You're stuck with helping the Immortals with their battles, unfortunately. That is the risk of abandoning a knighthood order for another one.
    You could attempt to help them if their war party appears to help defend the Empire. The party is large enough that you could participate against fights with larger enemy groups.

    Please post similar questions on the quick questions/quick answers thread next time.
  18. SCV Arius

    [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    Oh, so that's why there are two versions of the Long Axe and similar weapons side-by-side in the items list...
  19. SCV Arius

    [SUBMOD] Tweaking PoP 3.7 (UPD #45, 2016-12-17, 04:34 PM)

    So, what does that flag actually do, besides being equip-able by NPCs in non-combat scenes?
  20. SCV Arius

    [LEGACY] Quick Questions // Quick Answers

    On another note, I would like to find out about the following details;

    In Pendor,
    1. What would you define as heavy cavalry?
    2. What would you define as shock cavalry?
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