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  1. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    For reference in the cap threads added link to the new test version.

    1. Changed factions.
    2. Changed the beginning of the game, Changed the Protagonist and NPCs. Those NPS which are in Fashion can be taken in the party are already in the party since the start of the game. The Main Character, a high-level and the new level he will have to soon, carefully distribute the attributes and skills early in the game, "strength" recommend to put in 15.
    3. In Mod added almost all weapons, armor, clothing.
    4. Changed the names of the Lords according to the book, "Captain of Morgoth" fully ready, can see them.
    5. If you want to rate riders orcs ("Wolfrider") must fight with "Steppe Bandit".

    While everything else will be updated later.
  2. world_silmarillion

    Question regarding Horse "Size"

    Thank you for your help!
    Works :smile:
  3. world_silmarillion

    SP Native Civilians Mod - 0.8 Beta

    Ikaguia thank You so much for your help, and for useful scripts which are found in great amounts in Your topics!
    About the armor I will check and then I will unsubscribe about results here.

    Lav in this topic I would like to say a big thank you for You have done great work for the good of the community!
    Your scripts are in safe hands :smile:
  4. world_silmarillion

    Question regarding Horse "Size"

    Good day!
    Please tell me how to change the physical size of the horse in MS?
  5. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    If you want to apply your knowledge Welcome aboard colleague    :wink:
  6. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    Hello dear La Grandmaster, I thank for the help!
    Long ago I had a question on OSP "Grandmasters Shaders - Basic Seasons & Wind effects",302094.0.html
    Now, when you came into the topic, sorry, but I can't not take the opportunity to ask a question.
    Please could You append the script so that the seasons were tied to the calendar and changed themselves, depending on what month in the game.
    In advance ,thanks.
  7. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    Redleg, fladin  thank you !

    Settlements now visible only when approached.

    IMHO, I think once discovered, places must remain  visible on the map
    anyway, it's up to you (it's your mod after all)
    In my opinion, it is more realistic, because when You are removed from the city after a while cease to see him.
    You are right, I think I'll have to make a tab with a map in the presentation, where we will see where the cities are located, how did master rubik.,251355.0.html
    But if someone doesn't like it, he can easily change in MS.
    For this you need only change 2 lines in
    pf_town = pf_is_static|pf_show_faction|pf_label_large
    pf_castle = pf_is_static|pf_show_faction|pf_label_medium
    pf_town = pf_is_static|pf_always_visible|pf_show_faction|pf_label_large
    pf_castle = pf_is_static|pf_always_visible|pf_show_faction|pf_label_medium
  8. world_silmarillion

    SP Native Civilians Mod - 0.8 Beta

    Good day!
    The two posts above Ikaguia wrote how to create units of different height.,183200.msg4547229.html#msg4547229
    On image shows the units dressed alike, but are different heights.
    Please tell me what to do that would fit the armor to units smaller or larger growth?
  9. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    Need help in creating scripts, scenes, models, textures!!!
    Those who wish to write, I would be very grateful for your help.
    Now especially need help in writing and correcting scripts.

  10. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    In fact, the list of what needs to be implemented.

    You will have the opportunity to observe the process of implementation.
    What will be realized will be written in green.
    That will be partially sold will be written in blue.

    The list will eventually be corrected, something added, something to get out.

    If you can help with the implementation of the above, not hesitate, write, I will be very grateful :smile:

    Be done MC (Main Character, Player) from the beginning of the game a full Head a small fraction.

    Due to the fact that made on the global map, isolated areas and Islands, having stuck of Parties that should be eliminated. See it as writing a script which will fire say every 3 hours. If during this time the party moved, but not changed their position — the party changes the destination(or go back).

    Caravans they are not needed in the game will have them properly removed or clearly defined point of destination.

    Based on the fact that part of the game related to the Islands and the sea, where MC will find a safe place for his people, it is necessary to implement a complete walking on the sea for fractions "kingdom_5" and "player" (MC fractions) after dialogue with the head "kingdom_5" and gift MC fraction the ship.
    That's like have implemented sea travel,316581.0.html .
    I want to also implement for MC the opportunity to build with logs, the rafts through the camp menu, and descend on them on the rivers, but the inability to sail them on the sea. Script to ban "overland parties" on the Islands to go to towns and castles on the mainland, and Vice versa "overland parties" on the mainland to go to towns and castles on the Islands. It is also possible the script should deny the parties on the mainland to go to towns and castles in isolated areas.

    Modify of villages or to remove from the game , so it not caused errors.

    To make the population increase a "natural". Each unit of "woman" once a year or once a month brings some % of units a "girl" or a "boy" (in the ratio 50: 50). % of children appearing different in different Nations. Once a year or once a month  some % of units a "girl" or a "boy" turn into units of a "young woman" and "young man" respectively, and % of birth units turning is different in different Nations.

    To remove an abstract of the population of the cities and other settlements, what would units of the garrison  was the entire population of the city and other settlements.

    The opportunity to improve recruits not only in warriors but in hunters, builders, farmers, various masters thus shaping not only the army but also the population structure, and hence the proportion of production of objects, food, constructions at its own discretion.
    Different units give different resources depending on the specialty unit.

    To implement learning centers and training camps. Learning centers teach boys to educated young men (different from boys : +6 intellect and accordingly levels, and skill_points +60 weapon_points); to educate boys and young men's in different specialists, etc.
    Training camps teach the soldiers, as well as NPCs, Lords, Ladies, MC. Day workout NPCs, Lords, Ladies, MC adds for example + 500 exp and 10 weapon_points.

    I would like to implement a bonus +1 strength and +1 agility which will get NPC, Lords, Ladies, MC in achieving each type weapon_points 150,300,450 .

    Training NPCs, Lords, Ladies by reading books, together with MC. Getting from reading all the books +1 Intelligence.

    The opportunity to take to the party of MC - NPC, Lords, Ladies(all units with the tf_hero flag).

    The ability to join a faction Enemy (kingdom_3).

    The opportunity to join the battle on either side.

    The death of all the heroes, lords, Ladies, Wives, children, NPC – All except "trp_kingdom_3_lord" and trp_knight_3_1" !!! So the game feels much sharper and more realistic.

    To make the most powerful warriors in the line of light forces, always positive morale, and the inability to flee from the battlefield - they are the Heroes die, but do not give up.

    It is possible, though questionable!!! Implement the ability to turn in the lords(military leaders) and NPC, units from among the strongest warriors in the line occurring both in the tavern and on the way.

    It is possible, though questionable!!! to be able to increase/decrease the morale of the army depending on the moral qualities of the Lord, NPC.

    It is possible, though questionable!!! to make possible the domestication of animals, with the transformation of some in the livestock(such as hogs, elk, bison, etc), some in mounts(Deer, Bison, etc.), some in combat units(e.g. wolves, bears).

    To make possible the hunt with getting after it meat,fish,poultry.

    It is possible, though questionable!!! To make on the global map flying units that can move over impassable for normal units objects (mountains, rivers, sea), and to place their camps on  impassable for normal units places (e.g. mountains, Islands).

    It is possible, though questionable!!! The ability to dial in army flying units(eagles), or at least to make the battle on their side.

    The ability to recruit big (giants) units (such as Treants, Trolls) or at least to make the battle on their side, trained animals (such as wolves, possibly bears).

    To implement in the game dragons and barlog(fire demons) .

    It is possible, though questionable!!! The implementation of the disposal on the local map with a strange message about the event (place,circumstances) with a proposal to pass location or to reach a certain object, without the possibility to give up and quit before reaching the desired point. In the location can be either an ambush (combat), and interesting event, meeting.

    The ability to place troops on the map and give them orders before the battle.

    Implementation the organization of the ambush units (possibly special line units that not will be visible on the global map for enemies). Units have also implemented the possibility to sit, lie down, building pits traps, ambush in the mountains, the forest.

    To realize the binding of invisibility(of poor visibility for enemies) unit if he sat down(on one knee).

    Implement officer (commander) line of units, having the horn in your inventory, which they might give orders on the battlefield, or answer horn MC, and singing horns caused the rise of morality surrounding warriors allies, and enemies decreases.

    To combine for MC give orders units (attack, collect, hold position) with singing horns.

    It would be great if Balrog (barlage -demons of fire and darkness, fear) on the battlefield struck fear - the morale drop on the enemy soldiers within a certain distance.
    To link the probability of joining to party of MC with the skill of "persuasion", and possibly with relations with the faction to which the unit belongs.

    Adjust damage, weapons, armor, weight, sight radius, speed of movement, etc.

    To be continued...
  11. world_silmarillion

    SP Fantasy FAS.471 mod on episode of works of J. R. R. Tolkien's the Silmarillion

    Welcome fans of Mount&Blade, especially those who is a connoisseur of creativity J. R. R. Tolkien. Pleased to present to the public the developed mod on the episode from the works of Tolkien "Silmarillion", and ask for assistance in wanting to help. Preliminary title:       THE WORLD OF THE...
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